Goldwood General PTA Meeting - Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I. Call meeting to order

* PTA President, Tara Biscardi – Meeting called to order at 10:07 AM.

II. Officer’s reports:

* President, Tara Biscardi: Vote on new delegate, Susan Hartung. Discuss Preschool PTA Membership. Tara Biscardi recommends nominating Susan Hartung as a new delegate to replace Jenny O’Donnell. Moved by Anna Katrina-Strauss & Seconded by Kristi Brown. Approved by the majority. No discussion. Susan Hartung is now the new delegate for the 2015/16 school year.

* Report from Dr. Rosiak – Dr. Rosiak discussed that the school is off to a great start. The welcome back lunch was wonderful. Dr. Rosiak asked if anyone had any questions (none from the audience).

* Treasurer, Amy Dewey: Vote on 2015-2016 Budget – Amy Dewey read the budget line by line. Attaching proposed budget to notes for the record. Tara Biscardi recommends we approve the proposed budget. Moved by Kristen Movius & Seconded by Megan Mayer. Vote for budget as read was approved by a majority. No discussion.

* Delegate, Whitney O’Donnell: Homecoming Updates – Homecoming update, route change. Raffle/Basket donations still needed. $1000.00 deficit from last year. Volunteers still needed for clean-up. RRLWV is having debate tomorrow night, 9/24, at 7PM. Please attend. Dr. Rosiak emphasized how important the Board of Edcuation is to Rocky River. They are really involved in what is going on at our school and they have an impact on their level of support. RR has a very small group of young women who attend these meetings. RRLWV is a much older membership. They would really like young moms/women to show up who are interested in our community.

III. Committee Updates:

* Anji Marinella and Amy Dewey: Pizza Lunch/Volunteers – Anji spoke about sign-up. We are still accepting orders. She discussed the new volunteer spot. 8 volunteers only. You have to be signed-up to receive pizza because there is a concern of allergies. Erin Deventhal brought up her concern about the Styrofoam plates. She located a resource for

large/portioned plates that are only 3 cents more. Anji will speak with Pelicanos to see if we can change going forward. Discussion about PTA absorbing the cost. We all agree it is very minor cost we just need to figure out financial issues going forward. Cost is an issue for some parents. More discussion needed.

* Mandy Kolonick: Hot Dog Lunch/Volunteers – Discussion in conjunction with pizza days.

* Megan Maher: Fall Fundraiser – Megan Maher spoke about Fundraiser that kicked off last week. Discussed prize incentives per items sold. Everything is tracked by the number of items. They have to turn in the coupons to receive the bracelets. Ordering online is best because you can select ship to home. Megan Maher emphasized that there will be one pick up date only!!

* Jaclyn Mussleman and Holly Brokaw: Fall Book Fair – Spoke about upcoming book fair preparations. Volunteer spot will be coming together soon.

* Anne Mueller: Library Support – Anne is working on vision for Library & new plan this year. She will coordinate with Mrs. Tomazin to create a new plan for volunteers this year.

* Jenny Saab: Website and Facebook Updates – Tara pointed out that Jenny Saab has really taken this job to the next level. Goldwood and Kensington is now combined.

* Anna-Katrin Strauss: Recycling Club Changes – It no longer makes money. She is working on a plan going forward. She is looking for it to be more educational. Looking at new ideas in the future. Question came up about recycling club. Anna will look at making changes to club.

* Melissa Heavey: School Toolbox Feedback – No report.

IV. Upcoming Events:

* Thursday, September 24 - Picture Day

* Friday, September 25 - First Grade Johnny Appleseed Day

* Thursday, October 1 - Pizza Day

* Friday, October 2 - Homecoming

* Saturday, October 3 - Roc the Croc

* Thursday, October 8 - First Hot Dog Day

Meeting adjourned at 10:49 AM.

Attendance: Tara Biscardi, Melissa Walsh, Amy Dewey, & Dr. Rosiak.

Kristin Movius, Megan Maher, Anji Marinella, Anne Mueller, Anna-Katrina Strauss, Erin Deventhal, Angela Worgul, Holly Brokaw, Whitney O’Donnell, Lisa Tovissi, Kristi Brown, Mandy Kolonick, Megan Pacini.

Minutes taken by Melissa Walsh