• Documents added or changed since last version are shown in red

CD Number / Document Name / Date
CD/1 / Section 73 Application Planning application form, covering letter and plans / 26-Apr-06
CD/2 / Planning statement / Apr-06
CD/3 / ES non-technical summary / Apr-06
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/4 / Volume 1 – Master Volume
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/5 / Volume 2 – Air Noise
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/6 / Volume 3 – Air Quality
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/7 / Volume 4 – Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/8 / Volume 5 – Economic Effects
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/9 / Volume 6 – Employment Effects
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/10 / Volume 7 – Energy
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/11 / Volume 8 – Ground Noise
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/12 / Volume 9 – Landscape and Visual Impact
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/13 / Volume 10 – Nature Conservation
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/14 / Volume 11- Surface Access Transport Assessment
CD/14.1 / Volume 11 Addendum - Surface Access - transport assessment - Updates and Sensitivity Tests / April 2007
CD/14.2 / Volume 11 Addendum - Surface Access - transport assessment – Further Update and Sensitivity Tests / July 2007
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/15 / Volume 12 – Third Party Risk
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/16 / Volume 13 – Waste
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/17 / Volume 14 – Water
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/18 / Volume 15 – Construction
Stansted Generation 1 Environmental Statement / Apr-06
CD/19 / Volume 16 – Air Traffic Data
CD/20 / Interim Master Plan / May-06
CD/21 / Health Impact Assessment / Jun-06
CD/21.1 / Sustainability Appraisal / May-06
CD/22 / Regulation 19 Response / Sep-06
CD/23 / Generation 1 Scoping Report / Jul-04
CD/24 / UDC Scoping Opinion / 04-Nov-04
CD/24.1 / BAA Response to UDC Scoping Opinion / 14-Mar-05
CD/25 / Public Consultation: Growing StanstedAirport on the Existing Runway / July-Oct 05
CD/26 / Report of Public Consultation: Growing StanstedAirport on the Existing Runway / April 06
CD/27 / Officers’ Report on 15mppa + Planning Application / Jun-02
CD/28 / 15mppa + Planning Application, Environmental Statement etc. / Aug-01
CD/29 / 15+ ES addendum / May-02
CD/30 / 15+ decision notice & Conditions / 16-May-03
CD/31 / 15+ Section 106 Agreement / 14-May-03
CD/31.1 / 1981-83 Airports Inquiries - the Inspector's Report to the Secretary of State
CD/31.2 / 1985 Planning Permission
CD/31.3 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 24May 2006
CD/31.4 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 13-15 June 2006
CD/31.5 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 20 June 2006
CD/31.6 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 3-7 July 2006
CD/31.7 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 18th July 2006
CD/31.8 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 16th August 2006
CD/31.9 / UDC Minutes and Papers / 13/9/06
CD/32 / UDC Position Statement to Development Control Committee / 27-Sep-06
CD/33 / UDC DC Committee Agenda Item 2 / 29-Nov-06
CD/33.1 / UDC DC Committee Agenda Item 3
CD/33.2 / Summary of responses / 29-Nov-06
CD/33.3 / List of representations / 29-Nov-06
CD/33.4 / Minutes of UDC DC Committee meeting on 29/11/06
CD/34 / UDC DC Committee Agenda Item 5 / 4/4/07
CD/34.1 / Minutes of UDC DC Committee meeting on 4/4/07
CD/35 / UDC DC Committee Agenda item with draft obligation and conditions / 5/9/07
CD/35.1 / Minutes of Extraordinary DC Committee meeting / 5/9/07
CD/36 / Letter from UDC to BAA Stansted / 26-Apr-06
CD/37 / Letter from UDC to BAA Stansted / 23-Jun-06
CD/38 / Note – Issues requiring further discussion / explanation / 07-Jul-06
CD/39 / Letter and attachments from UDC to BAA Stansted (Regulation 19 request) / 15-Sep-06
CD/40 / Letter and attachment from UDC to BAA Stansted (landscaping) / 19-Oct-06
CD/41 / Letter from UDC to BAA Stansted / 02-Nov-06
CD/42 / UTT/0717/06/FUL decision notice / 30-Nov-06
