FORM NO. S2.2b
Affirmation or Affidavit by Administrator
(For Grant Ad Colligenda Bona)¹
IN THE ESTATE of (name) late of (address), (marital status), deceased (“the Deceased”)
I, A.B., (occupation), of (address), do hereby *[solemnly and sincerely affirm] [make oath] and say as follows:
1.The Deceased died at (place of death) on (date of death) at the age of ...... years and domiciled in ......
*2.The following persons are *his/her only next of kin:
*2.The Deceased left surviving *him/her no known next of kin.
3.By an order of Mr. Registrar ...... dated ...... , it was ordered that letters of administration ad colligenda bona of the estate of the Deceased be granted to me limited as hereinafter mentioned.
4.The estate of the Deceased in respect of which this grant is sought and the value thereof at the date of *his/her death which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representatives of the Deceased, are as set out in the Estate Duty Commissioner’s Schedule of Property filed herein so far as at present can be ascertained. The principal value of the estate amounts to $......
5.I will collect, get in and administer according to law the estate of the Deceased as shown in the Schedule of Property limited to collecting, getting in and receiving the same, and doing such acts as may be necessary for the preservation of the same and until further representation be granted, but no further or otherwise and I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the estate and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do.
6.*[No minority interest] [Minority interest³] arises in the estate.
7.*[No life interest] [Life interest³] arises in the estate.
8.I am applying pursuant to the order of Mr. Registrar ...... dated ...... for letters of administration ad colligenda bona of the estate of the Deceased limited for the purpose of ...... (as in the order of the Registrar) ...... until further representation be granted.
AFFIRMED/SWORN, etc. (see Form No.F2.1)
(1)This form is for application by a person for a grant ad colligenda bona to preserve the estate (or any part thereof) of the Deceased who died before 11thFebruary 2006.
(2)*Delete or adapt as appropriate.
(3)If minority/life interest arises in the estate, the application shall be made in compliance with section 25 of the Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap.10) that a co-administrator/co-administratrix is required.