Items to bring to Summer Camp - 2007
A sack lunch for on the way up to camp
Scouts must have 2 copies of “class 2” medical forms filled out and signed by your doctor – you can use your 5th grade physicals as they are good for 36 months but you still must fill out the front of the form
Parents over 40 must have 2 copies of the “class 3” medical form filled out and signed by your doctor – good for only 12 months
Parents under 40 must have 2 copies of the “class 2” medical form signed by your doctor – good for 36 months
Wear Class “A” shirt and troop hat to church – ARRIVE AT CHURCH AT 6 AM on June 24th
Either wear your swimsuit or have your swimsuit and towel on the top of your pack for inspection on Sunday morning.
$50 in spending money per Scout (singles & fives work best)
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad or cot
Rain gear
Flashlight with extra batteries
Sun block
Bug spray – no aerosol cans are allowed in camp
Backpack for carrying items around camp during the day
Water bottle
A pair of long pants, long sleeved shirt, old shoes, and a belt that can and will get wet if you are taking the swimming or lifesaving merit badges
Long pants – 2 pair
Shorts – 3 pair
T-shirts – 6
Long sleeved shirt – 2
Sweatshirt or light coat in case it gets cold
Underwear – 8 pair
Socks – 8 pair
Flip flops/shoes for the shower
Shoes – 2 pair in case one get wet at campPLUS, one old pair for the canoe trip/merit badges
Towel – 2 for swimming and showering plus a washcloth if you use one
Soap & shampoo
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Boy Scout handbook
Chair for around fire
2 Plastic garbage bags - one for dirty clothes and one for wet clothes
Pens – 2
One battery powered lantern per tent
Walkie talkies
Pocketknife – bring your Totin’ Chip if you bring a knife, you cannot use a knife without a Totin’ Chip
Snacks – to be kept in trailer and not in your tent
Drinking water
C.O.P.E. – Elective for boys 13 and older, that have earned the Swimming, Lifesaving &
Environmental Science merit badges - $15
The following merit badges carry additional costs (estimates): Rifle - $25, Shotgun –$25, Water-skiing – $15, Motor boating – $15, Open shooting for all Scouts is $1 per 10 rounds for rifle, $1.50 per 5 rounds for shotgun.
(If you are taking rifle and shotgun shooting you should probably bring at least an additional $50.)
Whisper stove
Coffee/Creamer/Sugar/Hot Chocolate
Pens – many for post cards (Leaders to bring these)
There is an Order of the Arrow (OA) ice cream social for OA members on Wednesday evening, so bring your OA sash to camp
Environmental Science – there is a 100 word or more report on an endangered species to do at camp or to complete before coming to camp – please research your species
Reptile & Amphibian – keep a pet for at least one month
Sculpture – you need your Totin’ Chip at camp
The 1-mile swim should occur on Friday morning for anyone interested
Archery, Rifle and Shotgun merit badges need to have requirement #1 written out before coming to camp
Verizon phone service works at camp – other service providers may or may not work
Must have medications in the original prescription bottle
Bring 2 inhalers to camp if you use them – one for you to carry around and the other for the doctor
Everybody receives a wristband – if lost there is a $2 charge for a replacement
Everyone will take the swim test upon arrival after speaking to the medical officer
No food in tents!
We will return on Saturday at approximately 3-4 pm.
Send care packages to the following address or see Steven Fleck for special instructions!!!
Mailing address for camp:
Name of Your Scout
Troop 196
Campsite - Wolf B
Napowan Adventure Base
N4789 24th Avenue
Wild Rose, WI54984
Emergency phone number of camp 920-622-3680; it may take up to 6 hours to get a message to our unit
Fax number of camp – 920-622-4678
Steven Fleck’s cell phone – 224-234-8515 – I will check messages each evening
Hank Schreiner’s phone number at camp – 847-712-3565, he will also check messages.
We are meeting in the church parking lot at 6 am on Sunday (6/24) and returning Saturday afternoon (6/30)
The boys will need to take the CPR class at camp except those who are CPR certified – to the best
of my knowledge the only CPR certified Scouts are Evan Barr, Harrison Fleck and Zach Fox, Eric Killian and Cameron Popek