January 29, 2016
Dear Parents,
Next week we will discuss dental health and ways we can keep our teeth healthy. Some of the concepts we will talk about will be the following:
We should visit the dentist twice a year to have our teeth and gums checked.
We should eat healthy snacks.
We should brush our teeth at least two times each day.
We should take good care of our baby teeth since they will help our jaw to grow to its proper shape and size and maintain spaces for our permanent teeth.
____Review words- The words that your child should knowwere sent home with the report card. (In the last couple of weeks, the children have also learned: will, be, find). In order to read fluently and to comprehend what is being read, your child must be able to read sight words quickly and without sounding them out. The children are expected to read at a “Level 4” before entering first grade. Without being able to identify sight words quickly, this will be difficult to achieve. You can review these words as you run errands, by letting your child write them in shaving cream (spread a little on a piece of foil or on a plate), by using flashcards, and by having your child write them on paper as you call them out. Look for the words in the books you read to your child. You can also use the sight word activities that I sent home a couple of weeks ago to review the words that your child should know.
____Your child is learning to write narrative, opinion and explanatory texts. I have enclosed a paper that will help them to practice this skill. Have your child complete the paper on why he/she brushes his/her teeth. Make sure that your child checks for a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence, that he/she spaces between words and that he/she puts punctuation at the end of the sentence. Return this to school.
______Have your child complete the enclosed addition paper. Give your child pennies or some other manipulative to model the problem. Or your child can draw dots beside each number and count all of the dots to determine the answer. Your child has had a lot of practice with this and should be able to complete this task easily. Review what the names of the symbols (+ and =) are and what they mean.
____ I have read the following books to my child.
____My child and I have read 50 minutes (five books) together this week. Please remember to do this. It is so important!
_____Review: letters, letter sounds, beginning and ending sounds in words, rhyming words, opposites, numbers to 20, five senses, four seasons, what a solid, liquid, and gas are, counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s, counting to 20 by 2’s, retelling a story, recalling the main idea (What was the whole story about?), letter chunks, and words.
_____The newest words are “for”and “on.” The book, You Can Go , will put these words back into text. Please have your child read this to you and anyone else that will listen! Remember to add this book to your child’s book list.
Thank you for all you do! Together we are making a difference in your child’s life!
Additional Information
School Pictures: February 11th
Please look over your child’s report card, sign the back of the envelope, and return the envelope to school. Keep the report card at home for your records. Thanks!
Please remember to let your child read the leveled books he/she brings home and fill out the feedback form.
Your Partner in Education,
Ginger Carter
Parent signature:
Child’s name: