Florida International University

Physics Education Research Group



Brewe, E.,Pelaez, N.J., Cooke, T.J., (2013). Editorial: From Vision to Change: Educational

Initiatives and Research at the Intersection of Physics and Biology, CBE – Life Science Education, 12(2), 117-119.

Brookes, D.T., Moncion, A., and Lin, Y. (2013). Student interactions leading to learning and transfer: A participationist perspective. In Engelhardt, P.V., Churukian, A.D., and Rebello, N.S., editors, Proceedings of the 2012 Physics Education Research Conference, volume 1513, pages 86-89, Melville, NY. AIP.

Bruun, J., & Brewe, E. (2013).Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from

network measures and FCI pre-test scores, Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education 9(2), 020109, [13 pages], doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.9.020109.

Cochran, G.L., Brookes, D.T., and Kramer, L.H. (2013).A framework for assessing learning assistants' reflective writing assignments. In Engelhardt, P.V., Churukian, A.D., and Rebello, N.S., editors, Proceedings of the 2012 Physics Education Research Conference, volume 1513, pages 15-18, Melville, NY. AIP.

Lin, Y., & Brookes, D. T. (2013).Using collaborative group exams to investigate students' ability to learn.Proceedings of the 2012 Physics Education Research Conference, 1513, 254-257.

Manthey, S., Brewe, E. (2013). Towards University Modeling Instruction – Biology: Adapting

curricular frameworks from physics to biology, CBE-Life Sciences Education,12(2), 206-214.

Manthey, S. R., Brewe, E. (2013). Toward University Modeling Instruction-Biology: Adapting

Curricular Frameworks from Physics to Biology.CBE-Life Science Education, 12(2) 206-214. doi: 10.1187/cbe.12-08-0136

Samuels, N., Brewe, E., Kramer, L. (2013). Cogenerative physics reform through CMPLE. In P.

Engelhardt, A. Churukian, D. Jones, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference. Portland, OR: American Institute of Physics.


Brewe, E., Kramer, L.H., and Sawtelle, V., (2012) Investigating Student Communities with

Network Analysis of Interactions in a Physics Learning Center, Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 8, 010108, [8 pages].

Brookes, D.T. and Etkina, E. (2012). In search of alignment: Matching learning goals and class

assessments. In Rebello, N. S., Engelhardt, P.V., and Singh, C., editors, Proceedings of the 2011 Physics Education Research Conference, pages 11-14, Melville, NY. AIP.

Brookes, D.T. and Lin, Y. (2012). Designing a physics learning environment: A holistic

approach. In Rebello, N. S., Engelhardt, P.V., and Singh, C., editors, Proceedings of the 2011 Physics Education Research Conference, pages 131-134, Melville, NY. AIP.

Goertzen, R.M., Brewe, E., Kramer, L., Expanded markers of success in introductory

physics.International Journal of Science Education.

Mahadeo, J. V., Manthey, S. R., & Brewe, E. (2013). Regression analysis exploring teacher

impact on student FCI post scores. AIP Conference Proceedings,1513, 278.

Rodriguez, I., Brewe, E., Sawtelle, V., Kramer, L.H.(2012).Impact of Equity Models and

Statistical Measures on Interpretations of Educational Reform.Phys. Rev. Special Topics-PER. 020103

Rodriguez I., GoertzenR.M., BreweE., and KramerL.H.(2012).Cookies as agents for

community membership.Invited paper in Symposia presented at the 2012 Physics

Education Research Conference,

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E. Goertzen, R.M. & Kramer, L.H. (2012). Identifying Events that Impact

Self-Efficacy in Physics Learning, Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research,8, 020111, [18 pages], doi: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.8.020111.


Brewe, E. (2011). Energy as a substancelike quantity that flows: Theoretical considerations and

pedagogical consequences. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 7(2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.7.020106

Goertzen, R.M., Brewe, E., & Kramer L. (2011, April) Investigating the Creation of a

Community of Physics Learners. Paper contributed to the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Orlando, FL.

Goertzen, R.M., Brewe, E., Kramer, L.H., Wells, L., Jones, D. (2011).Moving toward change:

Institutionalizing Reform.Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research,7(2).

Rodriguez, I., Brewe, E., and Kramer, L.H. (2011).Physics as a Community of Practice:

Qualitative Interview Study of Three University Physics Professors.NARST 2011 CD Proceedings,

Rodriguez, I., Goertzen, R. M., Brewe, E., Kramer, L. (2011). Communicating Scientific Ideas:

One Element of Physics Expertise.Proceedings of the 2011 Physics Education Research Conference, 319-322

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., Goertzen, R.M., and Kramer, L.H., “Characterizing Self-Efficacy

Opportunities in the Process of Modeling a Physical Phenomenon: A Study of Three Female Modeling Instruction Students.” NARST 2011 CD Proceedings, Orlando, FL (2011).

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., Goertzen, R.M., Kramer, L., "Creating Opportunities to Influence Self-

Efficacy through Modeling Instruction," Proceedings of the 2011 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press. Melville, NY.

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., Kramer, L.H., “Sequential Logistic Regression: A Method to Reveal

Subtlety in Self-Efficacy,” Proceedings of the 2011 College of Education Research Conference, Miami, FL, (2011).


Brewe, E., Sawtelle, V., Kramer, L.H., O'Brien, G.E., Rodriguez, I., Pamela, P., "Toward Equity

Through Participation in Modeling Instruction in Introductory University Physics," Phys. Rev. Special Topics - PER, 6, 010106 (2010).

Goertzen, R.M., Scherr, R.E., & Elby, A. (2010). Respecting tutorial instructors' beliefs and

experiences: A case study of a physics teaching assistant. Physicals Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research (6), 010105.

Rodriguez, I., Brewe, E., Kramer, L.H., "Constructing a Model of Physics Expertise,"

Proceedings of the 2010 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press. Melville NY,1289, 277-280, (2010).

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., and Kramer, L.H., “Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy

and Retention of Students, both Men and Women, in Introductory Physics.” NARST 2010 CD Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA (2010).

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., Kramer, L.H., "Positive Impacts of Modeling Instruction on Self-

Efficacy," Proceedings of the 2010 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press. Melville NY,1289, 289-292, (2010).


Brewe, E, Kramer, L, & O'Brien, G. (2009). Modeling instruction: Positive attitudinal shifts in

introductory physics measured with CLASS. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 5(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.5.013102

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., Kramer, L., “A validation study of the Colorado Learning About

Science Survey at a Hispanic-Serving Institution,” Phys. Rev. Special Topics-PER, 5, 023101 (2009).

Sawtelle, V., Brewe, E., Kramer L.H., "An Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Proximal Goal

Setting of Two Introductory Modeling Instruction Physics Students,” Proceedings of the 2009 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press. Melville NY,1179, 261-264, (2009).


Brewe, E. (2008). Modeling theory applied: Modeling Instruction in introductory physics.

American Journal of Physics, 76(12), 1155–1160.


Hsu, L., Brewe, Eric, Foster, T. M., & Harper, K. A. (2004). Resource Letter RPS-1: Research in

problem solving. American Journal of Physics, 72(9), 1147.American Association of Physics Teachers. doi:10.1119/1.1763175