Hong Kong Science and

Technology Parks Corporation








(REF: RFP/ICFAL/2017/001)


Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) are soliciting proposals from experienced vendors to provide equipment, installation, training, maintenance and related services for a brand newField Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for its operations. The goods / services will be accomplished as required in the specifications, terms and conditions stipulated in this Request for Proposal (RFP).


The Proposal must be completed and be delivered to the Tender Box on or before the closing dateat

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

8/F, Bio-Informatics Centre,

No. 2 Science Park West Avenue,

Hong Kong Science Park,

Shatin, New Territories,

Hong Kong

Attn: Procurement Department (Tender Box)

There are 2 separate blank sealed envelopes (preferably A4 size envelope) to be submitted, namely:

-FeeProposalEnvelope should contain 1 hard copy with authorized signature and company chop (labeled as “Request for Proposal: A Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope in IC Failure Analysis Laboratory (Fee Proposal)” and “Ref #: RFP/ICFAL/2017/001"). Vendors must use the “Form of Tender” in Appendix 2to enter the costs (for mandatory and optional requirements) for our reference and other details pertaining to the price quotation could be stated separately in your preferred format.

-TechnicalProposalEnvelope should contain 5hard copies of the following documents(labeled as “Request for Proposal: A Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope in IC Failure Analysis Laboratory (Technical Proposal)” and “Ref #: RFP/ICFAL/2017/001"):

  • technical specification and/or brochure (see “INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE” section below for information needed) plusRequirement Compliance Table in Appendix 1,
  • product delivery arrangement, and
  • on-going support and service information

The closing date and time for this RFP submission is on the 18Dec, 2017 at 5:00 PM. No late reply will be accepted.

In the event that a typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or a Rainstorm BlackWarning signal is issued between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on the closing day, theRFP closing time will be postponed to 5:00 PM on the next working day.


Proposal Assessment

i.70% Technical capability

ii.30% Pricing

Evaluation Criteria
/ Weight
1 / Technical Aspect
1.1 / - Compliance to the userrequirements is required for tender award consideration
- Assessment of evaluation results submitted by vendors. (Based on HKSTP samples to vendors) / 55%


/ Delivery
2.1 / Overall delivery arrangement / 5%


/ On-going support and services
3.1 / Technical support / 10%


/ Cost Aspect
4.1 / Cost of implementation / 30%


/ 100%

Evaluation and Award Process

An assessment panel will evaluate all returned RFP. The bid proposal must meet all essential requirements and achieve required minimum technical score (42%) before continuing for consideration.

Score Calculation Methodology

Technical Score

Tenderer Technical Score = (Tenderer Point Score / Highest Point Score) x 70%

Price Score

Tenderer Price Score = (Lowest Price / Tenderer Price) x 30%

Overall Score

Overall Tenderer Score = Tenderer Technical Score + Tenderer Price Score

Tenderer price will be calculated using the tenderer supplied price table. The vendor price is for assessment purpose and may not be equal to the eventual contract price.

The selected vendor usually would be the one with the highest overall tenderer score.


Any questions pertaining to the RFP, including the technical specifications andthe conditions of the RFP can be submitted in writing and addressed to



Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Unit G02, Biotech Centre 1,

No. 9, Science Park West Avenue,

Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,

N.T., Hong Kong.


Tel: (852) 2629 6618


Laboratory Manager

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Unit G02, Biotech Centre 1,

No. 9, Science Park West Avenue,

Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,

N.T., Hong Kong.


Tel: (852) 2629 6699



Vendor must be either the original equipment supplier or authorized dealer/distributor of the equipment. Vendor acknowledges that HKSTP may elect at its sole option to accept all orany item or items of the vendor's offer and that HKSTP has sole discretion whether ornot to accept any of the vendor's proposals irrespective of its price. If a quote issubmitted on the basis of an overall acceptance of all the items offered, this must beclearly stated in the quote. HKSTPonlyaccepts the offers of newequipment. If the bidding vendor is not able to supply all equipment in this request, HKSTP will accept price quotation from sub-contractor(s) provided it meets specifications, termsand conditions of this RFP. However, the bidding vendor should bear full responsibilities of the quality of the goods, services and maintenance rendered.


Vendor should make certain that the prices quoted are accurate before submitting itsquotation. Under no circumstances will HKSTP accept any request for price adjustment on the ground that a mistake has been made in the RFP prices.


Vendor must provide the following information in respect of each of the productsoffered in WRITING and supplemented with related technical brochure, product specification, or equipment configuration:

Product name

Product’s country of origin

Product brand name

Product model number

Product manufacturer’s company profile (company name, establishment year, related product’s global market share, business nature, product lines, customer reference, country of origin, number of employees, and global office locations)

Vendor’s company profile (company name, establishment year, business nature, product lines, customer reference, country of origin, number of employees, and global office locations)

Sub-contractor company profile - if applicable (company name, establishment year, related product’s global market share, business nature, product lines, customer reference, country of origin, number of employees, and global office locations)

Product customer reference (with contact information and/or testimonials)

Vendor should state clearlythe support service plan, warranty plan, the scope of services and coverage.


