--- ST-SAA AK1-3 SAFAT rgd 2015 ? assembled by SAFAT; f/n Bahrain-Sakhir 21jan16

--- ST-SAB AK1-3 SAFAT rgd 2015 ? assembled by SAFAT

--- ST-SAD AK1-3 SAFAT rgd 2015 ? assembled by SAFAT

--- ST-6TA-02F AK1-3 SAFAT Wtk 17sep16 assembled by SAFAT

1 47 473 02 CCCP-07968 An-2T AFL/Turkmenistan dbr 03jun62 when a cargo of sulphuric acid leaked causing a fire

1121 473 02 CCCP-02168(1) An-2 AFL/Kazakhstan w/o 19apr62 CFIT when encountered below-minima weather conditions

1G170-56 EW-472CD An-2 @@ LWO 24dec16 ex LY-BAP

8 34 58 07 ? 9Q-CSZ An-12BK red/white c/s, n/t FIH 19dec16 sme c/s as 9T-TCH (2) ??

00 34 73 02 RA-90921 An-12BK Russian Air Force OVB dec16 coded "25" blue

9 73 049 09 CCCP-46580 An-24B AFL/Lithuania-VNO MJZ 28oct16 no sign of it having become RA- prior to cancellation

4 73 095 08 RA-46667 An-24RV Turukhan SCW sep16 no titles; still in Nordavia colours but all logos etc. removed

22 08 UR-CEP An-26 AP Holdings UAE rgd 16nov16 no reported sightings; ex HA-TCO

31 07 RA-26552 An-26 Alrosa MJZ 28oct16 wfu with parts missing

56 09 "35" blue An-26 Ukraine Air Force IEV 06oct16 named 'Heroi Ukrayiny Dmytro Maiboroda' l/n HRK 23dec16

1AJ 004-06 UR-CKQ An-28 A.Y. Zilinskii Cka aug16 all white; rgd 06dec16; ex ST-AWN

AJE 003-03 P-4201 M28 Indonesian Police w/o 03dec16 crashed in the sea about 74 km SE of Tanjung Pinang

22 01 ? T-255 (2) An-32A Angolan Air Force LAD 21sep16 stored; 'D2-F..' registration visible under the paint

27015040005 RA-61705 An-148-100 Saratov Airlines RTW 14dec16 started revenue flights 16dec16

18500 80 03 RF-91821 Il-18V Russian Air Force w/o 19dec16 crash-landed in the snow-covered tundra 27 km north-west of Tiksi

0810 110 06 RF-75345 Il-38N Russian Navy ZIA dec16 coded "22" yellow; named 'Viktor Potapov'

00934 92771 EW-005DE Il-76MD Belarus AF, n/t ZIA dec16 after overhaul, red/green cheatline and Belarus flag on the tail

00934 97936 RA-76846 Il-76TD United Nations FIH 21dec16 in all white c/s with large 'UN' titles

10234 98978 78612 Il-76TD @@ @@ dec16 reported by Russianplanes.net, at 123-ARZ; ex EZ-F421/78699, probably for China

10034 03075 EW-480TH Il-76TD Trans Avia Export DWC 08dec16 c/n confirmed by Ilyushin.org; in all-white c/s, no titles; ex RA-76799

01-10 -- Il-76MD-90 primer Ule aug16 Il-76MD-90A; fuseage seen on the assembly line aug16

74 043 03 CP-3070 Ka-26 W.M. Mendez rgd 2016 on regiester nov16; ex HA-MMY

76 057 12 UK-24367 Ka-26 Uzbekistan ph. dec16 seen dismanteled somewhere in Hungary

78 063 08 CP-3071 Ka-26 W.M. Mendez rgd 2016 on regiester nov16; ex HA-MPJ

#50034117804 "15" red Ka-29 Soviet Navy mfd 18oct84 line # 76-03

#50025117811 RF-34194 Ka-29 Russian Navy EIK 24apr15 coded "38" yellow; c/n now known

#50018122901 RF-34188 Ka-29 Russian Navy EIK 16jul16 coded "39" yellow; c/n now known

--- RF-19190 Ka-27M Russian Navy h/o 19dec16 coded "14" yellow; f/n Kumertau dec16

--- RF-..... Ka-29 Russian Navy ph. dec16 coded "85" yellow; h/o after overhaul by KumAPO dec16

17 09 14 CCCP-34483 L-200D AFL/North Kavkaz w/o 25apr62 due to pilot error in handling the fuel system; t/t 151 hours

--- 9Q-CDX -UVP-E10 white/blue c/s FIH 21dec16 active, ex HK-4109 or D4-CBL ?

