VPWG Minutes
September 11th, 2015
LGuralnik,DD’Anna, MWCDC;DMorris, HFHGP; RGermany, LCG; DLeyden, LBelayneh, ZAhmed, NSLC; DHendricks, JLoyd, FCC; TDolan, HA; MLandrum, HCDC; ENusser, LC; PBrewton, ELDI; ESing, GTECH;NNoszka, THC/PHCC; JpJones, IPorter, VDiaz, WFontana, PHDC;BDavidson, MLane, LRuss, PCRG
Chair ABrosecalled the meeting to order at 9:15am. Introductions were made.
Minutes were reviewed and passed unanimously without revision. (EN/DK)
New Group Consideration:
The group considered the application of the Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation to utilize the Pittsburgh Property Reserve in the Beechview neighborhood. Four board members were in attendance who participated in a Question and Answer session. The ad hoc committee formed last month reported on their finding in the due diligence conducted.
Motion: Approve PHDC to utilize property reserve for the Beechview neighborhood: First: PB; Second: DK. Approve unanimously.
Property Recycling:
Chair ABrose provided an overview of the various past and upcoming Treasurer’s Sales in process.
Treasurer’s Sale reviews:
The group reviewed their parcels for all active Treasurer’s Sales.
- April: These properties are through the T/S process and will be in the property reserve shortly, after groups submit deposits and promissory notes.
- August: The August list was reviewed.
- October: There are a few groups parcels’ missing. ACTION: Staff will follow-up with CRE.
Note: The October sale is to be a pilot sale for a ‘free and clear’-like sale with title work being done immediately after the end of the redemption period (not pre-treasurer’s sale). This will further shorten the timeline to clear title by 4-6 months.
- 2016: There will be 3 sales following the same schedule as this year. Draft calendars were distributed.
- April 2016 Sale: Deadline October 26th, 2015.
- The group reviewed the additional internal city deadlines added to the calendar.
There was a brief discussion as to the role of the URA and if they were operating as a de facto land bank again in the interim while the Pittsburgh Land Bank is up and running. Several group members shared that this is the case.
Question: What is the deadline for private applications? Answer: Rolling deadline. A general guideline is to make the immediate upcoming sale the application needs to be submitted in completion 6+ weeks in advance or it will most-likely go to the next sale.
Staff requested subcategories added to the ‘7’ code for Treasurer’s Sales (Service Requirements Under Treasurer’s Sale Act), if possible, so groups can understand if they can assist in finding a remedy to the issue to facilitate a future possible acquisition. The City is exploring and will respond in October.
Note: Moving forward groups must automatically reapply for any property that has ‘fallen out’ of a prior Treasurer’s Sale that they still would like to acquire, given that the prior reason for failure is one that could likely be corrected.
Property Reserve:
The City relayed that all groups responded promptly to the default notices.
Demolition Policy: If a property is demolished while in the Property Reserve, groups will be given the opportunity to remove their ‘hold’ on the property without penalty. The parcel will then be treated as a vacant lot and becomes subject to vacant lot notification and objector guidelinesThe Sales price will decrease from $1,000 to $100. The group asked for clarification on vacant lot notification timelines. The current understanding is that it is open indefinitely until closing. ACTION: Staff will follow-up with City Law.
Groups werealso reminded to proactively look at the demolition list online and to engage in relationship buildingwith their inspectors. ACTION: Staff will request a meeting with Brian Ralston re: 2-way communications and the standards for what constitutes ‘imminent public safety threat. ACTION: Staff will gather stories of demolitions in s in neighborhoods that donot match what has been relayed as the process and/or standards from PLI prior to the meeting.
Property Reserve:
The group reviewed the property reserve and related reports.
Staff and Chair have a meeting scheduled with the County Executive and his staff and will report back at the October meeting.
There was no new business and the meeting adjourned at 10:50am. (DD/DM)