All terms and conditions in this document are the essential requirements of theHKSTP. Counterproposal will only be considered in exceptional circumstances andon issues of fundamental nature. Any counterproposal must be drafted andsubmitted as an appendix called "Counterproposal to the RFP".

The counterproposal must adhere to the format of the RFP. Original version of therelevant provision must be fully recited before any proposed alteration or deletion ismade. Any alteration to any terms or requirements must be underlined unless it is anaddition to the RFP.

The quantity shown against each item is an estimate of probable requirements andsuch estimate must be regarded as being given for the assistance of vendor to makeoffers on the best evidence available and not as being a figure to which the HKSTPbinds itself to adhere.


Vendors are requested to submit their offers in Hong Kong Currency and to give precisebreakdown. All quotations should be valid for a period of no less than a period of One Hundred and Eighty (180) calendar days

Prices for supply of Goods shall be net prices after allowing for all traded and cashdiscounts and shall include:

• Cost of containers, packing, packing materials, delivery

• Cost of Installation and Commissioning

• Cost of Documentation and Manual

• Cost of Comprehensive Maintenance and Support Services (include labor and parts)

• Cost of Training for User (if applicable)

• Cost of any software and related licenses (if any)

• Any Other Costs

• Name and reference of all sub-contractors (if any)

Any optional items and related price quotes should be marked clearly as"OPTIONAL" for information.

All prices quoted shall be on door-to-door delivery basis to locations within theHKSTP. Vendors outside Hong Kong should offer CIF Hong Kong price term withdispatchmethodspecified.


Vendor must state the time of proposed delivery in number of calendar days/weeks following the receipt of purchase order from HKSTP and include it in the “TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND/OR BROCHURE” submission.

All materials and equipment must be shipped CIF toHKSTP.

Unless otherwise specified, quote the earliest delivery possible, as this may beconsidered a factor in making award. Delivery expressed in calendar days/weeksmay be given preference over such general terms as “stock immediately” and “assoon as possible”.

It shall be the responsibility of the vendor to make all arrangements for the delivery,transporting, unloading, and uncrating to the place designated by the HKSTP.

HKSTP will not assume any responsibility for the delivery of the equipment. Vendor shall check with HKSTP and make necessary arrangements for move-in,safety and security in the building during delivery and installation.

Vendor is responsible for the disposal cost of containers and packaging materials.


Vendor shall perform the installation and work in accordance with manufacturer’srecommendations and specifications. Moreover, the installation process shall not interrupt the service provided by HKSTP to its customers.


Any damage to existing utilities, equipment or finished surfaces resulting from theperformance of move-in and installation shall be repaired to HKSTP’s satisfaction atthe vendor’s expense.


Vendor shall be responsible to provide Employees’ Compensation Insurance coverage for those employed for the execution of the services under this contract. The vendor shall indemnify HKSTP against all losses and claims in respect of injuries or damage to any person, equipment or installation whatsoever which may arise out of or in connection with the services.


The quote must state payment terms. Payment will generally be made according to the following schedule(except for the maintenance fee).

  1. Delivery of the equipment on site at HKSTP(50%)
  2. Thirty (30) days after final acceptance of equipment(50%)


Vendor agrees that the goods and services furnished under any award resultingfrom this soliciting shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties thevendor gives any customer for such goods or services. A copy of this warranty should be furnished with the quote. At a minimum, allmaterials, equipment and labor shall be fully guaranteed by the vendor againstdefects resulting from the use of inferior materials, equipment, or workmanship forone (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the equipment.

During the warranty period, defects discovered shall be corrected by the vendor tothe HKSTP’s satisfaction, at no cost to HKSTP. Vendor shall furnish themaintenance services to maintain system in full working order at no cost to HKSTP.


Vendor shall provide an at least1-year comprehensive service contract (include service support, replacement parts, consumables, labor cost, and preventive maintenance work) on ALL the hardware and software as stated in the requirements, starting from the date of final user acceptance. Vendor has to provide at least twice a year scheduled visit to perform the related preventive maintenance and/or calibration work for all the hardware within the service contract period. The service request response time should be no more than two working days.


If vendor fails to deliver the goods or complete the services to the satisfaction of HKSTP, HKSTP may terminate the contract by giving one (1) month prior written notice to the vendor and the payment will be subject to the extent of the work in progress as determined by HKSTP.


