This Society shall be known as the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Peter’s Church of Kansas City, Missouri.


The Patroness of the Altar and Rosary Society shall be the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “Mary, Mother of God”.


It is the mission of St. Peter’s Altar and Rosary Society to promote the spiritual life of the women of St. Peter’s Parish, to promote true Christian charity, the love of God, our neighbor, and Christian family life, to foster love for the house of God and to labor for its care and adornment.


The Altar and Rosary Society is for all women of St. Peter’s Parish.


The annual dues of the Altar and Rosary Society shall be ten dollars and the membership year is from June 1st to May 31st.


The officers shall be:

  1. Spiritual Director (the Pastor or priest appointed by the Pastor)
  2. President
  3. First Vice President
  4. Second Vice President
  5. Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Auditor
  8. Parliamentarian (appointed by the President)


Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings; shall see that the rules and regulations of the Society are carried out and appoint necessary Committees; shall appoint a Parliamentarian and the chairmen of Standing Committees, except the Nominating Committee; may call special meetings and appoint special committees; within sixty days after election shall call a meeting of the Executive Board to make plans for the year. She may cancel a meeting in an emergency. She shall perform all other duties of the office.

Section 2. The First Vice President shall be an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in her absence. She shall be the Program Chairman. Program Chairman shall plan and present the programs to the Executive Board for approval before presentation at the regular meeting. Any change in program shall have the approval of the President.

Section 3. The Second Vice President, in the absence of the President and First Vice President, shall perform the duties of the President, and be Membership Chairman. Membership Chairman shall promote membership in the Society. She shall report at the regular meetings the names of new members and introduce them if they are present.

Section 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings; shall attend to all correspondence of the Society at the direction of the President, and shall help prepare the annual report.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall receive all income of the Society; pay bills authorized by the Board and keep an accurate account of all paid members; shall give a written report at the regular meetings and the annual meeting and shall close the books by May 31st and turn them over to the Auditor the first week in June for the annual audit and must pay affiliated dues.

Section 6. The Outgoing Auditor shall audit the Treasurer’s books in June and present her report at the next business meeting.

Section 7. The Parliamentarian shall advise the President and members of the Board on request.

Section 8. The Spiritual Director shall advise and approve activities of the Executive Board of the Altar and Rosary Society and install the officers in May.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the Spiritual Director, elected officers, Standing Committee Chairman, Circle chairmen or representatives, Parliamentarian and Immediate Past President.

Section 2. All vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Board with the approval of the Pastor.

Section 3. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be five.

Section 4. The Executive board will review the Bylaws as needed and will make recommendations for change when necessary.


Section 1. Unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board, the regular meeting of the Altar and Rosary Society shall be after the monthly Communion Mass on the second Sunday of each month of the year, with the exception of May when the meeting shall be held on the third Sunday of that month. Quorum shall be ten, three of whom shall be elected officers.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet prior to each regular meeting, or otherwise as needed.

Section 3. The annual meeting and annual reports shall be in May.

Section 4. The President may call special meetings of the Executive Board.

Section 5. The President may cancel a meeting in an emergency.

Section 6. Committee Chairmen shall notify the President of a meeting so she may attend when possible.


Section 1. NOMINATIONS: A Nominating Committee, consisting of a representative from each Circle, shall be named in February. The Chairman of the committee shall be chosen by the Nominating Committee. No member shall serve on this Committee two consecutive years. The President shall not serve on this Committee. The Nominating committee shall present a slate of officers, approved by the Pastor, to the members for vote. Nominations from the floor may be presented with the approval of the nominee and the Pastor.

Section 2. ELECTION: The officers of the Altar and Rosary Society shall be elected annually at the April regular meeting. They shall serve for one year or until their successor is elected. Their term shall begin at the end of the annual meeting. They shall be elected by ballot. A majority vote shall elect. If there is but one nominee for any office, the election may be Viva Voce. No officer shall be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive years. Vacancies in office, except in the office of President, shall be filled by the Executive Board. In case of a Vacancy for President, the First Vice President shall assume the Presidency.

Section 3. INSTALLATION: Installation of the elected officers shall be at the annual meeting. All permanent records shall be turned over to the new President at the installation. The Spiritual Director shall install newly elected officers.


Section 1. The Altar and Rosary Society of St. Peter’s shall be affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Section 2. The Altar and Rosary Society shall send a delegate or alternate to the D.C.C.W. and Deanery meetings. The delegate shall be a liaison between the D.C.C.W. Commission Chairmen and the Altar and Rosary Society and shall give pertinent reports at the Altar and Rosary Society meetings. The Commissions are: Community, Church, Family, International and Organization Services.

Section 3. The Altar and Rosary Society President or delegate may be sent to the N.C.C.W. and D.C.C.W. Conventions. The convention expenses may be paid by the Altar and Rosary Society, the amount to be determined by the Executive Board.


Once a month, a Mass shall be offered for living and deceased members of the Altar and Rosary Society.


Section 1. The Standing Committees of the Altar and Rosary Society shall be appointed as needed by the President and Executive Board.

Section 2. Each Standing Committee Chairman shall appoint as many members as needed to do the work of the committee.

Section 3. Each Chairman shall keep a record of Committee activities and provide a report at the next business meeting.


Section 1. A Circle shall be officially organized with acceptance by the Altar and Rosary Society at a regular meeting.

Section 2. Circles shall not have more than twenty members.

Section 3. It is suggested that Circles meet once a month, or a minimum of nine meetings per year.

Section 4. Circles are encouraged to recite the Rosary or use other forms of prayer and spiritual discussions at each meeting.

Section 5. Each Circle should designate a representative to attend Executive Board meetings and they will report back to the circle.

Section 6. Each circle shall be requested to take turns acting as hostesses for meetings.


These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote, provided thirty days previous notice is given at a previous business meeting.


Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority of the Altar and Rosary Society.

Revised 2008