Pre-Calculus Course Syllabus
Teacher: Danny WeemsSchool Phone: (423)234-1752
Email: onference: By scheduled appointment
Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, 11th Ed. (Swokowski and Cole)
Course Summary:Unit 01: Fundamental Concepts; Basic Functions and Graphs
Unit 02: Polynomial, Rational, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions
Unit 03: Trigonometric Functions, Analytic Trig., and Additional Topics is Trig.
Unit 04: Systems, Matrices, and Determinants
Unit 05: Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry
Unit 06: Sequences, Series, and Probability
Teacher Info: I am a 1984 graduate of North Greene High School (NGHS) and a 1992 graduate of East Tennessee State University (ETSU), with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics. I worked for twenty-one years in the field of Information Technology / Computer Programming. In 2013, I was selected as a Teach Tennessee Governor’s Fellow which enabled me to pursue teaching as a new career. I enjoy teaching math at NGHS and look forward to another good class.
Communication: Several means of communication are available and I want to use the method which works best for your situation. A parents/guardians survey will be utilized at the start of the school year to determine communication preferences. Also, you may contact me by calling the school and asking for a return call, or may contact me directly via my email address listed above.
Absence/Tardy:Policies have changed, see your Student Handbook. Consistent student attendance is important for academic success. A tardy will be counted for every unexcused arrival to the classroom after the tardy bell OR for leaving class before it has ended. Each ‘third tardy’is counted as a class absence. The fourth tardy is reported to school administration. By GCS Policy, you cannot have more than 5 absences and still pass the class. Each absence is eligible to be made up (i.e. absence will be erased) in ‘time-for-time.’
Make-up Work: Each student is responsiblefor obtaining missing assignments and must complete the work per the school policy for making up work due to absence.
Rework/Retake: I want you to learn the material which is covered in our class and I want you to demonstrate that you have learned it. If you score low on atest then you will be given an opportunity to retake the test. Toearn the right to retake a test, you must rework all missed problems from the first test, and show all work required to solve the problems. Once you have done this, a full retest (with new problems) can then be scheduled and taken and should be completed within one week of the original test. When retaking a test, the grade received on the most recent test will be used as the grade and the highest score possible will be a 90. (Note: No retakes permitted on Midterm/Final/EOC)
Homework/Classwork Grading:As part of your overall grade, I will look for evidence of your work on practice problem assignments – meaning you “must show your work” to receive credit. You will be assigned practice problems as classwork and homework. These practice problems are important for your success. I will grade random assignments and will give random quizzes from homework problems. Additionally, classwork grades may be given for various activities such as group work, individual participation, etc.
A variety of assignments and assessments will be used.
Grade Categories for Geometry / Grade ScaleA 93-100
Tests 40% / B 85-92
Quizzes 30% / C 75-84
Homework/Classwork 30% / D 70-74
F 0-69
Midterm/Final (see note below)
Note: The breakdown listed above accounts for 80% of total grade; Midterm adds 10%, Final adds 10%
Daily Materials you must have:
To be properly prepared,you musthavethe following at your desk every day:
- yourthree-ring binder/organizer with 3-hole college-ruled notebook paper
- pencils (either wood or mechanical)and erasers
Provided to you from the classroom supply (if needed):
- 3-hole graph paper
- a graphing calculator from the classroom’s supply can be used while in the classroom
- Calculators used in classroom include the TI-83 or TI-84 models
- Note: Please supply a4-pack of AAA batteries if you plan to use these
Notebook/Binders must be with you every class and should contain:
- Cover Sheet (Your Name, Class Schedule, etc.)
- Dividers (to keep your information/contents better organized)
- Course Syllabus withClass Expectations and Consequences
- Homework/Classwork (sequenced with most recent in front)
- Grade Tracking (you will track/graph your own grades in this course)
Student ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian ______Date ______
Teacher Initials: ______
(Teacher will initial after both student and parent have signed AND placed the syllabus in the student’sPre-Calculus binder. Teacher will then give a homework grade of 100 for reviewing syllabus and getting the Pre-Calculus binder ready.)
(Note: Class Expectations and Consequences should always accompany this Syllabus)
Class Expectations
Teacher is preparedeach day and does not waste student’s time
Students are in seat at tardy bell working on bell-ringer activity
Students remain in their seat during class unless instructed otherwise
All persons:
oKeep safety as a priority
oKnow and follow all requirements of school and district
oShow respect to one another
oChoose to keep a positive attitude
oSeek challenges, try to learn and improve every day
oAvoid distractions (such as personal phones or music devices, eating food, etc.) Note: Approved drinks are OK
Listed below are the consequences for not living up to our expectations.
1st Warning: Verbal warning
2nd Warning: Verbal warning and written note of misbehavior
3rd Warning: In-class suspension (or I & I suspension) with assignment
4th Warning: Administrative referral
(Teacher may bypass any or all levels, as necessary, or may choose an alternate consequence. Parental contact may be made at any time during the process.)
Assignment 1: Understanding the Syllabus and the Class Expectations
Student Name:List three things you learned about your new math teacher: / 1)
How can a test score be improved?
When retaking a test, when should the retake have to be completed by?
What must you do to receive credit for answering a homework problem?
List the school supplies you need to have at your desk every day?
From the Class Expectations,
Choose and list the five expectations that you think are most helpful so that our classroom is a good learning environment? / 1)