If vendor fails to deliver a complete, functional system to HKSTPwithin the specified period as stipulated by the vendor in the proposal, HKSTP will deduct 0.5% of the total system cost from the total system cost for every week that the system is delayed (e.g. if system is delayed between 1-7 days, HKSTP will deduct 0.5% from total system cost. If the system is delayed by 8-14 days, HKSTP will deduct 1% from the total system cost etc.)


The vendor should demonstrate with the equipment the performance test in compliance with the general specification listed above and the equipment specification as indicated in the technical paper and/or brochure contained in the ”sealed envelope”.


Training includes but not limited to hands-on application must be provided by the vendor free-of-charge. Upon request, at least five complimentary seats (registration and/or tuition fee are included) will be provided to the users for attending manufacturer’s equipment training course.


Vendor must describe the on-going local technical support and services for the requested equipment in this RFP and include it in the “TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND/OR BROCHURE” submission. The technical service depiction could be in the form of number of local committed service engineer(s), years of related service experience, testimonials, organization of refreshment training activity and other customer service initiatives.


The tenderer shall not communicate to any person other than HKSTP the amount of any tender, adjust the amount of any tender by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not he or that other person should or should not tender or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever in the tendering process until the tenderer is notified by HKSTP of the outcome of the tender exercise. Any breach of or non-compliance with this clause by the tenderer shall, without affecting the tenderer’s liability for such breach of rules and laws or non-compliance, invalidate his tender.

This clause shall have no application to the tenderer’s communications in strict confidence with his own insurers or brokers to obtain an insurance quotation for computation of tender price and communications in strict confidence with his consultants / sub-contractors to solicit their assistance in preparation of tender submission.

Appendix 1: Requirement Compliance Table

(to be filled and put together with the technical specification and/or brochure into the “Technical Proposal Envelope”)

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)

Quantity: 1 set

FESEM unit must be complete in all respects with state of art technology for high resolution imaging and compositional analysis for nano-materials. It should be user friendly, computer controlled, and allow excellent imaging facility on conducting, non-conducting, and magnetic samples which will be either coated/uncoated while imaging.

Specifications mentioned below in bold letter are mandatory and minimum. Other items are optional or information which vendor shall provide. Additional papers should be used if the space provided is not enough.

No. / Features / Specifications / Complied (Yes/No)* and related information
State of the art machine / Specify the year in which the model being offered in this tender was launched by the company worldwide. Offer the appropriate model which conforms to our specifications, and mention its model number clearly.
Specify which parts are manufactured by third party
A. / Performance features
1. Resolution /
  • Specify the best resolution obtainable (and the corresponding working distances) at the following accelerating voltages: 0.5, 1, 5, 15 and 30kV.

  • Below 2.0nm at 1kV and below 1.0nm at 15kV desired.

  • Provide full solution if best resolution cannot be achieved due to site limitation.

  • The best achievable resolution should be demonstrated on a calibrated sample, or our test samples.

2. Analytical working distance /
  • Specify resolution at analytical working distance (WD) and mention optimum analytical WD, when we use EDS detector

3. Acceleration voltage /
  • Required up to 30kV.

  • Specify minimum kV possible for imaging, and minimum voltage step change for variation.

4. Probe current /
  • Specify Beam stability (%change per hour), and (%change per 12 hours)

  • Probe current up to 4pA to 100nA or better

  • Specify current range required for EDS

5. Magnification /
  • 1,000,000x or higher compatible with the desired resolution
  • Specify the range of magnification

6. Photo stitching /
  • Automatic photo taking with photo stitch function within the interested area at magnification around 2000x to 10000x.
  • Specify the limitations, i.e., magnification, size of the interested area, and any others.
  • Free software upgrade of photo-stitching software for at least 10 years

B. / Electron Optics
  • Beam deceleration / Gentle beam / Beam Booster technology or equivalent for high resolution imaging at low kV

  • Thermal field emission gun (FEG) assembly with Schottky emitter source. Gun should be optimized for high brightness/high current and provide noise free imaging

  • Provision for automatic filament cut-off for safety

2. Changing of source /
  • Specify warranty and guarantee terms on the source

  • Specify the total time needed to start up the equipment after replacement of the source

  • One extra electron source to be provided free with the main unit (The electron source should be supplied without any additional cost as and when it is required).

  • Specify cost of additional source separately (under optional item)

  • Specify the turnaround time for ordering a new electron source

  1. Emission current density
  • Specify in (Amps/cm2)

  1. Emission current drift
  • Specify (%hour)

  1. Certified Cathode lifetime
  • 6000 hours or more desired

  1. Lens systems
Electrostatic /
  • System configured with multi in-lens EO column

  1. Working distance
  • Specify the range and its control for variation

  • Automatic focus control range

  • Dynamic focus control range on tilted samples

  1. Apertures
  • Specify the number of apertures and their sizes and aperture selection procedures