
Spring 2014

CHEM 101 - Course Syllabus

Course:General Chemistry (Chemistry 101)

Instructor:Aaron J Van Dyke

Text:Silberberg, 6th Edition Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter & Change

BlackHawkCollege General Chemistry Lab Manual

Other Required

Material:A scientific calculator

Safety glasses for the lab



General Course Information

General Chemistry is a four-semester hour course that is intended for chemistry majors and other science or pre-professional majors (pre-med, pre-engineering, pre-pharmacy). The prerequisite for this course is successful completion or concurrent enrollment in Math 112 (College Algebra) or Math 118 (Pre-Algebra).

Expected Learning Objectives for Chemistry 101

  • Use the mole concept in calculations.
  • Show the chemical bonding in molecular structures.
  • Name inorganic compounds.
  • Balance all kinds of chemical equations.
  • Do calculations involving solutions in stoichiometry.

Attendance and Expectations

  • All students are expected to attend every class meeting. According to the Black Hawk Catalog, I have the right to drop students from class after 4 absences.
  • I will not automatically assign a “W” or “I” as a final grade. If the student does not formally drop the class by the scheduled deadline, any points earned by the student will be used to compute the final grade.
  • Class involvement is crucial in order to be successful in the course. On topic questions are welcome at any time.
  • Collaboration with your peers is strongly encouraged. Cooperation among students may be required for some activities so getting to know your classmates is helpful.
  • Cell phones must be turned off in class. Please do not have cell phones out during class/lab.
  • Students who cheat or plagiarize will receive a “0” for the assignment and if caught again will receive an “F” for the course.

Grading Standards

Grades will be determined using the percentage scale below:

  • 90-100%A
  • 80-89%B
  • 70-79%C
  • 60-69%D
  • Below 60%F
  • These grades can be lowered if the instructor finds the need, but they will not be raised.
  • You are not in competition with your classmates, so study together if possible.
  • All points scored in this course will fall into one of the following four weighted categories:

7 Exams45%




Exams(all exam dates are tentative and subject to change)

Exam 1January 23, 2014Chapter 1 Test

Exam 2February 6, 2014Chapter 2 Test

Exam 3February 20, 2014Chapter 3 Test

Exam 4March 6, 2014Chapter 4 Test

Exam 5March 27, 2014Chapters 5-6 Test

Exam 6April 17, 2014Chapters 7-9 Test

Exam 7May 1, 2014Chapters 10-11 Test

Final ExamTBAComprehensive

If you are absent from class on a test date, it is necessary to contact Mr. Van Dyke by e-mail at PRIOR to the test to explain why you will be missing the test. The test will have to be taken outside class time.


To do well in the course, it is imperative that you practice between classes. The answers to the practice problems are on the class website. Your assignment between classes is to look at the practice problems and come to the next class time with your questions. The first part of the next class time will be used to answer your questions.

Each student will start the semester with 100/100 points as a participation grade. Students will lose 5 points for each class period they are absent for any reason.


  • Students will be assigned a lab drawer and key. Please place the key back in the box when you are completed with each day’s lab.
  • Students will complete a “Safety Practices in the Lab” assignment and submit their answers online. Students are expected to follow those safety practices in the lab.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the lab.
  • Most of the labs have pre-lab reading questions. These questions must be submitted online before the start of the lab time.
  • You may not perform the lab if your pre-lab assignment has not been turned in. There are NO exceptions for not having the pre-lab assignment submitted.
  • There are NO make-up labs
  • If you miss more than three labs, I reserve the right to withdraw you from the course.
  • Post-labs will be given due dates. They are due before lab begins that day.
  • NO late labs will be accepted.
  • ALL labs count toward the lab grade (I do NOT throw out a lab)
  • Lab final counts as one lab when determining semester lab grade
  • Lab final is open book

Lab Schedule

January 14Check into lab

Lab Safety

January 21Dimensional Analysis of Aluminum Foil

January 28Using Density to Determine the Sugar Content in Commercial Beverages

February 4Separating and Determining the Mass of Calcium Ion

February 11Determining the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide

February 18Preparing Aspirin

February 25Writing Chemical Equations Based on Observation of Reactions

March 4Copper from Start to Finish: A Sequence of Chemical Reactions

March 18Molar Mass of Butane

March 25Estimating the Heat of Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

April 1Titrating Vinegar

April 8Estimating the Acid-Neutralizing Capacity of Antacids

April 15Visualizing Chemical Structures Using Lewis Models (paper/pencil)

April 22Molecular Geometry (paper/pencil)

April 29Lab Final

May 6Check out of Lab