Madhukar Konda



Current Location: Hyderabad

Title: / Programmer/Team leader with 5 years experience in microsoft realted technologies
Work Experience: / 5 years
Skills: / VB,ASP,.Net,C#, SQL, HTML,DHTML
Current Organization: / Vensoft Inc.
Industry: / Pharmaceuticals,Public Relations (PR)
Highest Degree Held: / M.Sc (Other Science) ,OSMANIA UNIVERSITY
Gender: / Male
Date of Birth: / 21st April 1976

Detailed Resume:


• Over Four and half Years of software lifecycle experience in Application Software Design, Development, Testing and Implementation.

• Microsoft certified professional in visual basic 6.0.

• Extensive experience in developing applications using ASP, ASP.Net, Visual Basic 6.0,5.0, Visual Basic.Net, VBA as front end and MS-Access, MS SQL Server6.5/7.0/7.5, ORACLE 8i/7.x as backend.

• Used different objects like response, request, server, application, session objects in ASP.

• Used ADO objects like ADODB.connection, ADODB.recordset, ADODB.Command for retrieving data from the backend database.

• Expertise in Document Type Definitions for XML, CSS, XSL Transformations, Xlink, Xpointers, and defining Namespaces.

• Experience in developing E-commerce applications using MS Technologies i.e. MS Commerce Server, MS Site Server, Personalization & Membership, Store setup, Order Pipe Lines, Commerce interchange Pipelines, AUO, ADSI, LDAP interfaces, on-line book store setup, product setup, sales promotion setup.

• Extensively used Front Page 98, Visual InterDev6.0, HTML and JavaScript and VB Script.

• Experienced in loading and querying XML documents and creating output files.

• Experience in DTS, DAO, RDO, ADO, ActiveX controls & Documents, COM, COM+, DCOM components.

• Extensive experience in crystal reports RDC Activex component.

• Extensive experience in using MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) and commerce server.

• Experience in SQL, TSQL, PL/SQL. Reports 2.5, SQL * Plus.

• Experience in designing object oriented applications using UML

• Excellent knowledge about Firewalls, Network segregation, Data encryption, Credit card information security, client authentication and securing site data using DMZ environment.

• Extensive knowledge in Site Maintenance, administration and .NET technologies.


Languages/Tools : Visual Basic .Net/6.0/5.0, VBA, ASP.Net/3.0/2.0, Perl5, CGI Scripting, DAO, RDO, ADO, VB Script, XML, XSL, CSS, XML Notepad, SOAP,HTML, Front Page 98,Visual InterDev 6.0, Java Script ,PL/SQL, TSQL, MySQL, SQL *Plus, Forms4.5, Reports2.5, Crystal Reports 8.0, Macromedia Flash, C++.

Commerce Servers : MSIIS4.0/5.0, MS Site Server 3.0, MS Commerce Server

Component Design : VB6.0 (ActiveX)-COM/DCOM/COM+.

Databases : SQL Server 2000/7.5/7.0/6.5, ORACLE 8i/7.3, MS-Access, Sybase system 11/10.

Case Tools : UML, Rational Rose, ER-Win3.5

Operating Systems : Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux, UNIX SVR4.


• CRUK RaceForLife 2003 (Jan03 to Till Date)

Identex, Sussex Designing ,Programming & Debugging

Cancer Research UK is the largest volunteer-supported cancer research organization in the world. With a dedicated team of 3,000 scientists and an annual scientific spend of more than 176 million raised almost entirely through public donations.

• Responsible for developing financial module patch for CRUK Project.

• Responsible for developing financial reports.

• Extensively worked with Visual basic 6.0 and SQL server 2000.

• Built and developed visual basic modules, forms and financial classes for financial patch.

• Extensively worked with Crystal reports and visual basic data reports.

• Responsible for developing online shopping cart for race for life using ASP 3.0

• Responsible for developing COM+ components and SQL stored procedures.

• Responsible for developing online registration forms using ASP 3.0

Development Environment: ASP 3.0, Visual Basic 6.0, COM/COM+, Crystal reports 8 SQL server 2000 and Windows 2000.

• Clozaril Patient Monitoring Service (Sep02 to Nov02)

C&C, Surrey (Novartis Pharmaceuticals) Programming & Debugging

Clozaril patient monitoring service, an ISO 9002 accreditation, is offered by Novartis pharmaceuticals, UK. The principal objective of this service is to optimize the patient safety through regular patient monitoring. This is a short term contract with the following responsibilities:

• Bug fixing existing CPMS in ASP3.0 and Visual basic COM+.

• Code enhancement using VB6.0 for COM+.

