Suggestions for Choosing Literature for Mainland Chinese – September, 2012

MC Literature Ministry, Ambassadors for Christ, Inc.

21 Ambassador Dr., Paradise, PA17562

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From the long literature list,we give here some guidance toward the more highly recommended items. We do not repeat the introductory comments in the complete literature list. Please request that list if you do not have it.

Our primary target groups are thehighly educatedfrom and in China, though much is for others as well. If you are traveling overseas, ask for a list of strategic items that are free or at very low cost for taking along. Also keep in mind that, while Bibles are often in short supply in the country side, they are available from the registered churches, so you may want to take other things not available there.

* Books marked with an asterisk have been legally printed in China and are alsoavailable there. Ask for more information.

Bibles- Probably the best whole Bible for most people would be A1-11 Union Version (CUV)和合本圣經with an attractive maroon cover for $4.25. Many people like a bilingual version. We have an inexpensive bilingual NT NIV & Union 新約和合本圣經(A3-1BU, $2.10). A complete bilingual paperback Bible (A3-4B) in simplified script is available for $10.00.In addition, a new updated version called the Chinese New Version (CNV)is now available in various formats, including acompleteCNV paperback Bible 莊稼新譯聖經(A1-30, $4.35) in Chinese only, and a bilingual New Testament新約圣經-中英對照(CNV/NIV -- A3-21B, $3.00),as well as a bilingual CNV/NIV compact Bible (A3-10B, $13.30) is available as well. See our complete list for many other Bibles.

Apologetics -- A tremendously effective and popular book for the intellectuals is C1-7RSong of a Wanderer游子吟(360 pp.- $3.50). A smaller size C1-7S is $3.00. The author is a Mainland Chinese scholar with degrees from top universities in China. He is in greatdemand as he lectures widely in the States. An English edition (C1-7E) is also available for $ 9.50 each, with discounts for multiple copies. Alsoa set of 15 video lectures by the author is recommended. It is J1-11DScience, Faith, and Life, 信仰.科學.人生. They are on2 DVD’s ([seeDVDssection below] --$30). A free sample lecture is available. These are also in audio form as MP-3 (CD-ROM) all on one disk(#J1-11M, $7.00). These lectures are similar in content to that of the book. Please call about special arrangements for taking these J1-11 (and J1-21 below) to where they are most needed. C2-22 Science and Faith科學與信仰(128 pp. -- $1.65) is also written by a scientist who studied at BeijingUniv. It is shorter and less technical. Also for this an English translation is available.

D1-5Know the Truth 認識真理(239 pp. -- $2.35) is likewise an apologetic book that appeals to Mainland Chinese, a good choice for those without a college education. A summary of its contents in English is available. The well-known convincing apologetic books by Josh McDowell, C1-15*New Evidence That Demands a Verdict 新鐵証待判($11.50) is also effective.The classic book *C1-32 Mere Christianity返璞归真($3.70) by C.S. Lewis *C1-35The Good Life人生观的故事($6.45) by Charles Colson are good for both believers and unbelievers.

Weespeciallyrecommenda very attractive and informative bookB1-9 The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus 陌生客.同路人($5.50) for both non-Christians and believers,showing God’s plan of salvation through the Scriptures beginning with Creation. The value and impact of this book cannot be emphasized enough !

Science and Christianity -- For many Chinese the "fact" of evolution is a major obstacle. Song of a Wanderer (see above)is good for this. Others are also helpful.C2-14 Evolution? Degeneration? Creation?進化?退化?神化?($2.00, English versionC2-14E)really confirms the trustworthiness of the biblical account The bilingual C2-8B What Scientists Say About Evolution 科學家如何評論進化論 ($0.95) is also very good. C2-1Creation or Evolution, Which?你的祖先, an 8-page leaflet, though short and non-technical, is quite effective for most -- and it is free. An English version (C2-1E)and one in Traditional script (C2-1T) is also available.

Testimonies-- Testimonies make a great impact. One is E2-6, Journey of the Heart 心靈之旅($1.10). Of great interest to some intellectuals isE1-35 *Salt and Light ($4.25), a compilation of people of faith who have greatly influenced the growth of China in the past. Mainland Chinese are also moved by the life of Hudson Taylor and his sacrificial love. E1-20*J. Hudson Taylor - A Man in Christ戴德生- 摯愛中華 (317 pp., $4.50) is his autobiography. The NY Times Bestseller E2-16 90 Minutes in Heaven去过天堂90 分钟($6.00) with over 4.5 million sold in English, is a convincing and encouraging account of what a pastor who died experienced at the gates of heaven.