CD/43 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 29-Jun-06
CD/44 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 30-Jun-06
CD/45 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 11-Jul-06
CD/46 / Letter and attachments from BAA Stansted to UDC / 14-Jul-06
CD/47 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 15-Aug-06
CD/48 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 30-Aug-06
CD/49 / Letter and attachments from BAA Stansted to UDC / 08-Sep-06
CD/50 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 20-Sep-06
CD/51 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 27-Sep-06
CD/52 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 05-Oct-06
CD/53 / Letter and attachments from BAA to Dr Catherine Gregson, East of England Public Health Group / 06-Oct-06
CD/54 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 17-Oct-06
CD/55 / Letter and attachments from BAA Stansted to UDC / 09-Nov-06
CD/56 / Letter from BAA Stansted to UDC / 20-Nov-06
CD/57 / Uttlesford District Local Plan Adopted 2005 / Jan-05
CD/58 / Uttlesford Core Strategy – Policy Choices and Options for Growth / Jan-07
CD/59 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 1996 – 2011 / Apr-01
CD/59.1 / Written Statement Adopted Essex & Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan
CD/60 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 1996 – 2011 - Background to the Plan – Part 1 / Apr-01
CD/61 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 1996 – 2011 – Vision, Aims and Core Strategy – Part 2 / Apr-01
CD/62 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 1996 – 2011 – Conserving the natural and Build Environment – Part 3 / Apr-01
CD/63 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 1996 – 2011 – Providing for Future Development & Transport – Part 4 / Apr-01
CD/64 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 1996 – 2011 - Technical Annexes / Apr-01
CD/65 / RPG 6 – Regional Planning Guidance for East Anglia to 2016 / Nov-00
CD/66 / RPG 9 – Regional Planning Guidance for South East - March 2001 / Mar-01
CD/67 / Letter dated 14 March 2007 from Patrick Amos, Essex County Council to Stewart Patience, EERA, relating to advice on which Structure Plan policies should be saved. SEE ALSO CD/72 / 14 March 2007
CD/68 / RPG 9 - Regional Transport Strategy (Chapter 9 of Regional Planning Guidance for the South East) (RPG9) / Jul-04
CD/69 / RPG 9 - Regional Planning Guidance for the South East (RPG9), Chapter 12 – Ashford Growth Area / Jul-04
CD/70 / RPG 9 Regional Planning Guidance 9: Revision to Waste and Minerals Strategies - Statement of Reasons for Further Changes - Cover note / Jun-06
CD/71 / RPG 9 Regional Planning Guidance 9: Revision to Waste and Minerals Strategies - Statement of Reasons for Further Changes / Jun-06
CD/72 / Adopted Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan, saving of policies beyond the 3 year saved period SEE ALSO CD/67
CD/73 / RPG 9 Regional Planning Guidance for the South East (RPG9) - Waste and Minerals / Jun-06
CD/74 / East of England Plan – Draft revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the East of England / Dec-04
CD/74.1 / East of England Plan – Draft revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the East of England – Appendix
CD/75 / East of England Plan – Report of the Panel / Jun-06
CD/76 / Government's Proposed Changes to the Draft East of England Plan / 19-Dec-06
CD/77 / The London Plan / 10-Feb-04
CD/78 / Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan / Sep-06
CD/79 / Alterations to the London Plan on housing provision targets, waste and minerals – now formally part of the published London Plan / 20-Dec-06
CD/80 / HertfordshireCounty Council Structure Plan / Apr-98
Uttlesford Local Development Framework
CD/81 / Sustainability Appraisal of the LDF – Scoping Report for UDC by White, Young, Green / Jun-06
CD/82 / Statement of Community Involvement / Jul-06
CD/83 / Local Development Scheme – 2nd Revision / Dec-06
CD/84 / Annual Monitoring Report / Dec-06
CD/85 / Essex Traffic Monitoring Report / 2005
CD/86 / Essex Local Transport Plan 2006 / 2011 / 2006
CD/87 / The Future of Air Transport / Dec-03
CD/88 / The Future of Air Transport Progress Report / 14-Dec-06
CD/89 / UDC's press release on Future of Air Transport Progress Report / 15-Dec-06
