Council Meeting August 9, 2010

Council Chambers:

ROLL CALL:The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Glenn M. Stegman presiding. Councilmembers present: Jack D. Crispin, Jr., D. Leon Kingan,and Arletta R. Morse. Councilmember Joel Mahin arrived shortly thereafter. Councilmember absent: Gwen Knight. Officials present: Attorney Daniel D. Metz, Clerk Rose M. Gourley. Also present: Superintendent Jesse C. Meyer.

VISITORS:Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Mandy Fincham, Amy Hawkinson, and Judy Schroeder.

MINUTES:Minutes of the July 12, 2010, regular meeting were approved as written.

PAYROLL VOUCHER:Payroll Voucher No. 10-07, for July wages and salaries in the amount of $50,576.02, was presented. A motion by Morse, seconded by Crispin, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in July totaled $2,661.87,and unpaid invoices received to date totaled $100,542.16. Upon motion by Crispin, seconded by Kingan, all invoices in the amount of $103,204.03were approved for payment.

DELINQ. ACCNTS.The Governing Body reviewed a list ofthirteen (13)delinquent utility accounts totaling $2,076.84.

Councilmember Mahin arrived and took his seat.

WATER MAINS GRANT:Notification had been received from the Kansas Department of Commerce awarding the City a 2010 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $500,000.00 for financing improvements to the water distribution system. Mandy Fincham, Grant Administrator, reported the Environmental Review was complete and public notices were currently being published in the local newspaper. Various grant documents were reviewed and signed by the Mayor, and Mayor Stegman and Clerk Gourley executed Grant Agreement No. 10-PF-037 between the Kansas Department of Commerce and the City of Lincoln Center.

POST ROCK FESTIVAL:Susan Wollesen, President of the Lincoln Area Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the Post Rock Festival plans for this year. The dates of the Festival were being changed to coincide with the Alumni weekend, this year being held October 7-8. She requested and received approval to use the CityPark for Post Rock Festival activities. As before, she would provide the City Superintendent with a written list of assistance needed from the City.

CAR SHOW:Mayor Stegman relayed a request from the Lincoln Co. Rod and Custom Car Club to hold a Car Show in the CityPark on September 11, 2010. Upon motion by Mahin, seconded by Kingan, the request was granted.

MUNICIPAL POOL:Upon motion by Morse, seconded by Crispin, USD 298 was authorized to use the Municipal Pool for physical education classes for 10 days after the pool closes to the public, at a rate of $35.00 per day. It was noted that the pool would close for the regular season on August 12th.

POND CONSTRUCTION:Judy Schroeder addressed the Governing Body regarding the construction of a pond southeast of her residence at 919 N. 9th St. She provided a drawing of the area, indicating the pond would take up approximately the same area as her home. She said she intended to fill the pond with runoff water, would be stocking it with fish later, and expected to have fencing installed to provide a barrier to trespass. She said she would have liability insurance in place as well. Superintendent Meyer reported the Kansas Department of Health’s requirement was that the structure be at least 25’ from an existing sewer line. He said Mrs. Schroeder’s plans more than met the distance requirement. Mrs. Schroeder said she had also spoken with neighbors and none had voiced any objections to her plan. It did not appear that the City Code addressed the construction of ponds inside the City limits. Therefore,

Council Meeting Minutes – August 9, 2010 – Page 2

following further discussion, Morse moved that the City not object to the construction as described. Motion seconded by Mahin, carried.

WATER TOWER MAINT.:Utility Service Co., Inc. had presented a contract proposal for maintaining the City’s water tower, beginning with a complete interior and exterior renovation in 2010. A schedule of work and annual fees was provided for the 10-year period ending in 2019. Under the contract, Utility Service would annually inspect and service the tank, biannually clean and disinfect, provide engineering and inspection, emergency services, repairs, painting services, and would bring the tank up to current standards. Council reviewed and considered the contract schedule of work and fees, budget availability and future economic conditions. Thereafter, Crispin moved to pursue the contracted maintenance as proposed. Motion seconded by Morse, carried.

2011 BUDGET:Mayor Stegman opened a public hearing, for the purpose of hearing and answering comments regarding the proposed 2011 Budget. No objections or comments were received from the public. Mayor Stegman then closed the budget hearing. There followed a motion by Mahin, seconded by Kingan, to approve and adopt the 2011 Budget as published. Motion carried.

The City of St. Marys, KS, had requested a letter of support in petitioning the state legislature to study the viability of making changes to the budget law, especially regarding the timetable for adoption and submission of the budget each year. Clerk Gourley advised the budget timetable was sometimes inconvenient; however, it had not presented a major problem in the past. Council took no action on the request.

GIS MAPPING:Midland GIS Solutions had presented a Utility GIS Proposal for consideration by the Council. KMEA’s G-Map Program was launched in 2009 to help members digitally map their electric systems and had selected Midland GIS Solutions as the mapping provider for the G-Map Project. It was agreed that the project should be favorably considered and further reviewed.

ADA PROCLAMATION:In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and upon motion my Crispin, seconded by Morse, the Mayor was authorized to sign a Proclamation of Recommitment to Full Implementation of ADA.

NUISANCE PROPERTIES:The Governing Body reviewed an updated list of various nuisances reported and filed. Attorney Metz advised two of the nuisance cases were pending in Municipal Court. Clerk Gourley reported that, in most instances, the weed nuisances were being handled without involvement of the court.

TRAFFIC HAZARD:The Governing Body discussed multiple complaints received about the visibility obstruction at the K-14/Lincoln Avenue intersection due to vehicles being parked too close to the intersection or right-of-way.

CONSTRUCTION PERMITS:Councilmember Crispin asked about regulation of commercial construction. Attorney Metz advised he was working on an expanded permit process.

ADJOURN:There being no further business, Mahinmoved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried. Council adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

/s/ Rose M. Gourley

City Clerk