SSL Reports

Space Systems Lab

“Measurements of Aerodynamic Damping in a Transonic Compressor”, Edward F. Crawley, Jack L. Kerrebrock, February 1981
“Development of Finite Active Control Elements for Large Flexible Space Structures,” David Miller, Edward Crawley, February 1985
18-83 / “The Effects of Scale on the Dynamics of Flexible Space Structures”, Terrence J. Hertz, Edward F. Crawley, September 1983
1-84 / “Experimental Measurement of Material Damping for Space Structures in Simulated Zero-G”, Raymond L. Sheen, Edward F. Crawley, December 1983
6-85 / “Development of Finite Active Control Elements for Large Flexible Space Structures,” Miller, D.W., Crawley, E.F., February 1985
16-85 / “Identification of Nonlinear System Parameters in Space Structures Joints Using the Force State Mapping Technique”, E.F. Crawley and K. O’Donnell, July 1985
1-87 / "Development of Intelligent Structures Using Finite Elements in a Hierarchic and Distributed Control System," Miller, D. W., Ward, B. A., Crawley, E. F., Widnall, W., January 1987
5-88 / “Feasibility Analysis of Piezoelectric Devices”, Crawley, Edward F., Warkentin, David, Lazarus, Kenneth B., January 1988
12-88 / “Modelling and Active Modification of Wave Scattering in Structural Networks,” Miller, David von Flotow, Andreas, May 1988.
18-88 / “Development and Experimental Verification of Damping Enhancement Methodologies for Space Structures” Nesbitt W. Hagood, Edward F. Crawley, September 1988
19-88 / “A Hierarchic Control Architecture for Intelligent Structures”, Steven R. Hall, Edward F. Crawley, Jonathan How and Benjamin Ward, November 1988.
2-89 / “Alternate Transducer Materials for Embedded Actuators in Intelligent Structures: Shape Memory Metals, Magnetorstrictive Materials, Electrostrictive Materials,,” Farla Fleming, Edward F. Crawley, January 1989
3-89 / “Design and Implementation of Optimal Controllers for Intelligent Structures Using Infinite Order Structural Models,” Javier de Luis, Edward F. Crawley, Steven R. Hall, January 1989
4-89 / “The Coupled Nonlinear Dynamics of Spacecraft with Fluids in Tanks of Arbitrary Geometry,” M.C. van Schoor, Edward F. Crawley, R. John Hansman, April 1989
5-89 / “Piezoceramic Actuation of One- and Two-Dimensional Structures,” Eric H. Anderson, Edward F. Crawley, May 1989
6-89 / “Nonlinear Strain-Displacement Relations in the Dynamics of a Two-Link Flexible Manipulator,” Carlos Padilla, Andreas H. von Flotow, May 1989
7-89 / “Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE) Phase A Final Report,” Edward F. Crawley, Javier de Luis, David W. Miller, June 1989
9-89 / “Middeck O-Gravity Dynamics Experiment (MODE) Project Plan,” Edward F. Crawley, David W. Miller, Martinus van Schoor and Javier de Luis, May 1990
10-89 / “An H Infinity Power Flow Approach to Control of Uncertain Structures,” Douglas MacMartin and Steven R. Hall, September 1989
13-89 / “An H Infinity Power Flow Approach to Control of Uncertain Structures,” Douglas MacMartin, October 1989
14-89 / “Local Control Design Methodologies for a Hierarchic Control Architecture,” Jonathan P. How, November 1989
Other / “Induced Strain Actuation of Composite Plates,” K.B. Lazarus and E.F. Crawley, MIT-GTL No. 197, March 1989
1-90 / “Characterization of Damping of Materials and Structures at Nanostrain Levels,” J. Ting, E.F. Crawley, June 1990
2-90 / “A Systems Engineering Approach to Disturbance Minimization for Spacecraft Utilizing Controlled Structures Technology,” C. Eyerman, M. Shea, June 1990
3-90 / “Active Narrow Band Vibration Isolation of Machinery Noise from Resonant Substructures,” K. Scribner, A.H. von Flotow, Lisa Sievers, June 1990
4-90 / “An H Power Flow Approach to Control of Uncertain Structures,” D. MacMartin, S. Hall, June 1990
