Staff Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Human Resources Training Room

Present: Darlene Bouley, Mike Smith, Jennifer Butcher, Tina Davia, Susan Foisy, Susan Hill, Kelly Reid, Rhodney Browdy, Bob Berlin, Demica Colbert, Noreen Hodapp, Jeanette Holder, Christopher Joseph, Elizabeth Herrera Carrasquillo, Curtis Slade, Maritza Pomales, Carmen Alfonso and Fran Uddo.

Excused: Grissel Guzman, Jose Murphy, Lola Egido Fernandez, Cathy Baust

Not Excused: Oliver Sapp, Edwin Hernandez Jamie LaMoreaux,

Special Guests: Tiffanie Rogers, Administration & Finance, FSECC

Michael Moniz, HR Training


·  Meeting called to order at 9:30 am, by President, Darlene Bouley.

·  Attendance: Sign up sheet in lieu of roll call.

·  Introduction of guest speakers, and members.

·  Minutes of the August 16, 2007 meeting were approved.

·  Revision to the minutes in the HR report to move November 8th reference to bonus section.

#1 Guest Speaker: Tiffanie Rogers , FSECC from Administration and Finance: Tiffanie spoke regarding volunteer opportunities for FSECC (supporting the Coalition for the Homeless) at the home football games and the Taste of UCF Cook-off. The United Way game night consist of volunteers at tables near or around the tailgating events soliciting donations for FSECC. There is a cook off, The Taste of UCF, being held on 9/27/2007, at the student union. Tables are still available if anyone is interested. Darlene Bouley indicated that she would like to participate, if others in the council will offer to assist.

#2 Guest Speaker Michael Moniz, Human Resources Training: UCF is committed in providing Professional Development opportunities to staff/faculty. A survey will be forthcoming requesting what training people feel will best suit and applicable to their work. Human Resources Training is revamping their training series “Who moved my cheese” is being replaced with “The Iceberg is Melting” series. An inquiry was brought forth to see if HR can obtain this book at a discount for the staff council. HR is committed to better customer service and will try to accommodate staff by offering more diverse training and more of the training to avoid waiting lists.

HR Report: Roxanne Walton

·  No information if bonus is to be rescinded.

·  Unless withheld, bonus goes into effect on November 1, 2007 and will appear in November 9th paycheck.

·  State has reversed mandatory enrollment. Only if changes are made does staff need to sign into People First.

·  State life insurance carrier is changing to Minnesota Life. No changes in benefits.

·  Minnesota Life require beneficiary to be re-assigned as this will not carry over from current carrier.

·  Beneficiary hierarchy is Spouse>Children>Estate. If no beneficiary change is made, then this hierarchy will take effect.

·  OHS Dental Insurance is being dropped by state. Two additional carriers will be added. United Health and another unknown by Roxanne at this time.

·  If no decision is made by staff on dental insurance and staff has OHS, state will decide what carrier staff we will have.

·  All staff with OHS should make a voluntary decision on carriers.

·  No Vision insurance will be offered by state this year, due VSP contesting the bid process.

·  Benefits Fair on October 5, 2007 9 am to 2 pm, at the Student Union, Pegasus ballroom.

·  Due to budget cuts, state is not sending out standard benefits package. Staff can obtain information at the Benefits Fair or from People First website.

·  Staff cannot change address in People First, must go through HR, due to data download by UCF into People First.

·  No word yet regarding any time off or the extra holiday time request by the Staff Council written and sent to Mr. William Merck for time off between Christmas and New Years.

Treasurer’s Report: Given by Jennifer Butcher. Shirt and pin monies and some small expenditures. Working on completion of signature cards with Credit Union for new council year.


·  Scholarship Mike Smith - committee will be meet this month.

Committee will need funds for the Fall awards to be given in December.

·  Marketing committee, Kelly Reid, showed new council brochure, finalize display case in Millican Hall (Michael Smith to provide key), display posters, and send out birthday and thank you cards.

·  Research committee, Susan Foisy, planning 1st meeting.

Susan met with D. Holsenbeck about writing legislature regarding bonus. Susan distributed legislature information, via email to council members.

·  Special Events committee, Christopher Joseph. A table will be purchased for ten staff members to attend the Diversity Breakfast on October 15, 2007. Darlene Bouley requested that the Staff Council Officers attend and others can sign up as first come first serve. If interested, please email Christopher Joseph.

·  Other information will be forthcoming regarding special events as they come closer to dates.

Suggestion was discussed about participating in homecoming events. A spirit car with a banner and walkers around the car handing out candy was discussed. Will discuss and or finalize at next meeting.

Noreen Holdap indicated that there will be an upcoming event at Macy’s Department store. Coupons will be sold to the public which entitles them to a one day discount at Macy’s. Ticket price is $5.00 and 100% will be given to staff council. This event is open to all charities/non profits in the area.

Darlene Bouley indicated that the President’s office inquired about the purchase of 200 Pegasus pins, but this did not pan out. All pins collected by Darlene in anticipation of this sale are being returned to current members to have in their areas.

Staff Council website needs more memory, and Bob Berlin is working on obtaining needed space. Bob Berlin will bring camera to the next meeting to continue taking pictures of council members for the website.

Upcoming events: Stadium Fan photo day (TBS), and American Heart Walk, 9/29. Darlene has a team set up if anyone wants to volunteer.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 am, by President, Darlene Bouley.

Next Meeting: October 18, 2007, 9:30-11 AM in Harris Engineering Building.

Minutes submitted: Fran Uddo, Council Secretary