

The race is on! Amelia Bedelia always does what she’s told. So when Mr. Rogers tells her she should run for Mayor Thomas’ office, she picks up her skirts, and dashes off to City Hall. She knows just what she’d do in the Mayor’s shoes (polish them, of course). With Amelia Bedelia in the race, politics will never
be the same!

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Retell the story in your own words.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / What was your favorite part?
(2) / Imagine you were Amelia Bedelia, how would you feel about running for mayor?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Who is your city mayor?
(3) / Imagine you were the present Mayor, how do you fell about having to run against Amelia Bedelia?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Why?
(4) / Remember a time you ran for an office in your school. Why did you run? Was it fun?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Why or why not?
(5) / Define “campaigning”.
(Answer) / Activity to achieve a political, social of commercial goal.
(Follow Up) / Use the word campaigning in a sentence.
(6) / Who told Amelia Bedelia to run for mayor?
(Answer) / Mr. Rogers.
(Follow Up) / Why?
(7) / What did Mr. Rogers want for breakfast? What did he get?
(Answer) / Pancakes, cakes in a pan.
(Follow Up) / What did Amelia Bedelia do wrong?
(8) / What does Amelia Bedelia always do?
(Answer) / What people tell her, too.
(Follow Up) / Why?
(9) / What did Mayor Thomas say Amelia Bedelia couldn’t be? (besides mayor)
(Answer) / A dog catcher.
(Follow Up) / What is a dog catcher?
(10) / What was Amelia Bedelia’s reasoning for running for mayor’s office?
(Answer) / To run until the mayor took back what he said then she will dropout.
(Follow Up) / Why?
1. / Draw Amelia Bedelia running for mayor. Label.
2. / Create a sign for Amelia Bedelia’s campaign. Be creative, colorful, and be neat. Include: What you promise to do? Come up with a catchy slogan.
3. / Write as many political offices as you can think of in your journal.
4. / Pretend you have been elected the new class president. Write your acceptance speech.
1. / Ask the children if they have ever ran for a class officer. If so, what office. Did you win? Discuss. Today we are going to read about Amelia Bedelia and her running for mayor. Let’s read and find out what happens.
2. / Ask the student if they can name some political offices—mayor, president, vice president, etc. Ask them if they would ever like to work in government and help make rules and laws. Today in our story Amelia decides she wants to run for school office. Let’s read and find out what happens.
3. / Show the students some current pictures of the president, vice president, mayor, or other political figure in your area. Ask them what men and women do that work in the government. Today in our story Amelia decides she wants to run for school office. Let’s read and find out what happens.

Book Title: Amela Bedelia 4 Mayor

Author: Herman Parish / Illustrator: Lynn Sweat
ISBN: 0-06-444309-4 / # of Text Pages: 42 AR: 2.5 LEX: 220
Building Oral Vocabulary
11 / kitchen / 12 / secretary / 13 / conference
Prediction Questions
9 / Do you think Mr. Roger’s is serious about running for mayor?
14 / Do you think that was nice of the reporters to laugh at her?
46 / Do you think she will run for mayor?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.