5-90 / “Local Control Design Methodologies for a Hierarchic Control Architecture,” J. How, S. Hall, June 1990
6-90 / “Stability of an Actuated Mirror on a Flexible Structure as a Function of Mass and Structural Damping,” J. Garcia, A.H. von Flotow, Lisa Sievers, June 1990
7-90-I / “Characterization of Transverse Field-Induced Strain in PMN:BA Electronceramic Plates,” G. Blackwood, F. Fleming, July 1990
8-90-J / “Optimal Control of Power Flow at Structural Junctions,” D. Miller, S. Hall, A.H. von Flotow, July 1990
9-90-J / “Experimental Results Using Active Control of Travelling Wave Power Flow,” D. Miller, S. Hall, July 1990
10-90-J / “Structural Control Experiments Using an H Power Flow Approach,” D. MacMartin, S. Hall, July 1990
11-90-I / “Two-Dimensional Optical Interferometer Sample Problem,” R. Spangler, October 1990
12-90 / “Sensors for Structural Control Applications Using Piezoelectric Polymer Film,” S. Collins, D. Miller, A.H. von Flotow, October, 1990
13-90-I / “Experimental Verification of the Static Aeroelastic Control Authority obtained through Strain Actuation,” K.B. Lazarus, E.F. Crawley
14-90 / “Piezoelectric Actuators for Helicopter Control,” R. Spangler, S. Hall, January 1990
15-90-J / “Design, Manufacture, and Application to Space Robotics of Distributed Piezoelectric Film Sensors,” S. Collins, Padilla, Notestine, A.H. von Flotow, Schmitz, Ramey, December 1990
16-90-R / MACE Semi-Annual Report
17-90-R / SERC Semi-Annual Report
18-90 / “The Effect of Structure, Actuator and Sensor on the Zeros of Controlled Structures,” F. Fleming, E.F. Crawley, Athans, December 1990
1-91 / “An Approach to the Preliminary Design of Controlled Structures,” R. Jacques, D. Miller, February 1991
2-91 / “Embedded Electronics for Intelligent Structures,” D. Warkentin, E.F. Crawley, Senturia, April 1991
3-91 / “Multiple Mode Vibration Suppression in Controlled Flexible Systems,” J. Hyde, Seering, May 1991
4-91-R / SERC Semi-Annual Report
5-91 / “Modelling Beam-Like Space Trusses with Nonlinear Joints with Application to Control,” M. Webster, W. Vander Velde, June 1991
6-91-R / “The Middeck Active Control Experiment First Sample Problem: Sensor and Actuator Selection, Sensor and Actuator Paring,” M. Mercadal, June 1991
7-91-R / “Analysis of the MACE First Sample Problem,” M. Mercadal, June 1991
8-91-R / “US-Soviet Cooperation in Space,” E. Crawley, Rymarcsuk, June 1991
9-91 / “Cost Averaging Techniques for Robust Control of Parametrically Uncertain Systems,” N. Hagood, Crawley, June 1991
10-91-I / “The Dynamics of Controlled Structures (1991 Notes),” E. Crawley, Hall, July 1991
11-91 / “Identification of a Lightly Damped Structure for Control/Structure Interaction,” K. Gilpin, Athans, Bokor, August 1991
12-91 / “Linear Quadratic Control for Systems with Structured Uncertainty,” J. Douglas, M. Athans, September 1991
13-91-R / “Nonlinear Modelling, Simulation, and Preliminary Control of the Baseline Test Article,” C. Padilla
14-91 / “Modelling Structural Dynamics for Control,” E. Balmes, E.F. Crawley, October 1991
15-91-R / “Laboratory Prototype of a Six Axis Microgravity Isolation Mount,” M. Mercadal, C.A. Blaurock, A.H. von Flotow, N. Werely, September 1991
1-92 / “The Dynamics of Deployable Truss Structures in Zero-gravity: The MODE STA Results,” M.S. Barlow, E.F. Crawley, January 1992
2-92 / “Modeling, Dynamics Analysis and Control of a Multi-Body Space Platform,” B.M. Quadrelli, March 1992
3-92-J / “Covariance Averaging in the Analysis of Uncertain Systems,” S.R. Hall, D.G. MacMartin, D.S. Bernstein
4-92-R / SERC Semi-Annual Report
5-92 / “A Stochastic Approach to Broadband Control of Parametrically Uncertain Structures,” D.G. MacMartin, S.R. Hall, May 1992
