Calendar Waiver Matrix Rule Impacts – late 2016-2017 changes

March 31, 2017

16-17 rule changes in green. 17-18 proposed rule changes for Addendum publication in red.

Organization - Calendar Context Rules

Rule Applies To
Legacy / Rule Text / / Error / PEIMS
Edit # / Rule # / Business Meaning / Level / TSDS / Sub / ESC / District / Campus / Charter
10200-0010 / If SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE is "01" and CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is blank, then SCHOOL-DAY-OPERATIONAL-MINUTES should be 420120-450.
16-17:Change “should be 420” to “should be 120-450”.
17-18: Change “should be 420” to “should be 120-450”, or adjust as needed based on analysis of incoming data / S / 3 / X / X / X
If TX-SchoolDayCode is "Student Instructional Day" (01) and there is not a TX-CalendarWaiverEventType reported, then TX-SchoolDayOperationalMinutes should be 420.
10200-0013 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "01" (Staff Development Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE must be "02" (Waiver Day).
16-17:change if needed in response to production support request
17-18:change as needed based on analysis of incoming data / F / 3 / X / X / X
TX-SchoolDayCode must be "Waiver Day" (02) when TX-CalendarWaiverEventType is "Staff Development Waiver Day" (01).
10200-0014 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "01" (Staff Development Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES must be 420.
16-17:change if needed in response to production support request
17-18: change “must be 420” to “must be 1-420” / F / 3 / X / X / X
Staff Development Waiver Minutes must be 420 minutes.
10200-0016 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "02" (Missed School Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES must be 420.
16-17:change if needed in response to production support request
17-18: change as needed based on analysis of incoming data / F / 3 / X / X / X
Missed School Day Waiver Minutes must be 420 minutes.
10200-0018 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "03" (Shortened Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES should be180
16-17: No change, already Special Warning.
17-18: Change to a Fatal, change “180” to “the greater of 1 or the result of 420 minutes minus SCHOOL-DAY-OPERATIONAL-MINUTES”. / S / 3 / X / X / X
Shortened Waiver Day Minutes should be 180 minutes.
10200-0020 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "04" (Low Attendance Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES should be 420.
16-17: No change, already Special Warning.
17-18: Change to a Fatal, change to “must be 420” (like 10200-0016) / S / 3 / X / X / X
Low Attendance Day Waiver Minutes should be 420 minutes.
10200-0027 / For a particular CAMPUS-ID, SCHOOL-YEAR, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all SCHOOL-DAY-OPERATIONAL-MINUTES and SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES should be greater than or equal to the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT times 420 minutes a day. / S / 3 / X / X / X
For a particular campus, SchoolYear, TX-ReportingPeriodIndicator-Code, and TX-InstructionalTrack, the sum of TX-SchoolDayOperationalMinutes and TX-SchoolDayWaiverMinutes should be at least the NumberDaysTaught times 420 minutes a day.
16-17: No change
17-18: change as needed based on analysis of incoming data
10200-0031 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "99" (Other Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE mustbe "02" (Waiver Day).
16-17:Disable rule for various reasons, including blanket PK waiver for every instructional day
17-18: Remove the rule / F / 3 / X / X / X
TX-SchoolDayCode must be "Waiver Day" (02) when TX-CalendarWaiverEventType is "Other Waiver Day" (99).
10200-0033 / If SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE is "01" (Student Instructional Day), then CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE must be blank or "03" (Shortened Waiver Day).
16-17: Change error level to Special Warning
17-18: Change back to Fatal, add CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE “99” (Other Waiver Day), possibly add“01” (Staff Devel Day) / F
S / 3 / X / X / X
A whole or partial student instructional day must have TX-CalendarWaiverEventType of blank or "Shortened Waiver Day" (03).
For 17-18 / If CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE is "02" or “04” (Missed School Waiver Day, or Low Attendance Waiver Day), then SCHOOL-DAY-OPERATIONAL-MINUTES must be 0. / F / 3 / X / X / X
Missed School Waiver Days and Low Attendance Waiver Days must have TX-SchoolDayOperationalMinutes of zero.