CD/90 / Sustainable Communities in the East of England / 2003
CD/91 / UK Sustainable Development Strategy - Securing the Future / 2005
CD/92 / PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development / Feb-05
CD/93 / PPS1 Supplement / Dec-06
CD/94 / PPS9 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation / Aug 2005
CD/95 / - Accompanying Guide / March 2006
CD/96 / - ODPM Circular 06/05: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation - Statutory Obligations and Their Impact Within The Planning System / 16 August 2005
CD/97 / PPS10 Planning for Sustainable Waste Management / July 2005
CD/98 / PPS11: Regional Spatial Strategies / Sept 2004
CD/99 / - Regional Spatial Strategy Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide Core Output Indicators / Dec 2005
CD/100 / - Core Output Indicators for Regional Planning / March 2005
CD/101 / PPS12: Local Development Frameworks / Sept 2004
CD/102 / - Companion guide / Nov 2004
CD/103 / PPS22 Renewable Energy / Aug 2004
CD/104 / Companion Guide / Dec 2004
CD/105 / Review of PPS22 / June 2006
CD/106 / PPG13: Transport / March 2001
CD/107 / PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment / Sept 1994
CD/108 / PPG16: Archaeology and Planning / Nov 1990
CD/109 / PPG17: Planning for Open Space Sport and Recreation, and Companion Guide - Assessing needs and opportunities / July 2002
CD/110 / PPG24: Planning and Noise / Sept 1994
CD/111 / The Eddington Transport Study, The Case for Action / Dec 2006
CD/112 / SERAS - The Future of Aviation - Consultation on Air Transport Policy - Dec 2000 / Dec 2000
CD/113 / SERAS - The future development of air transport in the UK: South East - Feb 2003 / Feb 2003
CD/113.1 / Summary of CD/113
CD/114 / Consultation Documents on Night Flying Restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick and StanstedAirports – Stage 1 / July 2004
CD/115 / Consultation Documents on Night Flying Restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick and StanstedAirports - Stage 2 / June 2005
CD/116 / Circular 11/95: Use of conditions in planning permission. / 1995
CD/117 / Circular 05/05: Planning Obligations / 2005
CD/118 / Circular 08/93: Awards of costs incurred in planning and other (including compulsory purchase order) proceedings / 1993
CD/118.1 / Night Flying Restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick & Stansted / June 2006
CD/118.1a / Statement by Douglas Alexander to Parliament / 6th June 2006
CD/119 / A Shared Vision – The Regional Economic Strategy for the East of England / Nov 2004
CD/119.1 / Summary of CD/119
CD/120 / The Economic Contribution of the Aviation Industry in the UK – Oxford Economic Forecasting / Oct 2006
CD/121 / The Future of Transport – a Network for 2030, Department for Transport / Jul 2004
CD/122 / Guidelines for Transport Assessments, Essex County Council / 4 Aug 2003
CD/123 / A Surface Access Strategy for Stansted, Review of Progress / Nov 2005
CD/124 / Changing Transport Lifestyles, The First Review of Stansted’s Site Travel Plan, / Nov 2005
CD/125 / Stansted Area Cycling and Walking Strategy / Nov 2005
CD/126 / Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions Circular 04/2001 Control of development affecting Trunk Roads and agreements with developers under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 / 2001
CD/127 / Guidelines for Traffic Impact Assessment, IHT / 1994
CD/128 / The Future of Rail White Paper, Department for Transport / 2004
CD/129 / A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone – Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions / 1998
CD/130 / Transport 2010: 10 Year Plan, Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions / 2000
CD/131 / Smarter Choices - Changing the way we travel, Department for Transport: Cairns, S., Sloman, L., Newson, C., Anable, J., Kirkbrides, A., and Goodwin, P. / 2004
CD/132 / DfT open letter to Terry Morgan, MD, BAA / 18 Sept 2006
CD/133 / SH&E Report on G1 Application / Feb 2006
CD/134 / SH&E Further Report on G1 Application / July 2006
CD/135 / SH&E Memorandum dated 11 August: Response to supplementary forecast questions on transfer traffic and passengers per ATM / 11 Aug 2006
CD/135.1 / SH&E Memorandum dated 30 October 2006 – Response to supplementary questions on comments made by ACC and arising from DC Committee meeting / 30 Oct 2006