• Building web enabled reports and supporting the existing using crystal reports 8.0

• Extensively working with ObjectContext and MTS transaction modes like Required, Requires new, no transaction and uses transaction,

• Extensively working with Winfax to send faxes programmatically.

Development Environment: ASP 3.0, Visual Basic 6.0, COM/COM+, Crystal reports 8 and Windows 2000.

• MyVoice UK, London (Dec01 to Aug02) Analysis, Programming & Maintenance

MyVoice is the one of the best marketing research companies In UK with more than 100,000 panelists globally. is for the market research users with facilities like polls, forums etc. is for the clients who want to do research on their products or on their employees. It has facilities like Omnibus express; its an express type, which is used to get same day results. Other features like Ad-hoc polls, first impressions also used to get peoples voice.

• Responsible for developing the specifications designs using UML.

• Prepared use cases and use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, class diagrams using Rational Rose.

• Written functional specifications and high and low level designs.

• Responsible for Creating MVA (MyVoice Administration Kit) with Visual Basic 6.0/.Net, which has the following features.

• Managing the existing polls and creating the new polls.

• Managing the existing Panelists and creating the new.

• Managing the existing Content and news and creating the new.

• Managing existing Clients and creating the new.

• Managing newsletters and creating the new and lot of other features.

• Responsible for Email system which sends newsletters and invitations to more than 100000 users globally twice in a week using W3 JMail 4.0.

• Extensively worked with ASP 3.0 and SQL server 7.0/2000.

• Developed and and responsible for Implementing Poll generations and results.

• Extensively worked with XML Parsers to create a poll from XML documents.

• Extensively worked with CDONT, Microsoft Agent control, Microsoft System monitor control etc.

• Extensively worked with lot of APIs like wininet, kernel32 etc, WinInet is responsible for controlling the state of system.

• Extensively worked with Crystal Reports 8.0. Worked with RDC Activex designer and Report Viewer.

• Generated numerous runtime reports using crystal reports 8.0 RDC.

• Extensively worked with COM components and COM+.

• Extensively worked with Microsoft Agent control, Microsoft System Monitor control.

• Responsible for database backup, replication and writing stored procedures in sql server 2000.

Development Environment: Visual Basic 6.0/.Net, VBA, ASP 3.0, XML, VB Script, Java Script, SQL Server 7.0/2000, COM+, IIS 5.0, HTML/DHTML, UML 2.0, Crystal Reports, windows xp/2000.

• E-Business (Radiologists Portal) (Aug00 to Nov01) Web programming & Designing

This is the best and ultimate portal for any one associated with radiology. This portal has all the information related to radiology. This portal has features like Personalization and membership, Shopping cart, Radiology news, Radiology education, Email service, displays stock quotes, Search facility, Content management etc. This is developed using Microsoft site server, Microsoft Transaction Server and commerce server

• Responsible for developing the specifications designs using UML.

• Written functional specifications and high and low level designs.

• Designed and developed the Shopping cart and implemented enterprise wide search feature.

• Using UML and Rational Rose designed and developed components using class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and COM.

• Involved in the development of administrative interface in Visual Basic6.0.

• Extensively used ADO/OLE-DB for database connectivity and ADOx for database object retrieval.

• Extensively worked with XML and XML DOM, SAX parsers to parse the XML documents. Used DOM parsers to pick up the required data from the XML files.

• Worked extensively with XSL to transform the query output from the XML to browser dependent WML, HTML, DHTML etc. Used XSL to sort and filter the data from the XML output files.

• Developed different XSL Style sheets to make the data browser compatible.

• Used XSL to describe the layout structure of the pages.

• Used different Table formatting objects like fo:table-and-caption, fo:table, fo:column, fo:inlinecontainer fo:wrapper, fo:marker, fo:retrivemarker etc.

• Used multi-formatting objects like fo:multi-case, fo:multi-toggle, fo:multi-propertyset .

• Implemented credit card transaction processing.

Personalization and membership: The site has personalization and membership feature where in any one can be either a member of a normal group or a premium group (Paid members). To implement this feature we used the MS site server. In the membership directory we created two groups normal & premium groups to register the members. The members are also provided with a facility to search for other members in the group.

• Used the AUO (Active user objects), ADSI (Active Directory service interface) and LDAP (Light weight directory access protocol) protocol to communicate with the membership directory. All these features are implemented in ASP (Active server pages). Also used direct mail facility of site server to update the users with up to data information about radiology.

• Shopping cart: - This feature provides the ability to trade different radiology products of different radiology vendors over the net.

• Used ADO objects like ADODB.connection, ADODB.recordset, ADODB.Command to deal with database operations on SQL Server7.0.

