Salem State College School of Nursing

NUR315B Nursing of Infants & Children Clinical Evaluation Tool

STUDENT NAME: ______Practicum______

Clinical Agency: ______Professor: ______

Clinical Absence______Critical Element Failure_____

Final Practicum Grade:______

Criteria for Passing the Clinical Practicum

In order to pass the clinical component of the course the student must:

A.  Receive no more than 1 critical element failure during the course.

At any point in the course failure of any of the stated critical elements on 2 separate occasions is deemed unsafe and unacceptable nursing practice and will result in a clinical failure. These 2 failures can occur in one particular area (i.e. medications) or in two different areas (i.e. monitoring and medications).

B.  Receive a grade of pass on 10 of the 13 behaviors labeled as “General

Competencies”. Receiving four or more “Needs Improvement” and one failure on any of the “General Competencies” is deemed unsafe and unacceptable nursing practice and will result in a clinical component failure in the pedi nursing course.

C.  Complete and submit a self-evaluation using the designated course Clinical Evaluation Tool.

D.  Complete and attach the course specific Student Experience Profile to the Clinical Evaluation Tool.

E.  Meet in person with his/her clinical faculty member for a summative clinical evaluation and identification of goals for subsequent clinical rotations.

F.  Sign the summative Clinical Evaluation Tool indicating completion of Criterion E.

G.  Failure to meet any of the above requirements (A –F) will result in failure of the clinical component of the nursing course, which results in a course failure.


Critical Elements are specific indicator behaviors identified by the School of Nursing Faculty, which reflect a student's knowledge of sound and safe practice as well as the physical and emotional capability to render such care. Listed below are the criteria for attaining the associated grade:


-  Consistently meets the identified behavior and requires minimal supervision.

-  Can explain and demonstrate rationale and steps required to meet the behavior.

-  Demonstrates increasing ability to be selfdirected.

-  Recognizes problems and identifies an appropriate plan of care.

-  Seeks supervision from faculty or coassigned staff as necessary.

-  Maintains safe practice at all times.

Needs Improvement:

- Shows inconsistency in meeting the identified behaviors but maintains safe


- Requires a moderate amount of supervision.

- Demonstrates a limited ability to be selfdirected.

- Inconsistently recognizes common problems

- Inconsistently carries out an appropriate plan of care.

- Requires some assistance in identifying the need for supervision.


-  Seldom meets the identified behavior

-  Requires ongoing supervision

-  Needs to be told or be shown how to meet some parts of the behavior.

-  Demonstrates minimal ability to be selfdirected.

-  Sometimes fails to recognize common problems or errors in nursing judgement and requires assistance in carryingout a plan of care.

-  Seldom seeks appropriate supervision from faculty or coassigned staff



Critical Elements / Comments / Pass / Fail
1 / The student is physically and emotionally
capable of providing safe client care.
2 / Demonstrates Preparation for clinical by doing
the necessary research.
3 / Monitors and reports clinical information accurately
4 / Monitors IV infusions accurately and safely.
5 / Demonstrates theoretical knowledge of
medications in providing safe nursing care
6 / Administers medications using the appropriate
Protocol and procedure, i.e. the five rights.
7 / Provides a safe environment (bed rails, restraints, call bells, foot wear, alarms on monitor equipment
8 / Gives prompt communication of abnormal findings.
9 / Communicates in a therapeutic manner
10 / Demonstrates accountability
11 / Maintains confidentiality
12 / Demonstrates professional behavior in order to assume responsibility for client assignment.


End of Program Objective #1: Recognize, value, and respect pattern diversity in unitary human beings throughout the life process


Course Objective B: Describe human/environmental. field interactions between individuals and families in the pediatric setting.

Course Objective E: Describe an understanding of the fife process and its impact on the health status of children and their families.

Course Objective L: Interact in human environmental fields with children and families from various cultures.




