Joe: Script for audio excerpt

Kathy: Do you love Johnny Cash?

Joe: Hi, I'm Johnny Cash (singing).

Kathy: Is that your favorite type of music?

Joe: (singing) Take this job and shove it. I'm not coming this place no more. He used to say that.

Kathy: I will sing that with you if you want to sing it because I do, I really love that song.

Joe: Do you like Kenny Rogers?

Kathy: Yes, I do like Kenny Rogers.

Joe: Know when to hold em,

Kathy: Know when to walk away…

Joe: Country Western.

Kathy: Exactly. Do you get to play music here? No? How long you’ve been here?

Joe: I’ve been here about 20 years.

Kathy: Wow. Do you remember when you first came?

Joe: Yeah, I was young.

Kathy: Were you? You're still young.

Joe: Yeah, but I'm getting up there now.

Kathy: Ok, oh.

Kathy: Well do you have good friends here?

Joe: I have a couple friends. Not that much.

Kathy: Mm-hm.

Joe: You know Myers? He’s not here no more. He passed away.

Kathy: I'm sorry.

Joe: He’d been sick a long time.

Celia: You were friends.

Joe: Yeah.

Joe: I do miss, I my all my friends passed away.

Celia: Sure.

Joe: I’m running out of friends, a little bit. You know, a little bit sad or I sad and were not too happy…

Kathy: Well maybe you'll get some new friends.

Joe: I figured I have to move on to a different job. Like I been doing, like I did a long time ago with more people like me.

Kathy: Right. Are you a good worker?

Joe: Oh yeah. Everybody says…you know the bottles, they're like 50 pounds. They say, “Joe, you're strong, lifting boxes up.”

Kathy: Mm hmm. That’s heavy. Does it feel good to keep busy?

Joe: Keeps me out of trouble.

Kathy: And keeps you in shape?

Joe: Yep.

Kathy: Yeah that’s true. Makes the day go by?

Joe: Fast.

Kathy: Yes. But you said you'd like to work somewhere else. Where is that?

Joe: I’ll think on that.

Kathy: Yeah, that’s OK. You can think about it.

Joe: Maybe at the store or things like that.

Kathy: Is that sound more…

Joe: Restaurant. I can work there too. I’d like that.

Joe: But I don’t know what I’m doing here. I'm smart and high functioning, I don’t know why they put me here.