Development Environment: ASP 2.0, XML, XSL1.0, VB6.0, VB Script, Java Script, IIS4.0, SQL Server 7.5, MSSiteserver 3.0, COM+, RUP, MTS, MS- Commerce Server 3.0, AUO, ADSI, LDAP, UML, Visual Interdev 6.0, MSFront page 98, Windows NT/98.

• TRANSCM (Mar00to Jul00)

Sanga Corporation Analysis, Design & Programming

TRANSCM brings very effective environment providing comprehensive information about inventory, transport, item status and delays. This eliminates empty backhaul for carriers and identifies the lowest cost bid for service and generates revenues. This comprise Tracking and tracing loads in progress right from origination to the destination, on-line viewing of charges, carriers and customers with real-time management throughout supply chain events. This project has different modules namely Customer, Carrier, Warehouse, Availability, Load Quote, Administration and Reporting.

• Involved in Carrier, Administration, Warehouse and reporting modules.

• Involved in interaction with the end user for the requirement specifications gathering then converting them into design.

• Used ADO.connect and ADO.recordset objects to connect to databases and retrieve the data from database.

• Used different objects like window, document, location and history in Java Script

• Used Java Script for client side validation.

• Generated HTML pages with Visual Interdev 6.0 used as front-end.

Development Environment: VB6.0 ASP2.0, ADO 2.0, MTS, JavaScript1.2, VB Script, Oracle8/MS Access, IIS Server, COM, DCOM, Macromedia Flash, Windows NT, and Visual Interdev 6.0.

• MBS Data Mapper (Nov99 to Feb00)

Medical Billing Services, AZ Analysis, Design & Programming

Conversion utility is being developed for data present in MS-SQL Server to DB2 (AS/400) database. The database conversion deals with mapping of MS-SQL Server data types to DB2 data types and also includes dumping of data automatically into the AS/400 database.

• ADO is used to retrieve the data from the SQL server and transfer to the AS/400 System.

• Created tables in DB2 database and used normalization technique to reduce redundancy and in consistency.

• Developed Configuration module to configure the output data and input data fields. Discussed with the Client for the front end screens specifications, developed and designed the screens for Data entry and Configuration module in Visual basic 6.0.

• Used ADO for retrieving data from SQL Server and created a flat file. And then transferred the data from flat file to AS/400 Server.

• Developed Class modules and user defined objects to validate the input data.

• Developed error handling routines to automatically handle the errors and used Debug windows to monitor run time values of variables or constants.

• Developed class module and generated standard Reports and listing reports using Crystal Reports.

• Extensively used Microsoft window common controls like status bar, tree view, and list view. Progress bar, MS dB Grid, and dB List Box control.

Development Environment: Visual Basic 6.0,ADO, SQL Server 6.5, AS/400, DB2 /400, crystal Reports, Windows NT 4.0, Window98, ActiveX.

• Saguaro Health Associates (SHA) (Jul99 to Oct99)


SHA was developed to track the information of the patient admission, Patient discharge and Updating of patient condition. It also maintains the information regarding the doctor who has treated the patient and also doctor who has referenced the patient. It also provides information regarding the type of treatment given to the patient. SHA includes Daily report, Monthly report about patients, discharge billing and maintenance of Doctor Details.

• Interacting and Discussing with the users for front end screens specifications, developed and designed the screens for Personal Information, Job Information and Written Performance Notice modules using Visual basic 6.0 features like SS Tab ActiveX controls, MS dB Grid, Data control and dB List Box control.

• Developed Class modules and user defined objects to validate the input data. Used Control arrays for the validations of the textboxes and combo box etc.

• Used Visual Basic events and Properties to restrict the input data.

• Active Data Objects (ADO s) is used with ODBC for connecting Visual Basic 6.0 to the SQL Server.

• Used Database objects and methods to open the database, Record sets and Query Defs.

• Used the Dynaset Table type record sets for the Personal Information and Job Information, Snapshots for the Written Performance Notice Information of the Employees, which is read only.

• Developed stored Procedures and database triggers to evaluate the input data of the Written Performance Notice of the Employees. Responsible for writing queries for reports using SQL.

• Numerous reports are generated using Crystal Report Writer like Summary report, Matrix report for reporting the employees of the different stores in different cities, Cross tab report, Graphical Reports and Mailing label reports for the Employee Written Notices.

Development Environment: Visual Basic 6.0, ADO, ActiveX, MS- SQL Server 6.5/MS Access and Crystal Reports 6.0, Windows NT 4.0.

• Uptime (Maintenance Management System) (Feb99 to Jun99)

Uptime is a Maintenance Management System in a manufacturing environment. Uptime handles the indenting, receiving, issuing and usage of spares, tools, resources and skills used in maintenance work. Uptime covers five types of maintenance activities such as, Preventive Maintenance, Scheduled Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Calibrative Maintenance and Break down Maintenance.