Horticulture Advisory Committee Minutes, 10/18/00
Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Las Positas College, Room 1602
4:30 P.M.
Dr. Neal Ely, Dean of Academic Services at LPC
Ron Liljedahl, Instructor, LPC
Mr. Bob Wood, Instructor, LPC
Barbara Thomas-Flint, Instructor, Village High School
Joanie Fields, Instructor, Village High School
Tim Hern, Director, Tri-Valley ROP
I. Introductions
Dr. Neal Ely called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. All members present introduced themselves. Dr. Ely welcomed the Horticulture Advisory Committee to Division III. Dr. Ely expressed appreciation from the college for committee member's commitment to the advisory committees. The members will receive college parking permits, a library card to access the Learning Resource Center materials, and a voucher for LPC performing arts events.
II. Spring Advisory Minutes
Minutes from April 12, 2000 were lost, but Mr. Wood provided meeting notes that were approved as written.
Joanie Fields/Ron Liljedahl/4 in favor; 1 abstention
III. ROP Report
Mr. Hern explained that there is lower enrollment than expected due to a scheduling problem.
Ms. Fields reports good enrollments and attendance at Village High School. She attributes the increase in enrollment to the "Rent a Bud Vase" program that called attention to the program. Teachers recommended the program to students.
Ms. Thomas-Flint explained that teaching the Horticulture class at Village High has been challenging since the garden area was bulldozed. Her class is making flower boxes to beautify the portables during the renovation project. The greenhouse is complete and plans are underway for moving in. She is using the internet to post grades and assignments.
III. Report from Las Positas College
LPC enrollments are good this fall. The new Introduction to Viticulture course is a success. There are thirty-two students registered in this course. It was difficult to find an instructor to teach this class in the fall and this class will be offered in the spring in the future. Mr. Liljedahl reports that Horticulture 54 was cancelled due to low enrollment. The daytime enrollments are lower than the evening enrollments. Most of the Horticulture classes are "Late Start" classes.
Four courses are offered in Spring, 2001.
Each committee received the new Las Positas College catalog.
Mr. Liljedahl described the renovation that took place since September in the greenhouse. The environmental controls, new lights, insulation and mist system are highlights of the project.
IV. Discussion Items
Spring Gardening Day, May 11, 2000 report from Mr. Wood:
There were forty-eight participants for this special activity. The newspaper ad was very successful in attracting those present. There was a misconception about the style of the day. Most thought it was an all day class rather than selecting subjects to attend.
Suggestions for future activities:
v Presenters need more than forty-five minutes per session
v Save the list of attendees for future events
v Set a date earlier and make sure the date does not conflict with other related area events (Late March might work March 31?)
v The costs should be shared (Last year's event cost approximately $1,000 paid by VATEA)
v New interest subjects might include children and gardening, and home design
v Share the planning responsibilities between ROP and LPC
v Provide hands on activities
v Charge a modest fee (Community Ed type class) $30 suggested
v Mr. Wood will check out dates and potential conflicts
v Ask Jackie Williams about advertising in her newsletter
v Flyer should be less expensive to produce and have less verbiage
V. Recommendations from Business and Industry Representatives
Several suggestions for discussion from the committee:
v Offer a Floristry course - perhaps on Saturdays
v Develop an eanology course to follow up the Viticulture course
v Invite new members from business to participate in the committee
v Get member feedback on timing of the meetings
The next meeting of the Horticulture Advisory Committee is planned for Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 4:30 P.M. at ROP location.
submitted by Roni Jennings
cc: Susan Cota Susan Hiraki
Don Milanese Barbara Morrissey
Karen Halliday Brian Owyoung
Ed Maduli Art Tenbrink
Corey Kidwell Gilberto Victoria
Pam Luster Terry Burgess
Dee Roshong Bev Bailey
Sylvia Rodriguez Alene Hamilton
LettieCamp Steven Bundy