Comhairle Chontae Mhaigh Eo
Mayo County Council
BallinaTown and Environs Development Plan 2009-2015
Proposed Material Alterations to the Proposed Variationof the BallinaTown and Environs Development Plan
June 2014
Proposed Material Alterations to the Proposed Variation to the BallinaTown and Environs Development Plan as Resolved by the Elected Members ofBallinaTownCouncil, at the Town Council Meeting, Thursday 29th May 2014
The Proposed Variation to the BallinaTown and Environs Development Plan Plan 2009-2015 was put on public display from 31st March 2014 to 29th April 2014. Submissions and observations in respect of the Proposed Variationwere made to Ballina Town Council during the display period. A Manager’s Report was prepared on the submissions and observations received and submitted to the members of the Council in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2010.
Ballina Town Council, at its meeting of the 29th May 2014 resolved to make a number of material alterations to the Proposed Variation to the BallinaTown and Environs Development Plan 2009-2015 having considered the submissions, the recommendations in the Manager’s Report and the Proposed Variation.The material alterationsare set outin this document. Proposed amendments are now on public display
Please Note: This document should be read in conjunction with the Proposed Variation Document and the BallinaTown and Environs Development Plan 2009-2015.
Written submissions in relation to these material alterations only may be submitted to Mayo County Council from Monday, 23rd June 2014 to Friday, 25th July 2014 inclusive. All submissions shall be taken into consideration before the making of the Material Alteration. Submissions should be marked ‘Variation to theBallinaTown and Environs Development Plan 2009-2015’ and submitted by 5pm on Friday, 25th July 2014to:
Carmel Murphy AO, Mayo County Council, Ballina Municipal District, Ballina Civic Offices,Arran Place, Ballina, Co. Mayo or e-mailed to:
Following considerationof those submissions received, aManager’s Report will be prepared and circulated to the Members of Mayo County Council. Following review of that report, the Material Amendments may be adopted, rejected or modified by resolution by the Members of Mayo County Council.
Proposed Material Alterations
Variation VM-1 - Rezoning of lands.
VM-1 As proposed
Map No. 06 (Variation) and Map No. 06A – Land Use Zoning
Rezone lands currently zoned C1 Commercial at Scoil Padraig and adjoining sports ground toCF Community Facilities.
VM-1 As materially Altered.
That the proposed Variation VM-1 to rezone lands currently zoned C1 Commercial at Scoil Padraig and adjoining sports ground to CF Community Facilities is not made, and the zoning remain the same and to amend Section 2.13.3 Specific Zoning Objectives to include the following:
Ballina Town Council recognises thatthe Scoil Padraigsite, including the playing field, is an important social, community and amenity asset to the town. It is an objective of Ballina Town Council to protect the community benefit which the lands now provide. Anyfuture developmentof the site shallbe informedby and take due account of the balance of community uses which currently exist on the site to which this objective relates.
Variation VT-3 – Roads Objective.
VT-3 As proposed
Section 2.4.14 Roads Objectives
Include new objective to develop a through-road between Pound Road and Market Road asfollows:
T28 Develop a through–road between Market Road and Pound Road
VM-3As materially Altered.
That the proposed Variation VM-3 is altered to read:-
T28 Develop a through–road between Market Road and Pound Roadas part of any development and change of use of the site.
Variation VT4 – Architectural Conservation Areas.
VT-4As proposed
Section 2.5.3 Architectural Conservation Areas (p. 71-72)
Modify section as follows to incorporate additional areas to the Architectural Conservation
Areas of Ballina:
An Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape, which is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest, or contributes to the appreciation of a protected structure. An Architectural Conservation Area may or may not include protected structures. Planning permission must be obtained before significant works can be carried out to the exterior of a structure in an ACA, which might alter the character of the structure or the ACA.
Under the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 2000, as part of the development plan process Local Authorities are required to include objectives to preserve thecharacter of Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA’s).
In carrying out its review of the entire study area as part of the Plan Preparation Process, theproject team focussed on two areas a) Crocketstown or the Quays and b) Pearse Street HistoricCentre, where it was felt that the historic or architectural nature of the areas in question meritednomination for designation as an ACA. However, it should be stressed that there are areas ofBallina’s streetscape where a vernacular architecture has evolved over time and which makes apositive contribution to the environment. Although it is not proposed to nominate these areas asACA’s under the current plan, it is recommended that the local authority seek to retain thegeneral character of the vernacular streetscape in considering proposals for future development.
b) Pearse Street(formerly Knox Street) Historic Centre
Although there is little map evidence currently available to develop a full understanding of itsmorphology, Graham and Proudfoot (citing the striking linearity of Pearse Street) have arguedthat in some respects Ballina has the characteristics of an 18th century ‘newtown’. Althoughthere is a certain consistency of scale, in other respects Pearse Street presents a variety ofarchitectural styles with Victorian and Georgian facades and a wide range of material finishes.Nevertheless, the linearity referred to in Graham and Proudfoot, lends the street a particularquality, which is quickly and easily appreciated by even a casual visitor. The Pearse StreetACA shall include Tone Street, Tolan Street, O’Rahilly Street, Casement Street and JamesConnolly Street. These streets with Pearse Street and the Military Barracks form the historiccentre of Ballina’s 19th Century market town. The building form, fabric and character of thearea should be protected from non-contextual interventions.It is recommended that thoseaspects, which lend Pearse Street The Historic Centreits character, are studied in detail andthat appropriate policies are established to protect its principal characteristics.
VM-3 As materially Altered.
That Variation VM-3, (amendment of the Architectural Conservation Areas) is altered to include Walsh Street and to read:
b) Pearse Street Historic Centre
Although there is little map evidence currently available to develop a full understanding of its morphology, Graham and Proudfoot (citing the striking linearity of Pearse Street) have argued that in some respects Ballina has the characteristics of an 18th century ‘newtown’. Although there is a certain consistency of scale, in other respects Pearse Street presents a variety of architectural styles with Victorian and Georgian facades and a wide range of material finishes. Nevertheless, the linearity referred to in Graham and Proudfoot, lends the street a particular quality, which is quickly and easily appreciated by even a casual visitor. The Pearse Street ACA shall include Tone Street, Tolan Street, O’Rahilly Street, Casement Street,Walsh Streetand James Connolly Street. These streets with Pearse Street and the Military Barracks form the historic centre of Ballina’s 19th Century market town. The building form, fabric and character of the area should be protected from non-contextual interventions. It is recommended that those aspects, which lend The Historic Centre its character, are studied in detail and that appropriate policies are established to protect its principal characteristics.