Registration and Accommodation Booking Form

A. PARTICIPANT'S DETAILS - please fill in capital letters

Title: / Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Other
Degree / PhD / M.D. / Other
*Surname: / *First Name:
*Institution: / * Department:
*Postal Address: / *Postal Code:
*City/State: / *Country:
*Telephone: / Fax:


Registration Category / EARLY
Until February 28, 2015 / LATE
From March 1st to
June 25, 2015 / ON SITE
From June 26, 2015 onwards
Participants / 550 € / 650 € / 750 €
Trainee, Residents, Nurses, Technicians / 350 € / 450 € / 550 €
Country with discounted registration fee* / 400 € / 500 € / 650 €

The above rates include VAT 20%. In case of change of national VAT policy, the organizer reserves the right to adjust the rates accordingly.


Hotel Name / Single Use / Double Use
Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conference Centre / € 250 / € 265
Mercure Place d’Italie / € 175 / € 205

Prices include breakfast & all taxes

* Participants who wish to stay in the same room with another colleague are kindly requested to indicate here below the person(s) they would like to share the room with.

Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conference Centre
Sharing room with:
Cost per person, per day: / € 132,50

Please complete the information requested:

Date of Arrival: / Date of Departure: / Nights: / No of Single Rooms / No of Double Rooms
Additional Information (e.g. non-smoking room):

D. TRANSPORTATION - Airport / Hotel / Airport

Arrival Date: / Flight No: / Time: / No of persons: / Airport:
Departure Date: / Flight No: / Time: / No of persons: / Airport:
By taxi (maximum 3 persons) 90 Euro per taxi per way (from Charles de Gaulle and Orly airports)


All payments should be made in EURO without charges for the beneficiary, to the order of ERASMUS CONFERENCES TOURS & TRAVEL S.A. as follows:

By Bank Transfer
ALPHA BANK, Account Number: 103-002320-000855, Swift Code: CRBAGRAAXXX, IBAN Number: GR29 0140 1030 1030 0232 0000 855, Account Holder: Erasmus S.A
It is important that a copy of the bank transfer is sent to the Meeting Organizing Bureau, Erasmus Conferences Tours & Travel SA by fax to +30 210 7257532 or by email to together with the Registration, Accommodation and Tours Booking Form.
By Credit Cards
Visa / Master Card
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card Owner’s Name:
Expire Date: / Credit Card Verification Number:


Registration: Cancellation of registration should be in writing to the Meeting Organizing Bureau. For every written cancellation received before February 28th2015, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. No refund thereafter. All refunds will be made within two months after the end of the Meeting. Bank charges will be deducted.

Accommodation: Written notification is required for all cancellations and changes to your itinerary. A copy of the registration and accommodation form should be attached to the letter of notification and sent to ERASMUS CONFERENCES TOURS & TRAVEL S.A.

Cancellation received before April 15th 2015. 50% refund

Cancellation received after April, 16th 2015. No refund applies

All refunds will be made within two months after the end of the Conference. Bank charges will be deducted.

Please note that respective receipts will be given to you during registration days on site