54 2510 072 CCCP-15735(1) Mi-2U AFL/Georgia-KUT w/o 13apr85 accidentally hit by an "Alazan-2M" anti-hail rocket

53 2529 082 CCCP-15752(1) Mi-2 AFL/Tyumen w/o 28mar86 crashed 12 km north-west of Khanty-Mansisk airport

54 3009 063 CCCP-15798 Mi-2 AFL/Far East dbr 12may75 encountered a snow flurry near Beringovski and crashed

53 3033 073 CCCP-20132 Mi-2 AFL/West Siberia dbr 10jul75 rolled over onto its side due to pilot error on landing near Balykcha

53 3417 024 CCCP-20151 Mi-2 AFL/Komi dbr 11may75 on take-off from Syktyvkar when the tail rotor came off

53 3943 015 CCCP-23995 Mi-2 AFL/North Kavkaz dbr 13apr86 came down hard due to pilot error and rolled over onto

52 5921 118 RA-23518 Mi-2 Abakan Avn Enterp. dbr 15jul95 went out of control so the main rotor cut off the tailboom and crashed

54 7212 061 CCCP-20254 Mi-2 AFL/Leningrad w/o 03aug83 probably entered vortex-ring mode, came down hard, rolled over

53 7433 121 CCCP-20298 Mi-2 AFL/Turkmenistan w/o 26mar85 both engines failed shortly after take-off

52 7518 022 3539K Mi-2 L.V. Oleinik rgd unknown leased to Demetra 16mar11/16dec11

@@ RA-20312 Mi-2 not known rgd 03feb12 current on register 01dec16; EX 3536K

52 9209 045 CCCP-23320 Mi-2 AFL/North Kavkaz dbr 01apr86 lost speed and descended too steeply and came down hard

--- 345 Mi-2 Sudanese Air Force @@ photo in olive drab c/s with light blue belly

09 70 CCCP-14154 Mi-4 AFL/Far East w/o 01jul75 hot exhaust fumes incinerated the dry grass so helicopter caught fire

14 129 CCCP-29058 Mi-4 AFL/East Siberia dbr 11may75 when probably the RS-24V mixture regulator failed

01 49 CCCP-22541(1) Mi-8 AFL/Uzbekistan w/o 10apr83 collided with a high-voltage power-line

31 34 CCCP-25997 Mi-8T AFL/Tyumen-URJ dbr 12mar83 ran out of fuel due to negligence of the captain

48 41 CCCP-22410 Mi-8 AFL/Far East dbr 22jan83 when the gear box of the tail rotor failed

65 90 CCCP-22252 Mi-8T AFL/Tyumen w/o 27feb83 rotor collided with a ground wire peak of a mast

82 34 RA-24607 Mi-8 Geliks KGP 02oct15 in basic Gazpromavia c/s with own titles

9 82 03985 CCCP-25325 Mi-8 AFL/Far East dbr 12jan83 due to a problem with the fuel system

9 84 15570 RA-22867 Mi-8T Ilin @@ 02oct14 offered for sale; canx between 02nov16 and 01dec16

9 85 25049 RF-95382 Mi-8MT Russian Air Force Khb oct16 coded "77" yellow; c/n now known

9 3477 RA-22554(2) Mi-8MTV-1 not known rgd 23nov16 see c/n 7769; ex OB-1761

9 5749 RA-25133 Mi-8MTV-1 Alrosa MJZ 29oct16

9 5960 RA-27133(1) Mi-8MTV-1 United Nations dbr 01dec16 when a suicide bomber drove to the airport of Gao-Korogoussou

9 7199 not known Mi-8MTV-5 FSO mfd 2015 opb Federalnya sluzhba okhrany (Federal Protective Service)

9 7388 not known Mi-8MTV-1 MChS Rossii h/o 08dec16 opb ASTs YuRTs

9 7389 not known Mi-8MTV-1 MChS Rossii h/o 07dec16 opb ASTs PRTs

#64308 4110 RA-22497(2) Mi-8AMT UTair rgd 08nov16 ex OM-AVC

#156 157552 B-70JV Mi-8171C Xinjiang Gen. Avn rgd 14dec16 full c/s 171C 00 156 15 7552U; Xinjiang General Aviation Co.

#156 157553 B-70JW Mi-8171C Xinjiang Gen. Avn rgd 14dec16 full c/s 171C 00 156 15 7553U; Xinjiang General Aviation Co.

--- RF-23195(2) Mi-8TV FSB IKT 21aug16 see c/n 9785547

--- RF-24752 Mi-8MTV-5 Russian Air Force Pus 06dec16 Mi-8MTV-5-1; opb 549 Avb AA at Pushkin

--- LH99797 Mi-171E Chinese Army ph. nov16 opb 9th Rgt ?

