
Name: ______

Wednesday, November 4

Start reading the book Tangerine. You have 15 days to read this book. This window includes weekend days.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


What is the point of view of the story? How do you know?


Thursday, November 5

You have 14 days left to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Tell where the story takes place. This could include, time, season, time of day or place. Use direct quotes.


Friday, November 6

You have 13 days to finishTangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Summarize the introduction of the story in no more than three sentences.



Saturday, November 7

You have 12 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Based on the events of the story so far, what do you predict will happen next?


Sunday, November 8

You have 11 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


How does the setting of the story affect the characters?


Monday, November 9

You have 10 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


What relationships are forming between the characters?


Tuesday, November 10

You have 9 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


What is the general theme of this book?


Create a timeline for the story. Plot at least five important events that took place in the story.

Wednesday, November 11

You have 8 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


What do you think the author’s purpose for writing this story?


Thursday, November 12

You have 7 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


How do you predict the story will end?


Friday, November 13

You have 6 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Saturday, November 14

You have 5 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Have the character(s) changed at all during the story? If so who changed and how?


Sunday, November 15

You have 4 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Do you think the author was good at explaining things so you can easily understand the story? Why or why not?


Monday, November 16

You have 3 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Tuesday, November 17

You have 2 days to finish Tangerine.

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Wednesday, November 18

Finish reading the book Tangerine. Finally, you can finish this book today!!

Started reading at chapter ___ and finished reading at chapter ____.

I read up to page ______today.

Here is what happened today:


Conflict—Describe the major conflict in the book.


Resolution—What happens at the end of the book?
