This e-mail will provide you with some basic information for your upcoming stint on the Virtual Ward
Unless alternative arrangementsare made for hand-over, you should meet the current physician at 8 am on your first day at Women's College Hospital Room 1245 in the Acute Ambulatory Care Unit.
Key tips for caring for Virtual Ward patients:
-speak to the family doctor soon after admission to the Virtual Ward and before discharge
- patients referred from primary care physicians should be brought in to the clinic for an assessment
-start planning for "discharge" from the Virtual Ward when the patient is admitted
-patients can be cared for in the Acute Ambulatory Care Unit at Women's College Hospital for up to 24 hours
-document all telephone calls/e-mails to patients and other health care professionals
Patient care rounds are held daily at 8:30 am in Room 3238.
The core VW team is comprised of:
Team Assistant: Jeannette Hilliges (office: 416-323-6363; e-mail: )
Care Coordinator:
Michelle Herman (cell: 647-224-0329; email: )
RN (hospital): Grace Sangle (e-mail:)
Pharmacist: Jane Ascroft (cell 647-620-1837:; e-mail: )
Other important telephone numbers include:
CCAC: 416-506-9888 (especially useful if you need a patient's address or if you wish to speak to a care coordinator after hours or on the weekend)
SMH locating: 416-864-5431
UHN locating: 416-340-3155
WCH locating: 416-323-6400 ext 4141
Sunnybrook locating: 416-480-4244
Here are some resources you will find useful:
EPR (WCH electronic health record)
Soarian (SMH electronic health record)
PRO (useful for accessing information from various U of T hospitals)
Drug Profile Viewer (useful for accessing medication profiles for ODB-eligible patients)
I have attached a Frequently Asked Questions that you may find helpful.
If you have not attended on the virtual ward before then I will arrange a time to meet with you in the first few days to orient you to the virtual ward and the resources available at Women’s College Hospital.
Best wishes,
Tara O'Brien
Virtual Ward Medical Director
416-323-6400 ext 7539