ButlerCounty Board of Education
Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2007
The regular meeting of the Butler County Board of Education was held at the Central Office Boardroom located at 215 Administrative Drive in Greenville, Alabama at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 21, 2007, with the following Board officials in attendance: Board President, Mr. Billy Jones, Board Members Ms. Linda Hamilton, Mr. Terry Williams, Mr. Joseph Lisenby, Board Attorney Mr. Lewis S. Hamilton and Superintendent of Education, Mike Looney. Superintendent Looney certified that there was a quorum present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Ms. Linda Hamilton led in prayer.
Appointment of Johnny Lee, District 5 Board Member
Mr. Billy Jones thanked all of the candidates who applied to be the Board representative for District 5. He stated that they all were very qualified but unfortunately, they could only pick one. Mr. Joseph Lisenby nominated Mr. Johnny Lee to serve as District 5 Board Member for the remainder of the term. This nomination was seconded by Ms. Linda Hamilton. A vote was taken, all ayes, no nays and the nomination was approved.
Swearing-In Ceremony
The Honorable Judge Edward McFerrin conducted the swearing-in ceremony for Mr. Johnny Lee and he assumed his duties effective immediately.
Superintendent Looney’s PEPE Summary by Dr. James Wright
Dr. James Wright explained the components of the PEPE program for superintendents. He reported that Superintendent Looney had done an outstanding job with his evaluation and had received a score of 48 out of 52 possible points. He noted that Superintendent Looney had 9 areas of excellence and 4 areas of strengths. He noted that he only had two areas for improvement which included planning and innovations. Dr. Wright commended the Board in selecting him to serve as superintendent. Dr. Wright stated that Superintendent Looney has great energy and enthusiasm for his job and if continues to do the things he is currently doing, he will continue to be successful.
Superintendent’s Comments Regarding Police Department Moving to Education & Community Learning Center
Superintendent Looney stated that at the last meeting the Board authorized him to allow the City of Greenville Police Department to use some of the facilities at the Education & CommunityLearningCenter. Since that meeting he reported that he had received some feedback that his comments were not well received. He stated that he wanted to apologize if he had said something wrong or if it gets misconstrued. He said that he made the comment that we needed the police department there because it was a low income neighborhood and there was a lot of crime. He stated that in some respects that is true but it certainly not true of the entire community. He stated that he wanted to clarify that he does not have any negative feelings or perceptions about the community. He noted that the fact of the matter is that we have individuals who walk onto that campus and into our school buildings that we really don’t want there. The purpose of the police department going there is not because we don’t trust the community. It is just that we want to ensure the safety of our students. He apologized if he had offended anyone as it was not his intention.
Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of LimitedObligationSchool Bonds, Series 2007-A
Superintendent Looney noted that it had been a very busy and productive week in securing financing for the largest school improvement project in the history of this school system. He stated that this is a momentous occasion and would not have been possible for the Board members, the leadership of our municipalities and county, and the citizens who banded together to let our elected officials know how important new and improved school buildings are to them and their families.
Superintendent Looney recommended that the Board accept the presented Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Limited Obligation School Bonds, Series 2007-A. Upon this recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, seconded by Ms. Linda Hamilton, all ayes, no nays, the resolution was approved.
Approval of Waiver for Cooperative District Meeting
Superintendent Looney recommended that the Board authorize the Waiver of the Cooperative District Meeting Notice that was provided to them. Upon this recommendation, motion by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, seconded by Mr. Terry Williams, all ayes, no nays, the waiver was approved.
Approval of Minutes/Payrolls
Superintendent Looney recommended that the payroll and minutes of the May 17, 2007 and May 31, 2007 meetings be approved as submitted. Upon a recommendation by Mr. Terry Williams, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, all ayes, no nays, the minutes and payroll were approved.
General Fund:
General Fund Payrolls$1,156,219.76
Social Security 85,193.37
Teacher Retirement 102,551.71
Insurance 247,903.25
Unemployment 342.35
Bills and Accounts 136,153.94
Federal Funds:
Payrolls$ 190,564.19
Social Security 14,038.49
Teacher Retirement 15,132.50
Insurance 39,413.49
Unemployment 53.11
Bills and Accounts 42,337.05
Child Nutrition Programs:
Payrolls$ 49,795.34
Social Security 3,458.70
Teacher Retirement 4,597.46
Insurance 24,578.26
Unemployment 14.95
Bills and Accounts 96,526.38
Report of Fund Raising Drives/Requests for Use of School Buses
The report of fund raising drives/requests for use of school buses was reviewed by Board members. There was no action necessary regarding this report.
