/ Whitney Jr Wildcats
Post Season Competition Squad
Information Packet
Competition Season /


The WJW competition squad(s) are being created as an optional cheer squad(s) to allow the cheerleaders in the WJW youth cheer program to participate in a more competitive cheer program once the football season ends. WJW’s experience has been that the majority of the youth cheer programs throughout the region are moving in the direction of combined competition squad(s) in the post season in order to compete at a higher level. The competition squad(s) provide an opportunity for the Coaches to combine the talents and skills of our cheerleaders to form more skilled and competitive squad(s). Ultimately, the goal is to compete at one of the Jr Nationals competitions in February 2017.

This cheer program will be different than the regular WJW youth cheer program. It is expected that the cheerleaders, coaches, instructors and parents will be more dedicated, skilled and competitive than during the youth football and cheer season. The commitment is greater, both financially and in terms of the time commitment.

Competition Squad Definition:

Based on the interest expressed, age and skill level of our cheerleaders, WJW will form one or more competition squads. The competition squad(s) will be comprised of cheerleaders from the Mighty Mite (if age and skill level approved) through Midget squads to create a Maroon/Gold/White competition squad(s). (Some exceptions in squad placement may be made based on age and skill level.) Participation on the competition squad(s) is optional (as outlined in the application and selection process below). The Vice President of Cheer and Cheer Coordinator, with input from the Coaches, will make the decision as to how many participants will be selected for each squad based on the number of interested applicants and their skill levels.

Competition Squad Coaches:

Coaches for the competition squad(s) will be appointed/selected by the Vice President of Cheer. The Comp Squad Coaches will work with the VP in selecting the cheerleaders who will participate on the competition squads and will share in the responsibilities of all coaching duties from the end of the football season through the extended season. In order to be successful and create a competitive squad, the coaches require your full support and cooperation in adhering to attendance policies, practice schedules and cheer clinic commitments.

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WJW Cheer

Competition Squad Information Packet

Selection Process:


In order to participate on the competition squad(s), cheerleader must have cheered for WJW during the regular 2016 football season.

All applicants must have attended all mandatory events as outlined in the WJW try out information packet (i.e. all cheer camps, clinics and regular season competition events).

Applicants must be in good standing with the WJW program (volunteer hours, fund raising commitments met and outstanding balances paid).

All applicants must have demonstrated a strong commitment to the team, exhibited positive and respectful attitudes (toward Coaches, Instructors and teammates) and had good attendance during the regular 2016 football season.


Cheerleaders interested in participating on a WJW competition squad must complete a Notice of Interest and agree to the commitments outlined herein before they will be eligible for consideration. The interested cheerleader and a parent/guardian must sign the Notice of Interest form. There will be no tryouts held for participation on the competition squad(s). Cheerleaders will be evaluated by the Vice President of Cheer and Head Coaches based on team commitment, attitude, attendance and the following skills as demonstrated throughout the season:





·Stunting strength and position


Note: The submission of a Notice of Interest to participate on the competition squad(s) does not guarantee selection and/or participation.


The number of cheerleaders selected to participate on the competition squad(s) will be determined by the Vice President of Cheer, Cheer Coordinator and Head Coaches and based on skill level and available stunt group positions and needs.

Those cheerleaders who are selected to participate on the competition squad(s) will be notified via a posting of the competition squad roster(s) to the WJW web site (whitneyjrwildcats.org) by midnight on , November 11th, 2016.

Those cheerleaders who are not selected to participate on the competition squad(s) this season are strongly encouraged to apply again next year. As cheerleaders leave the WJW program and/or move into other programs positions are vacated and new opportunities become available.

Parent Participation:

WJW is a volunteer non-profit organization and therefore parent participation and support is extremely important and necessary. During the competition season parents will be required to assist with fundraising activities as needed and volunteer to assist with event planning, care of indoor facilities, mat transportation and set up and provide support to the Head Coaches.

Competition Squad Schedule of Events:

The following schedule is intended to provide you with advance notice as to the level of commitment required for participation on the competition squad(s). Your signature on the Acknowledgement of Receipt Form below confirms your receipt of this document and agreement to meet these commitments.

·This schedule is subject to change based on facility availability and final competition dates selected.

·The actual competitions attended by each squad will be selected by the Squad’s Head Coach(es).

·The location of all practices will be determined, Whitney High School, Sunset Ranch Springview middle school, and potentially a local gym. Times for all practices will be determined at a later date.

·Additional stunt and/or choreography clinics not listed at this time may be scheduled throughout the competition season. Participation at all stunt/choreography clinics is mandatory. The penalty for missing a mandatory clinic will be removal from the competition squad.

·All competitions should be considered all day events.