6-92 / “Multivariable Stability Robustness for Control of Flexible Beams and Trusses,” L. Lublin, M. Athans, E.F. Crawley, May 1992
7-92 / “Performance Limits and Robustness Issues in the Control of Flexible Link Manipulators,” C.E. Padilla, A.H. von Flotow, May 1992
8-92 / “Shaping Inputs to Reduce Vibration in Flexible Space Structures,” K.W. Chang, June 1992
9-92-J / “Connections between the Popov Stability Criterion and Bounds for Real Parametric Uncertainty,” J.P.How, S.R. Hall, May 1992
10-92 / “Design of an Optical Interferometer Spacecraft,” A.M. Nisbet, J.F. Shea, May 1992
11-92-I / “Modelling, Dynamics Analysis and Control of a Multi-body Space Platform: Further Developments and User Manual,” B.M. Quadrelli, May 1992
12-92-R / “Three Dimensional MACE Control: Parametric Study,” R.B. Sepe, June 1992
13-92-R / “Neural Nets for Control – What Gives Them the Nerve?” J. Douglas, July 1992
14-92 / “Multivariable High-Authority Control of Plate-Like Active Lifting Surfaces,” K.B. Lazarus, E.F. Crawley, June 1992
15-92-R / “The Dynamics of Contained Fluids in Micro-gravity: The MODE Results,” M.C. Van Schoor, E.F. Crawley, September 1992
16-92-R / “The Middeck O-gravity Dynamics Experiment Summary Report,” E.F. Crawley, M.C. Van Schoor, E.B. Bokhour, September 1992
17-92 / “Gravity and Laboratory Suspension Effects on the Dynamics of Controlled Flexible Spacecraft,” D.A. Rey, H.F. Alexander, December 1992
18-92 / “Broadband Control of Flexible Structures using Statistical Energy Analysis Concepts,” D.G. MacMartin, S.R. Hall, December 1992
1-93 / “Robust Control Design with Real Parameter Uncertainty using Absolute Stability Theory,” J.P. How, S.R. Hall, January 1993
2-93 / “Strain Actuated Aeroelastic Control,” C.Y. Lin, E.F. Crawley, February 1993
3-93 / “Spatially Filtering Strain Sensors for Structural Shape Estimation of Intelligent Structures,” M.S.-Andersson, E.F. Crawley, February 1993
4-93 / “Neo-Classical Control of Structures,” M.E. Campbell, E.F. Crawley, February 1993
5-93 / “Piezoceramic Actuation of One- and Two-Dimensional Structures,” E.H. Anderson, E.F. Crawley, March 1993
6-93 / “MIT Space Engineering Research Center Semi-Annual Report,” January 1993
7-93 / “Experimental/Analytical Predictive Models of Damped Structural Dynamics,” E. Balmes, E.F. Crawley, May 1993
8-93 / “Design of a Fluid Elastic Actuator with Application to Structural Control,” M.K. Ciero, H. McManus, June 1993
9-93 / “A Strategy for NASA’s Utilization of Space Assets in the Former Soviet Union, J.A. Rymarcsuk, June 1993
10-93 / “Design of Passive Piezoelectric Damping for Space Structures,” J. Aldrich, N. Hagood, A. von Flotow, June 1993
11-93 / Annual Report
12-93 / “Physical Identification for Control of Flexible Structures,” E.F. Crawley, V. Karlov, D. Miller, W. Vander Velde, January 1993
13-93 / “Active Vibration Isolation for Controlled Flexible Structures,” G. Blackwood, A. von Flotow, October 1993
14-93 / “Robust Placement of Actuators and Dampers for Structural Control, E. Anderson, N. Hagood, October 1993
15-93 / “Evaluation and Extension of the RLQR Using a Mixed H2/H Interpretation,” E. Bielecki, M. Athans, November 1993
1-94 / “Multiple Degree of Freedom Force-State Component Identification,” B. Masters, E.F. Crawley, January 1994
2-94 / “Comparison of Control Techniques for Robust Performance on Uncertain Structural Systems,” S. Grocott, J. How, D. Miller, January 1994 (MS)
3-94 / “Development of Zero-Gravity Structural Control Models from Analysis and Ground Experimentation,” R. Glaese, D. Miller, January 1994 (MS)
4-94 / “Design and Modeling of an Active Aeroelastic Wing,” G. Reich, E.F. Crawley, February, 1994