--- ERAF 308 Mi-17 Eritrean Air Force ph. 2016 in ochre/sand camo c/s with light grey underside

--- "44" red Mi-171Sh Kazakh Air Force h/o 07dec16 opb 620 AvB at Astana; f/n TSE 07dec16

--- "45" red Mi-171Sh Kazakh Air Force h/o 07dec16 opb 620 AvB at Astana; f/n TSE 07dec16

--- 211 Mi-8T North Korean AF ph. 11dec16 took part in a special forces exercise

--- H-395 Mi-24 Angolan Air Force ## photo in olive drab/medium green/ochre camo c/s with light grey underside

--- "01" red Mi-35M Kazakh Air Force d/d dec16 ? f/n ALA 14dec16

--- "02" red Mi-35M Kazakh Air Force d/d dec16 ? f/n ALA 12dec16

--- "04" red Mi-35M Kazakh Air Force d/d dec16 ? f/n ALA 14dec16

--- 963 Mi-24V Sudanese Air Force ph. 2013

34001212049 RF-95359 Mi-26 Russian Air Force Kgv nov16 coded "02" blue

34001212050 RF-95358 Mi-26 Russian Air Force Kgv nov16 coded "01" blue

34001212108 RF-95360 Mi-26 Russian Air Force Kgv nov16 coded "09" blue

34001212644 SL-24 Mi-26T2 Algerian Air Force ph. feb16 at Biskra; c/n now known

30 02 01 SP-SUC W-3WA Hispánica de Avn dbr 10aug16 on a fire-fighting mission at Puente Roto

60 04 09 B-70PF SW-4 @@ rgd 14dec16 ex SP-SIT

22202034143 D-EYAX Yak-18T @@ rgd 15sep16 finally registered

35382614001 "72" red Ka-52 Russian Air Force h/o 01dec16 line # 14-01; opb 3 ve 55 ovp AA at Korenovsk

--- "70" red Ka-52 Russian Air Force h/o 01dec16 opb 3 ve 55 ovp AA at Korenovsk; may be line # 13-09

--- "71" red Ka-52 Russian Air Force h/o 01dec16 opb 3 ve 55 ovp AA at Korenovsk; may be line # 13-10

--- "73" red Ka-52 Russian Air Force h/o 01dec16 opb 3 ve 55 ovp AA at Korenovsk; may be line # 14-02

--- "75" white Ka-52 Russian Air Force ph. mar15 evaluated by the Algerian AF at Hassi Bahbah

95 027 RA-89084 RRJ-95B not known rgd 11nov16 ex PK-ECM & 97009(4)

95 119 89075 RRJ-95LR primer f/f 07dec16 RRJ-95LR-100

--- RF-34089 Tu-22M3 Russian Air Force ph. 22dec16 test flying from KAZ; in bare-metal c/s

63207 RF-94296 Tu-134A-3 Russian Air Force ROV 19dec15 ex RA-65980

9 35 51005 RF-66023 Tu-134Sh-2 Russian Air Force Chh oct16 in standard red c/s and still coded "03" red

--- RF-34097 Tu-142MZ Russian Navy ph. dec16 coded "63" black

á á á83A572 á á RA-85572 á á Tu-154B-2 Russian Air Force AER 25dec16 entered a flat spin 2 minutes after take-off and crashed

91A906 RA-85724 Tu-154M S7 Airlines OVB mar16 stored; canx between 02nov16 and 01dec16

92A917 RF-85735 Tu-154M Russian MVD Sae 17dec16 in new colours; ex RA-85735

00A1003 1003 Tu-154M Czech Air Force @@ 17dec16 in the process of being transported by road to Zruc Air Park

834 01 5 17 "30" grey Tu-160S ? Tupolev OKB ZIA aug07 wfu with the nose and two engines missing; c/n now known

844 01 9 23 "56" grey Tu-160S ? Tupolev OKB f/f 16mar85 w/o 06mar87; c/n now known

825 02 6 18 "86" grey Tu-160S ? Tupolev OKB f/f 25dec85 may be earmarked for display at Monino; c/n now known

830 07 5 26 RF-94102 Tu-160S Russian Air Force Eng 21sep13 coded "02" red; c/n now known

830 07 3 35 RF-94101 Tu-160S Russian Air Force Eng mar16 coded "03/1" red; c/n now known

840 07 1 42 RF-94112 Tu-160S Russian Air Force Eng 21sep13 coded "04" red; c/n now known

844 08 5 38 RF-94115 Tu-160S Russian Air Force @@ 19nov15 in Syria; coded "08" red; c/n now known

02 5 22 CCCP-05725 Yak-12M AFL/Ukraine mfd 03dec55 opb KOAO; canx 1965

02 5 24 CCCP-05728 Yak-12M AFL/Urals mfd 22nov55 w/o 04jul62 on a crop-spraying flight from Yemurtla

--- 5819 Y8F-200W Myanmar Air Force RGN 15nov16 serial now known

--- 5820 Y8F-200W Myanmar Air Force RGN 15nov16 serial now known

--- LH94010 Y9 Chinese Army ph. dec16

020 B-3755 Y12E Inner Mongolia GA rgd 06dec16

023 B-3756 Y12E Inner Mongolia GA rgd 06dec16

15 320 10 N10EB CJ6A John W. Ford w/o 21oct16 at Aviation Swampfest, Waycross, GA, after collided with CJ6A N33CY

38 320 21 VH-TWF CJ6A N.T. Windsor rgd 15nov16 ex VH-FCD

43 320 05 N33CY CJ6A Michael J. Eaton dam 21oct16 collided with CJ6A N10EB

53 320 06 5306 PT-6 Bangladesh AF DAC dec16 c/n painted on so now confirmed