/ Pass / NI / Fail
1 / Provides nursing care based on recognition of client as a unitary human being
2 / Demonstrates cultural sensitivity when providing nursing care

End of Program Objective #2: Develop an individual philosophy of nursing reflecting the uniqueness of human/environmental fields


Course Objective A: Define his/her own belief systems and their effect on professional nursing in a pediatric setting




/ Pass / NI / Fail
1 /

Demonstrates intellectual curiosity.

2 /

Evaluates own beliefs and values when formulating individual philosophy of care

End of Program Objective #3: Incorporates theory-based practice in the delivery of nursing care (therapeutic nursing intervention).
Course Objective C: Utilize a science-based dynamic nursing practice in a pediatric setting.
Course Objective J: Apply current nursing research to the practice of nursing in a pediatric setting.




/ Pass /


/ Fail
1 / Utilizes critical thinking, teaching/lemming
principles, and research findings in child,
family, and staff teaching.
2 / Performs clinical skills with knowledge of
underlying principles of growth &
developmental needs of children
3 / Performs clinical skills according to agency
policy and procedures.
End of Program Objective #4: Apply principles of ethical decisionmaking in professional nursing practice (ethics).
Course Objective M: Discuss ethical issues concerning humanenvironmental field interactions in a pediatric setting.




/ Pass /


/ Fail
1 / Assumes responsibility for management of nursing care in conjunction with health team members
End of Program Objective #5: Engage in the creative use of knowledge to foster the maximum health potential for unitary human beings (teaching/learning, critical thinking)
Course Objective G: Apply principles of teaching/learning in the communication of health information to children and families.
Course Objective K: Begin to develop critical thinking within pediatric human environment fields
Criteria / Comments / Pass / NI / Fail
1 / Demonstrates intellectual curiosity.
2 / Utilizes critical thinking, teaching/learning
Principles, and research findings in child,
Family, & staff teaching.
End of Program Objective #6: Participate as a competent, caring professional in deliberate mutual patterning with humanenvironmental fields to achieve desired outcomes (therapeutic interventions communications).
Course Objective D: Utilize effective communication techniques within humanenvironmental fields.
Course Objective F: Utilize nursing process to assess, plan, intervene, and evaluate humanenvironment field interactions in a
pediatric setting.
Course Objective H: Demonstrates professional accountability in the delivery of health care in a pediatric setting.
Course Objective I: Encourages empowerment in parents to assist them in receiving health care for their children
Criteria / Comments / Pass / NI / Fail
1 / Collaborates with co-nurse and other members of the health care team when providing therapeutic interventions to clients.
End of Program Objective #7: Recognizes the need for the continual pursuit of knowledge through lifelong learning (advanced study).
Course Objective
Criteria / Comments / Pass / NI / Fail
1 / Student begins to show understanding of the
need for life-long learning.
End of Program objective #8: Integrate research finding into professional nursing practice to maximize the wellbeing of unitary human
beings and their environment (research).
Course Objective J: Apply current nursing research to the practice of nursing research in a pediatric setting.
Criteria / Comments / Pass / NI
1 / Utilizes critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, teaching/learning principles, and
research findings in child, family, and staff




STUDENT EXPERIENCE PROFILE OF THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS: The following is a list of therapeutic nursing interventions commonly available during the clinical experience. Exposure to these experiences does not imply competency.

Name ______Semester ______Year______

Faculty______Clinical Placement ______

Vital signs
Lung sounds
Oxygen therapy
Intravenous Fluids
PO medications
IM medications
IV medications
Feeding children
Health education
Pain management
Play therapy
Risk assessment
Communication with children
Pediatric health assessment

Spring 2001

Reviewed Spring 2005




Goals from Previous Clinical Rotation:

Professor's Comments:

Student's Comments:

Goals for Next Clinical Rotation:

Professor's Comments:

Date:______Professor's Signature ______

Student's Comments:

Date ______Student's Signature______