Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ)
Project Selection Process


*please note: all blanks must be filled in to ensure the best possible total score (ex. if an explanation is required for a “yes”/”no” response, one must be submitted in order to receive a score for that item).

*Planning Study Projects should be submitted under the Regional Surface Transportation Program.

The 2018 CMAQ/RSTP Project Selection Process will primarily focus on funding allocations for FY 2025.

CandidateProject Application: Highway Projects


Project Name:

UPC #:(if available)Date:

Primary Contact:Phone:


Secondary Contact:Phone:


Project Location:

(Please provide a detailed description of the location of the project. If applicable, please also attach a map to your application.)

Description of Project:

(Please provide a brief description of the scope of the project.)

Project Need:

(Please provide the need for and benefit to be derived from the project, including the impact on air quality.)

| HRTPO CMAQ Project Application – Highway Projects|1


Project Name:2018

Is this a new project?Yes No

Is this project consistent with thecurrent HRTPOLong-Range Transportation Plan?Yes No

Has this project been considered for CMAQ funding in the past?Yes No

Estimated Start Date:Estimated Completion Date:

Overall Project Cost: $

Total CMAQ Funding Request: $

Please specify the funding request for FY 2025 (Year One) followed by planned requests for ensuing years:

Phase / Year One / Year Two / Year Three / Year Four / Year Five / Total
PE / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
RW / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
CN / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
Total / $ 0 / $ 0 / $ 0 / $ 0 / $ 0 / $ 0


Project Name: 2018

Fill out applicable section below:

Section 1: Signal System Upgrades

Signal System Upgrades include large-scale, citywide signal-only upgrades.

Number of intersections included in project

Number of intersections with:

Low Volumes (< 2,690 vehicles per peak hour)

Medium Volumes (2,690 - 5,900 vehicles per peak hour)

High Volumes (> 5,900 vehicles per peak hour)

Section 2: Intersection Geometry

Intersection geometry projects include increased capacity, additional turn lanes, or signal timings at a single (isolated) intersection.

Select the peak hour (AM or PM) that provides the maximum change in delay. If the project will optimize signal timings, please provide the existing delay with optimized signal timings. Attach the intersection analysis results (i.e. Synchro/HCS Analysis), including diagram showing intersection geometry.

Total Number of Vehicles Entering the Intersection during peak hour

"Existing" Total Intersection Delay* (sec/veh) during peak hour

"After Proposed Improvements" Total Intersection Delay (sec/veh) during peak hour

Section 3: Corridor Improvements (No Capacity Additions)

Corridor Improvements section includes projects involving ‘progressive movement’ or coordinated signal timing upgrades.

Please divide the corridor into segments if traffic volumes change significantly along the corridor. If a corridor is broken up into multiple segments, please ensure that each signal is only counted in one segment. If two corridors intersect at a signalized intersection, the signal can be counted one time for each corridor. If this chart does not provide enough room, feel free to leave the chart blank and attach the requested information in a separate table.

Roadway Name / Beginning Location (Cross Street) / Ending Location (Cross Street) / Functional Class / Number of Signals / Average Daily Traffic

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