Aerobic exercise is exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time.
Definition of Aerobics:
Using the same large muscle group, rhythmically, for a period of 15 to 20 minutes or longer while maintaining 60-80% of your maximum heart rate.
Think of aerobic activity as being long in duration yet low in intensity. Aerobic activities include: walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes and cross-country skiing. Anaerobic activity is short in duration and high in intensity. Anaerobic activities include: racquetball, downhill skiing, weight lifting, sprinting, softball, soccer and football.
Aerobic means with air or oxygen. You should be able to carry on a short conversation while doing aerobic exercise. If you are gasping for air while talking, you are probably working anaerobically. When you work anaerobically, you will tire faster and are more likely to experience sore muscles after exercise is over.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Aerobic exercise conditions the heart and lungs by increasing the oxygen available to the body and by enabling the heart to use oxygen more efficiently. Exercise alone cannot prevent or cure heart disease. It is only one factor in a total program of risk reduction; examples of other factors are high blood pressure, cigarette smoking and high cholesterol level.
Additional Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
In addition to cardiovascular benefits, other benefits of aerobic exercise include:
- Control of body fat. (Aerobic exercise in conjunction with strength training and a proper diet will reduce body fat.)
- Increased resistance to fatigue and extra energy.
- Toned muscles and increased lean body mass.
- Decreased tension and aid in sleeping.
- Increased general stamina.
- Psychological benefits - exercise improves mood, reduces depression and anxiety.
Heat Rate
Health professionals know the importance of proper pacing during exercise. To receive the benefits of physical activity, it's important not to tire too quickly. Pacing yourself is especially important if you've been inactive.
Target heart rates let you measure your initial fitness level and monitor your progress in a fitness program. This approach requires measuring your pulse periodically as you exercise and staying within 50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This range is called your target heart rate.
To determine target heart rate, we use the following formulas. They were established by the AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and take into account individual differences in sex, age, and present physical condition (as reflected in the resting heart rate).
- resting heart rage- resting heart rate
x .7. .8
+ resting heart rate+ resting heart rate
- age- age
- resting heart rate- resting heart rate
x .7 x .8
+ resting heart rate+ resting heart rate
If your working heart rate is not above the lower heart rate, you may still be burning calories and toning muscles, but not working hard enough to train your heart muscle. Two measures we use to assess cardiovascular fitness level are resting heart rate and heart recovery (the step test). Personal goals should include getting heart rates into the target zone and improving times.
To avoid dehydration you should drink water before, during, and after you exercise. If you wait until you feel thirsty, you have already begun to dehydrate.
Why monitor heart rate?
Research shows that 18-20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (working within you target heart rate) at least three times a week is essential to good health.
Measuring heart rate can be done in two ways:
A. Manually (palpitation)
Count the number of beats in a six second period and then multiply by 10 to get a minute
rate. Use either the carotid artery in your neck or radial artery on your wrist.
B. Heart rate monitors
Measure the electrical activity of the heart. (Polar heart monitors are ECG accurate.)
Physiological changes that occur as you become more cardiovascularly fit:
- Heart becomes stronger
- Circulation improves
- Lower resting heart rate
- The heart stroke volume and volume per minute improve
- Heart’s ability to contract improves
- Muscle’s ability to utilize oxygen improves
- Oxygen intake capacity improves
- Ability to transport oxygen increases due to increase in red blood cells.
Other effects that prevent health problems:
- lower triglycerides
- Higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels
- Metabolism improves
- Secretion of adrenal hormones (stress) decreases with regular exercise
- Blood pressure is lowered
- Body fat decreases
Other benefits
- Muscular strength maintained or improved
- Stronger bones
- Joint working capacity may improve
60 – 70 % efficient fat burning zone
*70 – 80% - Improvement of cardiovascular endurance
80 – 100% - competitive training