Friedman Family Assessment
NSG/420 Version 7 / 2

Assignment Grading Criteria

Friedman Family Assessment

Week Three

·  Complete a family assessment using the Friedman Family Assessment model from Appendix E of Public Health Nursing.

·  Include three family nursing diagnoses, and then choose one as a priority family nursing diagnosis.

·  Include the following information:

o  Identifying data

o  Developmental stage and history of family

o  Environmental data

o  Family structure

o  Family functions

o  Family stress and coping

o  Family composition form

o  Identify family values that may be different than your own values, and how this could affect the intervention.

o  Any potential solutions and actions to arrive at a consensus for the best interest of the patient or family (advocacy)

·  Create a concept map identifying three possible community health nursing interventions (as indicated by the Friedman Family Assessment) to address the priority family nursing diagnosis. Identify opportunities for community health nursing interventions to influence the issues in a positive way that involves nursing role in working with families. Make sure to balance legal and ethical considerations with any potential solution or actions.

·  Provide a resource list to address the family’s needs

9 points possible / Points available / Points earned
·  Developmental state and history of the family / 1
·  Environmental data / 1
·  Family structure, composition, and functions / 1.5
·  Family stress and coping / 1.5
·  Three family nursing diagnoses including one priority family nursing diagnosis / 1
·  Nursing interventions / 3
2 points possible / Points available / Points earned
·  Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
·  Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
·  Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works / 2
Total / 11