5-94 / “Impedance Matching and Energy Shunting Control for Nonpositive Real Structures,” C. Blaurock, D. Miller, January 1994
6-94 / “Piezoelectric Fiber Composites for Structural Actuation,” A. Bent, N. Hagood, January 1994
7-94 / “Broadband Control of Structural Vibration Using Simultaneous Sensing and Actuation with Nonlinear Piezoelectric Elements,” R. Spangler, January 1994
8-94 / “Multi-Axis Analog Adaptive Feedforward Cancellation of Cryocooler Vibration,” S. Collins, April 1994
9-94 / The Implementation of Optimal Full State Feedback Using Area Averaging Sensors,” P. Cazeau, D. Miller, May 1994 (MS)
10-94 / “Multi-Axis Active Isolation from a Lightly Damped Vibrating Structure,” F. Aguirre, M. Athans, May 1994.
11-94 / “On-Line System Identification and Control Design for Flexible Structures,” Robert Jacques, May 1994
12-94 / “Shaped Strain Sensors for Intelligent Structures,” M. Andersson, E.F. Crawley, May 1994
13-A-94 / “Modeling and Modal Identification of Jointed Space Structures in One- and Zero-Gravity Environments,” S. Bobronnikov, C. Marthinus, June 1994
13-B-94 / (Bobronnikov, Appendices)
14-94 / “Nonlinear Modeling of High Field Ferroelectric Ceramics for Structural Actuation,” K. Chan, N. Hagood, July 1994
15-94R / Annual Report
1-95 / “Transient Thermo-Structural Analysis of an Insulated Space Structure”, Yool Kim
1-96-R / “Structural Shape Estimation Using Shaped Sensors,” Mark S. Andersson, E.F. Crawley, January 1996
2-96 / “Uncertainty Modeling for Structural Control Analysis and Synthesis, Mark E. Campbell, E.F. Crawley, January 1996
3-96 / “Towards Optimal Strain Actuated Aeroelastic Control,” Charissa Y. Lin, Edward F. Crawley, January 1996
4-96 / “Active Vibration Isolation for Precision Space Structures,” Tupper T. Hyde, and Edward F. Crawley, January 1996
5-96 / “Probablistic Analysis and Design of Dimensionally Stable Composite Structures,” Erik Abernathy, January 1996
6-96 / “The Use of Additional Actuators to Enhance Performance Robustness”, Leonard Lublin, Michael Athans, June 1996
7-96 / “The Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE): Summary Report”, David Miller, Edward F. Crawley, et al., June 1996
8-96 / “Efficient Design of Robust Controllers for H2 Performance”, Kyle Yang and Steven Hall, February 1997
9-96 / “A Comparison of Structurally Connected and Multiple Spacecraft Interferometers”, Derek M. Surka and Edward F. Crawley, December 1996
1-97 / “Evolutionary Design of Controlled Structures”, Brett P. Masters, and Edward F. Crawley, January 1997
2-97 / “Impedance Matching for Structural-Acoustic Control”, Roger M. Glaese, and David M. Miller, February 1997
3-97 / “Dynamic Reconstruction and Multivariable Control for Force-Actuated, Thin Facesheet Adaptive Optics,” Simon C.O. Grocott, and David W. Miller, May 1997
4-97 / “Creating Time-Optimal Commands for Linear Systems,” Timothy Tuttle, June 1997
5-97 / “A Probabilistic Model of the Effects of Satellite System Automation on Availability and Costs,” Robert E. Schwarz and Daniel E. Hastings, May 1997
6-97 / “Space Based Radar - System Architecture Design and Optimization for a Space Based Replacement to AWACS”, Douglas P. Wickert and Daniel E. Hastings, May 1997
7-97 / “Modeling for Control of Geometrically Nonlinear Flexible Structures”, Carl Blaurock and David W. Miller, October 1997
8-97 / “Analysis of an Open Cycle Gas Core Nuclear Propulsion Systems Using MHD Driven Vortices for Fuel Containment”, Ray Sedwick, October 1997
9-97 / “Research Report”, Olivier de Weck
10-97 / “Research Report”, Olivier de Weck
11-97 / “Computational Modeling of Expanding Plasma Plumes in Space Using a PIC-DSMC Algorithm”, David Younghee Oh, Daniel Hastings, February, 1997