CD/136 / Notes of Nov 2004 Nature Conservation/Air Quality Scoping about air pollution and its potential effects on ecological issues / Nov 2004
CD/137 / Baseline Report on the Current Conditions of a Variety of Habitats - Penny Anderson Associates / Sep 2006
CD/138 / A Scheme for the Management and Maintenance of StanstedAirport's Biodiversity – BAA Stansted / March 2004
CD/139 / Bureau Veritas Review of Environmental Statement Report for UDC on Noise Issues / Sept 2006
CD/140 / Bureau Veritas Supplementary note on the Regulation 19 response re Noise Issues / 15 Nov 2006
CD/141 / Bothered by Aircraft Noise? We're Listening – BAA Stansted / 2006
CD/142 / BAA Conditions of Use for Stansted April 2006 / April 2006
CD/142.1 / Stansted Conditions of Use 2007
CD/143 / Directors’ Notice DN7302: Introduction of a process for the surcharging of aircraft operators flagrantly failing to operation accordance with noise preferential routes to commence from 01.00 hours on 1 December 2002 / 21 Nov 2002
CD/143.1 / Ground Noise Management Strategy – Report to UDC in accordance with Part 2 of the Fourth Schedule of the S106 Agreement / 29/ 9/ 2005
CD/143.2 / Noise Insulation for your home installed by Everest
CD/143.3 / Further consultation Stansted Noise Insulation
CD/144 / Bureau Veritas Review of Environmental Statement Report for UDC on Air Quality / 30 Aug 2006
CD/145 / Bureau Veritas Comments on Regulation 19 Response on Air Quality / 8 Nov 2006
CD/146 / Local Quality of Life Indicators – supporting local communities to become sustainable Audit Commission / 2005
CD/147 / Hertfordshire County Council – Quality of Life Report 2005 / 2005
CD/148 / UDC Quality of Life Corporate Plan 2003-2007 / Dec 2003
CD148.1 / Extract of UDC Corporate Plan 2006/09. Minute of adoption, index, Sections 1
and 2 and Section 3.2.2 specifically dealing with airport expansion proposals.
CD/149 / Bureau Veritas Supplementary note on the noise related elements of the HIA / 15 Nov 2006
CD/150 / Bureau Veritas Report on the air quality related elements of the HIA / 17 Nov 2006
CD/151 / BLANK
CD/152 / Aviation and Global Warming – DfT / Jan 2004
CD/153 / Aviation and the Global Atmosphere, Summary for Policy Makers, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 1999
CD/154 / Decarbonising the UK, Energy for a Climate Conscious Future - Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research / 2005
CD/155 / Predict and Decide, Aviation Climate Change and UK Policy - Environmental Change Institute / Sep 2006
CD/156 / Climate Change: The UK Programme 2006 / 28 March 2006
CD/157 / Stern Review Report - Economics of Climate Change / 30 Oct 2006
CD/158 / Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change
CD/159 / Beyond Stern: From the Climate Change Programme Review to the Draft Climate Change Bill – Seventh Report of Session 2006-07 – HC460 / 30th July 2007
CD/160 / Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change “Climate Change 2007; The Physical Science Basis” / 2007
CD/161 / Corporate Responsibility Report (2005/6) / 2005/6
CD/162 / Emissions of Carbon Dioxide for Local Authority Areas, Defra / October 2005
CD/163 / OFT Report 882 UK Airports / Dec 2006
CD/164 / UKK CAA Price Control Review Initial Proposals for Heathrow, Gatwick and StanstedAirports / Dec 2006
CD/165 / CAA Process for the Reviews / October 2005
CD/166.1 / Extracts of CD/166
CD/167 / Stansted G2 – Development Proposal / January 2007
CD/168 / Stansted G2 – Surface Access – Consultation / Febraury 2007
CD/169 / Noise Exposure Contours for 2004 StanstedAirport prepared by the CAA for the DfT
CD/170 / ERCD Report 0603 - Noise and Exposure Contours for Stansted Airport 2005 by DJ Monkman, D P Rhodes and J Deeley – prepared by the CAA on behalf of the DfT" and issued in December 2006. / December 2006
CD/171 / The Report dated 19 December 2005 by Applied Acoustic Design comparing Aircraft Noise over Three Monthly Periods at Hoplands House, Much Hadham
CD/172 / Herts CC Highways & Transport Panel report of 13/11/06 on the A120 at Lt Hadham.
CD/173 / Government Review of Rural White Paper
CD/174 / October 2005 English Heritage report "The historic settlement character of the Stansted/M11 sub-region".