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WJW Cheer

Competition Squad Information Packet


Week of the 1st-4th / Open Tryouts
Week of the 7th-11th / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
21st-22nd / Possible practice
the 23th thru 27rd / Tentatively No practice. Thanksgiving break.
Week of 28th-2nd / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Week of the 5th-9th / Practice 3-4 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Week of the 12th-16th / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
17 or 18th / Possible Competition – Antelope
Week of the 19th-23rd / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Week of 26th thru 27th1st / Tentatively No practice. Christmas/New Year break
Week of the 2th thru 6th / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Saturday the 7th / Definite competition – USA-Del Campo
Week of the 9th thru 13th / Practice 3-4 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Sunday the 14th / possible Competition – Oakmont High School
Week of the 16th thru 20th / Practice 2 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Week of the 23th thru 27th / Practice 2 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Week of the30ththru 3rd / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Week of the 6th thru 10th / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Saturday the 11th / Possible Competition Spirit Spectacular Sacramento
Week of the 13th thru 17th / Practice 3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Saturday the 18th / Possible Saturday practice. Time TBD.
Week of the 20th thru 22nd / Practice 2-3 nights this week. Days/Times TBD
Friday the 24th / Travel Day to Southern California
Saturday the 25th / Jr Nationals at Disneyland
Sunday the 12th / End of Season Competition Squad Party


As mentioned previously, the competition season requires a higher level of commitment from both cheerleaders and their parents. In order to have adequate time to form the competition squad(s), learn the competition routine(s) and prepare the competition squad(s) for competition, the practice schedule is aggressive. All practices require MANDATORY attendance and participation from every cheerleader. Competition squad practices are “closed” to non-participants (i.e. parents, siblings, friends, etc.) unless otherwise notified by the Head Coach. This allows the squad(s) to practice more effectively and focus with no disruption.

Although all practices are mandatory, exceptions will be made for school functions or if a cheerleader becomes ill or an emergency situation arises. All absences must be reported to and approved by the designated Head Coach PRIOR to the beginning of a scheduled practice or function. Absences must be reported via a telephone call to the head Coach (no texting, emailing, etc.).

Competition Process:


There are several organizations, such as the United Spirit Association (USA), Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) and JAMZ who host cheerleading competitions. Each organization requires that every squad attend at least one competition at which they must score a minimum number of points in order to qualify to compete at their “Nationals” competition which is the final event of the cheer season.

Each WJW competition squad will select a number of qualifying competition dates in case the required minimum score is not received at the first competition. Even if the minimum score is received at the first competition, the squad(s) may choose to attend the second qualifying competition in order to gain valuable competitions experience. It will be up to the Head Coach(es) to decide what competitions and how many their squad(s) will attend.

Jr Nationals:

Unless otherwise determined prior to the beginning of the competition season, the WJW competition squad(s) will compete at the USA Jr Nationals event on February 25th, 2017. The Jr Nationals competition requires travel to Southern California and could extend over two to three days. The costs associated with travel, hotel accommodations and even tickets would be the responsibility of each individual family. The Nationals event to be attended and the final date and location of the event will be determined by the Head Coach(es) and announced at a later date.

Estimated Costs to Participate:

WJW cheer conducts fund raising activities throughout the season to help pay for the costs associated with competitions. Costs which exceed the amount raised by each squad will need to be covered by each individual cheerleader. The costs estimates will depend on the number of participants selected to each team.

We will represent a high-end estimate of the expected costs during the competition season and these will be broken down for you at the first parent meeting. The Post Season Competition Squad will run from the middle of November through first week in March.

Payment due dates:

As mentioned previously, depending on the success of each individual squad(s) fundraising activities, the estimated costs noted above for each individual cheerleader could be less. Additionally, the competition squad(s) may also consider conducting fund raising activities specifically to assist with costs associated with the competition season.

On November 16th, 2016 an initial payment of $150 is due. The Vice President of Cheer and Cheer Coordinator will then determine the total estimated amount of money needed to participate in the selected competitions/events and a schedule of payments will be determined and presented to the parents.

Revise: 10/4/12 - tds


Post Season Competition Squad Information Packet


I have received and read the WJW Post Season Competition Squad Information Packet. I understand the application and selection process and that I/my daughter am/is not guaranteed a position on the competition squad. I also understand the time and financial commitment and the expectations set forth herein and agree to abide by these, as well as any other requirements that may be established.

As a parent, I support my daughter’s participation on the competition squad and agree to adhere to the guidelines set forth and will make every effort to ensure that my daughter adheres to them as well.

As a Whitney Jr Wildcat Cheerleader, if I am selected to participate on the competition squad, I also agree to adhere to the practice schedule and time commitment and to participate in a respectful, attentive and team oriented manor. I agree to put forth my best effort at all times, to HAVE FUN, CHEER LOUD AND PROUD, and to represent WJW in the most respectful manner throughout the competition season.


Parent SignatureDate


Cheerleader SignatureDate

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