1-98 / “Vibroacoustic Modeling and Control for Launch Vehicle Shrouds, Koji Asari, David W. Miller, June 1998 (MS)
2-98 / “Micro-dynamics and Thermal Snap Response of Deployable Space Structures”, Mitch Ingham, Edward F. Crawley, June 1998
3-98 / “Comparative System Trades Between Structurally Connected and Separated Spacecraft Interferometers for the Terrestrial Planet Finder Mission,” Robby Stephenson, David W. Miller, June 1998 (MS)
4-98 / “Electron Current Collection by a Positively Charged Tether Using a Particle-In-Cell Method:’ Tatsuo Onishi and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 1998
5-98 / A Two-Dimensional, Non-Equilibrium, Numerical Model of an Alkali Seeded Hydrogen Arcjet Thruster,” Darrell Robertson, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 1998
6-98 / “A Theoretical Study on Alkali Seeding of Arcjet Thrusters”, Folusho Oyerokun, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 1998
7-98 / “Dynamic Models for Liquid Rocket Engines with Health Monitoring Application”, Paulo Lozano and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 1998
8-98 / “Issues Regarding a Complete Computational Model of a Hall Thruster from the Acceleration Channel through the Plume”, Salma Qarnain, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 1998
9-98 / “Ion Micro-Propulsion and Cost Modeling for Satellite Clusters”, Gregory Yashko and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 1998
10-98 / “Force and Strain Feedback for Distributed Actuation”, Alex Makarenko, Edward F. Crawley, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez July 1998
11-98 / “Hybrid-PIC Modeling and Electrostatic Probe Survey of Hall Thrusters”, John Michael Fife, and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, September 1998
12-98 / “The Generalized Information Network Analysis Methodology for Distributed Satellite Systems”, Graeme B. Shaw, David W. Miller, and Daniel E. Hastings, October 1998
13-98 / “Optimal Trajectories and Orbit Design for Separated Spacecraft Interferometry”, Ray Sedwick, Edmund Kong, David W. Miller, November 1998 (MS)
14-98 / “Thermal Creak Induced Dynamics of Space Structures,” Yool A. Kim, Hugh L. McManus and David W. Miller, November 1998
15-98 / “Separated Spacecraft Interferometry – System Architecture Design and Optimization”, Cyrus D. Jilla and David W. Miller, December 1998
1-99 / “Performance Assessment and Enhancement of Precision Controlled Structures During Conceptual Design”, Homero Gutierrez and David W. Miller, February 1999 (PhD)
2-99 / “Mission Mirage, 16.83 Space Systems Engineering – Final Report”, September 1998
3-99 / “Actuator and Sensor Design and Modeling for Structural Acoustic Control”, Robert Pascal and David W. Miller, May 1999 (MS)
4-99 / “Development and Validation of Empirical and Analytical Reaction Wheel Disturbance Models”, Rebecca Masterson and David W. Miller, April 1999 (MS)
5-99 / “Integrated Modeling and Dynamics Simulation for the Next Generation Space Telescopes”, Olivier L. de Weck and David W. Miller, May 1999 (MS)
6-99 / “16.89 Space Systems Engineering – Final Report”, Spring 1999
ASTRO – Architecting the Search for Terrestrial Planets and Related Origins
7-99 / “Linear 1-D Analysis of Oscillations Instabilities in Stationery Plasma Thrusters”, Reid Noguchi and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, July 1999
8-99 / “Investigation of Spacecraft Cluster Autonomy Through An Acoustic Imaging Interferometric Testbed”, John P. Enright and David W. Miller, September 1999 (MS)
1999 / “High Performance Structures Dynamics and Control”, Ed Crawley, Mark Campbell, and Steve Hall, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA (to be published in 1999). Only have (one) hard copy and it’s filed in with the originals.