CD/175 / Directive 2002/49/EC (Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise)
CD/176 / The Environmental Noise (England) Regulations 2006
CD/177 / CAA (CAP 725)
CD/178 / Position Paper on Dose-Effect Relationship for Night Time Noise - EC Working Group on Health and Socio-Economic Aspects (of noise)
CD/179 / DfT Circular 2/2007 (Planning and the Strategic Road Network)
CD/180 / DCLG Planning Obligations Practice Guide 2006
CD/181 / BAA Employment Survey 2003
CD/182 / Bishop's Stortford Transport Strategy
CD/183 / East Herts Transport Strategy
CD/184 / Herts CC Local Transport Plan 2
CD/185 / BaggottSL, BrownL, CardenasL, DownesMK, GarnettE, HobsonM, JacksonJ, MilneR, Mobbs,DC, PassantN, ThistlethwaiteG, ThomsonA, WattersonJD (2006) UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 1990 to 2004 Annual Report for submission under the Framework Convention on Climate Change report number AEAT/ENV/R/2305 Issue 2 August
CD/186 / Defra (2006) The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland A consultation document on options for further improvements in air quality Volume 1 April
CD/187 / EEA (2006) Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2004 and inventory report 2006 Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat EEA Technical report No 6/2006
CD/188 / NEGTAP (2001) Transboundary air pollution: acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone in the UK
CD/189 / BLANK
CD/190 / Air Quality Standards Regulations 2007
CD/191 / Watterson, JD, Walker, C and Eggleston, S (2004) Revision to the Method of Estimating Emissions from Aircraft in the UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Report to Global Atmosphere Division, UK Defra. Report number ED47052, / July
CD/192 / Rural White paper. 'Our Countryside, the Future' / Nov 2000.
CD/193 / CAA map. 'London Area. Standard Arrival and Standard Instrument Departure Routes' on CD
CD/194 / DEFRA: 'Guidancetothe Civil Aviation Authorityon Environmental Objectives Relatingtothe Exerciseofits Air Navigation Functions' January 2002.
CD/195 / Report onQuality of Life Assessment, Countryside Agency et al 2001
CD/195.1 / Report onQuality of Life Assessment, Countryside Agency et al 2001 – Assessment report
CD/196 / Review of Quality of Life Assessment / Feb 2007
CD/197 / BLANK
CD/198 / NATA approach to appraisal of transport proposals TAG Unit 3.3.6
CD/198.1 / NATA approach to appraisal of transport proposals TAG Unit 2.11
CD/199 / RPG 9A -Thames Gateway Planning Framework
CD/200 / RPG 9B – Strategic Planning Guidance for the River Thames
CD/201 / SSE Response to UDC Re Application, Vol 1
CD/202 / SSE Response to UDC Re Application, Vol 2
CD/203 / SSE Response to UDC Re Application, Vol 3
CD/204 / SSE Response to BAA Health Impact Assessment
CD/205 / SSE Erosion of the Community Report
CD/206 / Second Witness Statement by M R Fawcett on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport, in the High Court
CD/207 / UK Airport Statistics 2004, CAA
CD/208 / UK Airport Statistics 2005, CAA
CD/209 / UK Airport Statistics 2006, CAA
CD/210 / 2003 Annual Passenger Survey Report, CAA, 2004
CD/211 / 2004 Annual Passenger Survey Report, CAA 2005
CD/212 / 2005 Annual Passenger Survey Report, CAA 2006
CD/213 / 10-year Passenger Traffic Forecasts, BAA, May 2006
CD/214 / Stansted 'Corporate Responsibility Report', BAA 2004/05
CD/215 / Stansted 'Towards Sustainability Report, BAA, 2003/04
CD/216 / 'Responsible Growth', BAA, May 2003
CD/217 / 'Stansted Generation 2' consultation document, BAA
CD/218 / BAA Annual Report 2004/05 (Financial Statements)
CD/219 / BAA Annual Report 2005/06 (Financial Statements)
CD/220 / STAL Annual Accounts 2004/05
CD/221 / STAL Annual Accounts 2005/06
CD/222 / BAA Response to Airports Review, Policy Issues
CD/223 / BAA Response to CAA Initial Proposals
CD/224 / GatwickAirport Interim Master Plan, BAA
CD/225 / HeathrowAirport Interim Master Plan, BAA
CD/226 / LutonAirport Draft Master Plan: 'Project 2000 Consultation: Non Technical Summary'
CD/227 / 'Review of the Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Changes to the Draft East of England Plan', Land Use Consultants and Levett-Therivel Sustainability Consultants
CD/228 / 'The United Kingdom Balance of Payments 2005' (The Pink Book), ONS
CD/229 / 'United Kingdom National Accounts 2006' (The Blue Book), ONS, 2006 Amended version Aug 2006, Parts 1 and 2