Some that have been published openly in Chinaare E1-10 *For the Love of China about the life of Eric Liddell, Olympic Champion and missionary to China ($2.80). An English version Run to Glory因爱着中国is also available (E1-10E, $1.25). A list of the better Christian titles in Chinaand a list of many bookstores that specialize in them are available upon request.

DVDs -- J1-1D Jesus film 耶穌傳($4.75) in Mandarin Chinese as a DVD is a strategic gift. For those leaving N. America, in addition to J1-11DFaith, Science, and Life (see Apologetics section),J1-21DWhy I Became a Christian,我為什麼信耶穌,a set of 2 DVD’s ($30) containing 12 lectures by a prominent Mainland Chinese intellectual, Yuan Zhiming,is also excellent. These are also availableinMP3 J1-21M ($7.00)(see Apologetics section), but DVD is probably the better format. Several other apologetic DVDs are recommended, all of which are high quality, professional, full length productions. These DVDs are for evangelistic purposes, and so are offered only in packs of 5 or 10, yet still at very low costs. Check on special arrangements for these if traveling overseas:

J1-22D10 A Question of Origins(two videos on the same DVD - 10 for $17.50)

J1-26D10 Intelligent Design (two videos on one DVD - 10 for $17.50)

J1-16D5 The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel(5 for $13.75)

J1-24D10 God of Wonders(10 for $17.50)

J1-31D5Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World(5 for $16.25)

J1-36D10 More than Dreams(10 for $17.50)

CDs -- Special CD An especially valuable library of resources can be found in J3-20CD Chinese Treasures 5.0! J1-10CD Nurturing Your Faith靈命栽培($5.00) with 32 excellent lectures, and J3-8CDReasonable Faith理性信仰($2.50), book in Chinese and English, are two other CD-ROMs that are excellent teaching tools. A good quality music CD made by believers in China is H2-12CD Melody of Praise讚美的旋律(just $1.50).

Christian Growth-- For Christians, especially new Christians, or even some non-Christians that seem very open, the book D6-2Growing in Christ在基督里長進($2.50, 284 pp.)is highly recommended. An English translation is available in photocopy form. A new book D6-5 What New Believers Need to Know給初信者($2.00, 125 pp.) is also good, but less comprehensive.D2-8New Life 新生命(English photocopy available), D2-9 New Living 新生活and D2-10 Discipleship (117 pp., 133 pp. and 131 pp.) are very good for growth as well. Each has twelve systematic lessons. D2-8 has lessons on the Gospel, parallelingFive Great Mysteries五大奧秘(see below). D2-9 and D2-10 deal with things foundational to Christian growth (D2-8 $2.20, D2-9 $3.00, D2-10 $2.85).

The well-known devotional book,Streams in the Desert 荒漠甘泉is much loved by Chinese Christians: G1-4N (pocket size, $2.35, 394 pp.), G1-4F (larger size, $3.00, 382 pp.).G1-5 Daily Walk with the Lord ($5.25) leads a person to read through the Bible in one year with daily explanations. We also have some Navigators discipleship materials in simplified script.

Gospel Presentation-- To help a person who is ready to trust Christ, you may want use theFour Spiritual Laws四个屬靈的定律, (Chinese alone D2-4 $0.15, or bilingual D2-4B $0.25). A highly recommended booklet, similar to the Four Laws but more comprehensive, is D2-7Five Great Mysteries 五大奧秘 $0.15. A copy of an English translation is available.

Children’s materials– There are a number of good, attractive evangelistic items for children to understand the Gospel. One is M1-10 The Wonder Book你可想知道(64 pp., $0.50), an attractive, and clear evangelistic book for children 8-12, also available in English.Children learn Christian truth through music. H2-30CDHeavenly Hymns for Children兒童天地詩歌精選($2.80) is a compilation of 44 popular children’s songs in Chinese. Words are included.M1-5 The Kid-Builder Bible($3.50) is also now available for elementary-aged children.

Family– Some good books arepublished in Chinaon the family. Interest in them is keen so they are good for family needs and as a tool for pre-evangelism. Since many MCs have one child and many of them are boys, F2-20*Bringing Up Boys培育男孩(325 pp., $4.45), is greatly desired. Other useful books for many parents areF2-15*The Strong-willed Child如何培養有個性的孩子($3.00), and *F2-7 Raising Teenagers Right正当青春期($2.30) as well as a newly published one for fathers by Dr. Ho F2-36 Biblical Secrets of Good Parenting -Father's Ed.教養兒女的秘訣-父親版($4.80). A good one for couples, whether married or considering marriage, is F1-3 *The Secret of Loving分享如何增進婚姻關系的方法($3.00)by Josh McDowell, as well as F1-5 *The Love Dare煉愛($4.50), which was made popular by the movie Fireproof.

* These books have been legally printed in China and are available there.

Also ask about things that are free for taking to China.