1-00 / “Development and Experimental Validation of Direct Controller Tuning for Spaceborne Telescopes”, Gregory Mallory and David W. Miller, January 2000 (PhD)
2-00 / “Performance Analysis of a Space-Based GMTI Radar System Using Separated Spacecraft Interferometry”, Troy Hacker, Raymond Sedwick and David W. Miller, February 2000 (MS)
3-00 / “Advanced Propulsion for Microsatellites”, Vadim Khayms and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, February 2000
4-00 / “Model-based Planning for Coordinated Air-Vehicle Missions,” Phil Kim
5-00 / “Model Uncertainty and Performance Analysis for Precision Controlled Space Structures”, Frederic Bourgault and David W. Miller, May 2000
6-00 / “Unidirectional Active Acoustic Control for Launch Vehicle Fairings”, Carlos Gutiérrez, John-Paul Clarke, February 2000
1-01 / “Micropropulsion System Selection for Precision Formation Flying Satellites”, Jeffrey G. Reichbach, Raymond Sedwick and David W. Miller, January 2001 (MS)
2-01 / “A System Study on How to Dispose of Small Satellites”, Jason Andringa and Daniel E. Hastings, February 2001
3-01 / “Conditioning, Reduction, and Disturbance Analysis of a Large Order Integrated Models for space-Based Telescopes”, Scott A. Uebelhart and David W. Miller, February 2001 (MS)
4-01 / “Developing a Space Shuttle Experiment for Hall and Pulsed Plasma Thrusters”, Stephanie Thomas and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, February 2001
5-01 / “Fully Kinetic Numerical Modeling of a Plasma Thruster”, James J. Szabo and Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, February 2001
6-01 / “Capturing the Impact of Model Error on Structural Dynamic Analyses During Design Evolution”, Alissa Clawson, David W. Miller, August 24, 2001 (MS)
7-01 / “A Framework to Account for Flexibility in Modeling the Value of On-Orbit Servicing for Space Systems”, Elisabeth Lamassoure and Daniel E. Hastings (MS)
8-01 / “Active Noise Control Using Glow Discharge Plasma Panels”, Christopher Merchant, John-Paul Clarke (MS)
9-01 / “A Structurally Coupled Disturbance Analysis Method Using Dynamic Mass Measurement Techniques, with Application to Spacecraft-Reaction Wheel Systems”, Laila Mireille Elias and David W. Miller, March 2001 (MS)
10-01 / “The Development and Analysis of Scanned Pattern Interferometric Radar”, Karen Marais and Raymond J. Sedwick (SM-2001)
11-01 / “Implementation of Multi-Layer Active Structural-Acoustic Transmission Control”, Jonathan Wong and John-Paul Clarke (SM-2001)
12-01 / “MillerTime”. David W. Miller
13-01 / “Aero-Assisted Orbital Transfer Vehicles Utilizing Atmosphere Ingestion”, Thomas McGuire, Raymond Sedwick (SM-2001)
14-01 / “Development and Analysis of a High Fidelity Linearized 12 Model for Satellite Formation Flying”, Samuel Schweighart, Raymond Sedwick (SM-2001)
15-01 / “Gain Scheduling for Geometrically Nonlinear Flexible Space Structures”, Jeremy Yung, David Miller, September 2001 (PhD)
17-01 / “Multivariable Isoperformance Methodology for Precision Opto-Mechanical Systems,” Olivier de Weck, David Miller, September 2001 (PhD)
18-01 / “A Microfabricated Colloid Thruster Array,” Luis Fernando Velasquez Garcia, Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, June 2001 (MS)
1-02 / “Optimal Rejection of Nonstationary Narrowband Disturbances for
Flexible Systems”, Sean M. Kenny, David W. Miller, February 2002 (PhD)
2-02 / “Spacecraft Formation Flight Exploiting Potential Fields”, Edmund Mun-Choong Kong, David W. Miller, February 2002 (PhD)