Financial Report Approved
Superintendent Looney recommended that the financial reportwhich included the financial statement for month ending May 2007 and the reconciled bank statementbe approved. Upon a motion by Ms. Linda Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby all ayes, no nays, the financial reportwas approved.
Approval for Pay Increases at Beginning of New Contract Year
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, seconded by Ms. Linda Hamilton, all ayes, no nays, permission was granted for the 7% State approved pay increases to begin at the beginning of the new contract year. Superintendent Looney noted that this had been the practice of the Board in the past. He stated that the approximate cost would be around $200,000.
AASB Membership Renewal Approved
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Ms. Linda Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, all ayes, no nays, permission was granted for renewal of membership in the Alabama Association of School Boards.
Mr. Joseph Lisenby stated that they had received notification today that a new Director for AASB had been named. He requested that Mr. Billy Jones, Board President, send a letter of congratulations to her on behalf of the Butler County Board of Education. Mr. Jones agreed that he would.
AASB Legal Assistance Fund Participation Approved
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Terry Williams, seconded by Ms. Linda Hamilton, all ayes, no nays, permission was granted for participation in the Alabama Association of School Board Legal Assistance Fund.
Textbook Adoptions Approved
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Terry Williams, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, all ayes, no nays, the following textbook adoptions were approved:
-Drama: The Stage and the School, 2005 Edition by Glencoe Publishers
-French I: Bon Voyage, 2005 Edition by Glencoe Publishers
-French II: Bon Voyage, 2005 Edition by Glencoe Publishers
-French III: Bon Voyage, 2005 Edition by Glencoe Publishers
Approval of Math, Science, & TechnologyMagnetAcademy
Superintendent Looney asked Mrs. Jennifer Burt to give a presentation regarding this proposed program. He stated that we are constantly trying to find ways to accelerate learning and make it more relevant for our students. He stated that Greenville High School, Greenville Middle School, and Greenville Elementary School are all now active participants in the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative which essentially brings math, science and technology instruction in line with students’ interests and needs in a more effective way. He stated that the MagnetAcademy being proposed is in line with that philosophy and he believes would offer some of our students a tremendous opportunity.
Mrs. Jennifer Burt gave an overview of the application process for students interested in participating in the program. The program is designed for the eighth grade students at GreenvilleMiddle School. She stated that our intentions are for the students to begin their day at GreenvilleHigh School and participate in Algebra I, 9th grade physical science, and a business technology class while they are there. They will then be transported back to GreenvilleMiddle School to resume their regular day there with English, social studies, P. E., band and other electives.
Ms. Linda Hamilton asked if this program would serve as a “feeder” for the advanced programs at GreenvilleHigh School. Superintendent Looney stated that this would build dual enrollment and AP class opportunities for the students in the Magnet Program. Ms. Hamilton asked if it would be available to students at Georgiana and McKenzieHigh Schools. Mrs. Rita Wright stated that it would definitely be feasible at both of these schools and transportation would not be necessary for them. Mr. Joseph Lisenby asked how many students were anticipated to participate in the program. Mrs. Burt stated that 25-30 were expected.
Superintendent Looney recommended that permission be granted to pilot the Math, Science and TechnologyMagnetAcademy for the 2007-2008 school year. Upon a motion by Ms. Linda Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, all ayes, no nays, permission was granted to pilot the program.
Personnel Report Approved
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, seconded by Mr. Terry Williams, all ayes, no naysemployment of the following personnel was approved:
-Donna Nix, English Teacher, GreenvilleMiddle School
-Cleotis McArthur Williams, Spanish Teacher, Georgiana High School/McKenzie High School
-Kirk Norris, Physical Education Teacher, GeorgianaHigh School
-Joseph Neal, History Teacher, GreenvilleHigh School
-Curtis Black, Assistant Principal, GreenvilleHigh School
-Carolyn Foil, Special Education Services Teacher, GreenvilleHigh School
-Haden Horton, Bright Beginnings Preschool Teacher, Education & CommunityLearningCenter
-Jerome Calhoun, Custodian, Education & CommunityLearningCenter
-Kelia Burns, History Teacher, GeorgianaHigh School
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Ms. Linda Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Terry Williams, all ayes, no nays, the following resignations were accepted:
-Tim Hattaway, Elementary Teacher, GreenvilleElementary School
-Angela Hill, Science Teacher, GreenvilleMiddle School
-Victor Smith, Physical Education Teacher, GreenvilleElementary School
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, seconded by Mr. Terry Williams, all ayes, no nays, permission was granted to provide notifications of intent to transfer to the following personnel:
