La Vernia High School History Lab Syllabus
Teacher: Kevin Schier
Room: 537 Email:
Class Requirements: (Keep this in the front of your folder)
1.Bring materials to class each day. This includes the notebook, folder, and a pencil.
2.Take careful notes and participate in class. The notes, lab sheets, study guides, and textbook will be used to prepare for tests.
3.Write down all assignments. Assignments and due dates will be posted in the classroom on the board. You will have 3 days after the due date to turn in assignment. Every day is 10 points off. After 3 days you will have a zero.
4.Keep a History Lab notebook (composition) up-to-date, complete, and neat. Occasionally notebooks will be graded (every quarter) for a major grade, keep everything from class and keep it organized.
5.Test notes are usually given for the chapter tests. Students should use them to study for tests, which are usually a combination of multiple choice, matching, and discussion/open-ended questions.
The following point system will be used:
- Major Tests: Point values will usually be 45%. Lengthy labs and other assigned research, reports, or essays may fall in this range of points as well, depending on the amount of time/ effort required of the student.
- Quizzes: Quizzes will be worth 25% and will be given periodically throughout the units. I will tell the students if we are having a quiz and give them plenty of notice for studying.
- Other daily grades: Will usually range from 30%, depending on the assignment. Individual as well as group grades may also be given as students will need to work together on some labs/ assignments.
- Bonus/Extra Credit Points: Extra Credit is earned during in class reviews for Exams, typically 1-5 points per exam.
Classroom rules and consequences: Students should follow the code of conduct for the La Vernia High School. A uniform set of consequences will be used according to rules and standards. We expect our students to follow these important rules for success. Students are responsible for following these rules.
Tutoring: I will be available at different times on different days throughout the school year due to my coaching responsibilities. Students will be notified when I am available for tutoring. I will post this on the board as well. Only students who are putting forth their best effort (proper behavior, completing homework, etc.) should ask to stay.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or concerns either by phone or email. PH: (830) 779-6630. Email: