Introduction to Technology: Engineering & Fabrication

Mr. Berend, , 760.753.1121 extension 5123

Course Description

Welcome to the Engineering & Fabricationsection of the Introduction to Technology series of classes! Thiscourse lasts 17 school days and will teach you the basic knowledge and skills used by people employed in manufacturing, construction, and engineering careers. The course consists of mainly hands-on projects. You will learn about safety, metal layout and fabrication, plastic injection, vacuum forming, computer numerically controlled milling, and computer aided design using SolidWorks. You will watch many other demonstrations in order to find out if taking a more advanced class such as Metals 1, Robotic Engineering technology, or Welding is a good fit for you.

The required assignments are:

  1. Safety test – 18 points
  2. Screwdriver-18 points (skills: layout and hand tool skills)
  3. Yo-Yo -18 points (skills: plastic injection, drill press)
  4. Stainless Steel Ring-18 points (skills: torch basics, soldering, sandblasting, finishing)
  5. CNC Engraving12 points(skills: computer aided design, cnc mill setup, MasterCAM CAD software)
  6. Plastic Heart – 6 points (skills: plastic injection, sanding
  7. Vacuum forming project – 12 points (skills: vacuum forming)
  8. Solidworks CAD -18 points (computer aided design software, engineering skills)

Grade breakdown:60% projects, 10% safety test, 30% participation. Adjustments may be made.Extra credit projects may be offered but your grade cannot exceed 100%

Participation:30 points are awarded for participation (about 2 points per day). Participation is a positive trait that is expected of everyone. These points are yours to keep and can only be lost, not increased. Loss of participation points comes from not following class rules, not paying attention to demonstrations, not following safety rules, wasting time, and not participating in shop clean-up. Excused absences can be made up usually onTuesday and Thursday from 3:10 – 4:00pm. MOST STUDENTS RETAIN ALL 30 POINTS.

Grading--A shop grade card is used to grade projects as they are completed. The cards are kept in a folder that is left on the teacher’s desk in the classroom. When a project is finished, take your grade card from the folder and ask the teacher to grade it. All grades are based on the actual operations required to make the project. Project points as well as other graded assignments are entered into a grading spreadsheet. Progress report and final grades are issued on the basis of 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, under 59% F. Grades can be checked by bringing your grade card to the teacher.

Project Fees Project fees are not charged for required assignments. Depending on school budgets you may be able to take these home for free. It is unlikely there will be any extra time, but all other projects will require payment to the SDA Metals Club. The standard metals supply list with prices is posted on cabinets 4 & 5 in the shop.

Class Rules—see back side of this sheet

Summing Up

This course should be FUN and CHALLENGING. Do your best and follow the rules and expectations and you will receive a good grade. Have a great year!!!

Please be advised that we will be using equipment that costs a great deal of money. This equipment which includes computers, hand tools, machines, etc. are expected to be cared for and taken care of. The cost of any damage to the equipment used in this class will be passed on to the student if they are being used inappropriately.

Introduction to Technology: Engineering & Fabrication

Class Rules

  1. Be respectful to your fellow students and Mr. Berend.
  2. Do not operate any shop equipment without being trained and passing the safety test.
  3. Be seated and quiet before the tardy bell rings. You must be in your seat at the sound of the bell to not be marked tardy. If you come in after the bell, sign in the tardy clip board so you do not get marked absent.
  4. Bring your 3 ring binder and a pencil or pen to class daily.
  5. Eyes in the shop must be protected at all times by safety glasses
  6. Wear shoes in the shop. No thongs, flip-flops, or open toed shoes please.
  7. Bathroom trips during this class should not be a daily occurrence. Your participation grade will be lowered if you use it more than 4 times. The procedure is to get the pass, sign out, find Mr. Berend and signal you’re leaving. Failure to do this will result in a 1 hour detention. Ask the teacher before leaving for all other situations.
  8. Music and cell phone devices are not to be used in the classroom or shop. Take ear buds out of your ears prior to entering the classroom.
  9. Weapons, drug paraphernalia, knives, etc. may not be made or worked on.
  10. No food is allowed in the classroom or the shop.

I have read the course description and rules for the Introduction to Technology course. I understand that failure to observe and follow these rules can result in warnings, parent calls, referrals, detention, suspension or class dismissal.

Print name: ______

Sign name: ______

Date: ______