- Jennifer Burt, transfer from Instructional Accountability Specialist, Central Office to Administrative Assistant for Student Services, Central Office
- Kelly Flowers, transfer from 8th Grade Math Teacher, Greenville Middle School to 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher, GreenvilleMiddle School
- Melissa Teague, transfer from Special Education Services Aide, Greenville Elementary School to Special Education Services Aide, Greenville High School
- Mary Herbert, transfer from Special Education Services Aide, Greenville High School to Special Education Services Aide, Greenville Middle School
- Alene Norris, Special Education Services Aide to Library Media Aide, GreenvilleHigh School
- Kimberlei Bowen, transfer from Science Teacher, Greenville High School to Science Teacher, Greenville Middle School
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Ms. Linda Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, re-employment of the following personnel was approved:
-Mary Robinson, Special Education Services Aide, GreenvilleMiddle School
-Andrew Robertson, Special Education Services Aide, GreenvilleElementary School
Summer School Employment
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Terry Williams, seconded by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, all ayes, no nays, summer school employment was approved as follows:
R.L.AustinElementary School
- Bridgit Willis
- Julia Raley
- Sandra Peagler
- Cynthia Smith
- Robert Davison
- Cynthia Hartin
- Yvonne Campbell
GeorgianaHigh School
-Cassandra Freeman
-Angie McCaster
-Joyce Herring
-Carlton Edwards
GreenvilleMiddle School
-Angela Hill
-W. S. Godwin
-Nancy Idland
GreenvilleElementary School
-Denise Maye
-Jackie Thornton
-Nancy Philyaw
-Julie Killough
W.O.ParmerElementary School
- Kay Armstrong
- Joyce Buskey
- Lillian Gardner
- Rosa Smith
- Lanetta Rudolph
- Stephanie Thornton
- Gwen Gunter
GreenvilleHigh School
1st Session:
-Joey Hamilton
-Mollie Utley
-Billie Faulk
-Jan Black
-Jennifer Shell
2nd Session:
-Stephanie Grayson
-Jennifer Shell
Occupational Therapy Contract Approved – Helping Hands Therapy
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Terry Williams, seconded by Ms. Linda Hamilton, all ayes, no nays, the occupational therapy contractual agreement for the 2007-2008 school year with Helping Hands Therapy was approved.
Superintendent’s Report
Grant Update
Mrs. Amy Bryan reported that the following grants had been received:
-Second Chance Grant Renewed -- $110,000
-Office of School Readiness -- $160,000
-Summer Service Learning -- $9,000
Even Start Program
Superintendent Looney stated that one of our responsibilities is to continue to analyze programs for their effectiveness, quality and cost. Mrs. Amy Bryan gave an overview of the Even Start Program. She stated that the program allows parents with young children to receive educational services to work toward their GED or basic skills with childcare being provided. Parenting education is also provided. She provided summaries of the number of people served by the program during the current and past years. She noted that the grant amount continues to decrease each year. The grant only provides funding for 35% of the cost of the program.
Superintendent Looney summarized that approximately $165,000 from various funds in the system are being used to serve an average of 12 adults and 14 children during the last 5 years with only 1 of the 12 adults obtaining a GED. The students receive only 12 hours of services per week. He noted that we do have other programs that provide the same type of services. He stated that a decision would need to be made in the future as to whether we eliminate a program with some state/federal assistance and the bulk of the funding being provided by the school system.
Construction Update
Freddy Lynn and Carla Young with Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood were present to give an update on construction within the school district. They noted that bids are out on the concession stand for the Georgiana stadium. The bid opening is scheduled for June 28, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. They reported that only one bid has been received at this time. The timeline for the GreenvilleHigh School field house has been submitted to the State for approval. Bids should go out in July with the bid opening held the first of August.
Proposed floor plans for the new Georgiana school were presented. They noted that the building will be approximately 100,000 feet. There was discussion among the board members regarding the layout, in particular the use of the common areas and keeping the elementary students and high school students separated.
Legal Update
Mr. Lewis Hamilton reported that he is still working out the details on the school bus lease. It will be presented for approval at a future meeting.
Mr. Hamilton further reported that in conjunction with the earlier resolution authorizing the bond issue, it would be necessary for the Board to approve the funding agreements with the City of Greenville, Town of Georgiana, and Town of McKenzie.
Approval of Funding Agreements with the Town of Georgiana, Town of McKenzie, and City of Greenville
Upon a recommendation by Superintendent Looney, motion by Mr. Joseph Lisenby, seconded by Mr. Terry Williams, all ayes, no nays, the funding agreements relating the bond issue for the school system were approved.
Upon a motion by Mr. Terry Williams, seconded by Ms. Linda Hamilton, all ayes, no nays, the meeting was adjourned.
Billy Jones, President
ButlerCounty Board of Education
Mike Looney, Superintendent
ButlerCounty Board of Education
ButlerCounty Board of Education Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2007Page 1