2009-2010 MS Athletics

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Colleen Carron & Michael Seiffert

Class location: Big Gyms

Class time: 6th Period

Availability: Before school: 8:00-8:30 or after school: 3:15-3:45

Phone: (763) 258-2552


Course Overview:

·  This course meets five days a week for the full year. The focus is on developing healthy lifestyle habits through the formation of skills in individual and team as well as physical fitness activities. Students learn how to play, compete, and interact in both competitive and recreational settings while developing their physical, mental, and social skills. Gaining an understanding of rules and strategies to successfully play the game is also an important component of the course.

Additional Course Information:

v  PARTICIPATION: Students are expected to actively participate to their fullest capacities (physical and mental) on a daily basis. In addition, students will demonstrate their level of proficiency and knowledge through a combination of skills and written assessments, along with some homework assignments.

v  ABSENCE: Given the nature of this course attendance is paramount. In the rare instance (such as illness) that one misses class, participation points may be made up at the discretion of the teacher.

v  INJURY: In the event of injury, a note from a Medical Doctor will be needed to excuse one from daily participation. Short of this, all participants are expected to participate daily.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to do their own work. Anyone found breaking this expectation will not only lose all credit for the test/quiz/assignment in question but will also drop a letter grade for the quarter in which the infraction occurs.

Text, Readings, Materials:

·  No texts will be used- however students will be expected to occasionally complete homework assignments related to history of the game, rules and game strategies.

·  Materials used in the course will be provided by the Providence Academy Physical Education Department.

Course Policies:

·  Students are required to wear the standard Physical Education uniform specified by the teacher for each class. This includes: P.A. T-shirt, shorts or sweats, white athletic socks, and tennis shoes.

·  Students are required to keep their items secured in a P.E. locker (combination locks will be provided by P.A.). Keeping the locker secure is solely the responsible of each student. Student’s who demonstrate irresponsibility towards their own belongings will be subject to loss of points or disciplinary action.

·  Students will be expected to demonstrate respect for school property and equipment as well as the belongings of other classmates. Student’s who demonstrate dishonesty or disrespect towards school property or others belongings will be subject to loss of points or disciplinary action.

·  Class participation and solid character is required for successful completion of the course.

·  Attendance and promptness to each class is expected.

·  The teacher will deal with missed classes on an individual basis.

·  Any student who cannot abide by course policies will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions.


Physical Education grades will be based on the following daily point system:

Dress/Attendance (proper P.E. uniform) = 1 pt (25% of overall grade)

Participation (effort & attitude) = 1 pt (25% of overall grade)

Character (leadership & teamwork) = 1 pt (25% of overall grade)

Performance (skills & written assessments) = Remaining 25% of overall grade


Grade % GPA

A 93-100 4.0

A- 90-92 3.67

B + 87-89 3.33

B 83-86 3.00

B- 80-82 2.67

C + 77-79 2.33

C 73-76 2.00

C- 70-72 1.67

D+ 67-69 1.33

D 63-66 1.00

D- 60-62 0.67

F 0-59 0.00


o  First Quarter ……………………………….…. 50%

o  Second Quarter ………………………………. .50%

o  Third Quarter ……………………………….….50%

o  Fourth Quarter ………………………………. . 50%

Make-up points due to excused absences will be offered at the discretion of the teacher. Points lost due to inadequate uniform, poor participation, or breech in character will not be allowed to be made up.

Course Calendar/Schedule/Assessments:

(Year Long Course)

·  Flag Football (8/31-9/11) (Passing Skills Test & Rules Quiz)

·  Soccer (9/14-9/25) (Goaltending Skills Test & Rules Quiz)

·  Track & Field (9/28-10/9) (Time Trials & Written Quiz)

·  Speedball (10/12-10/23)

·  Tae Boe & Aerobics (10/26-10/30 End of Q1

·  Volleyball (11/2-11/13) (Serving Test & Rules Quiz)

·  Basketball (11/16-11/27) (Shooting Test & Rules Quiz)

·  Team Handball (11/30-12/11)

·  Dodge ball Games (12/14-12/18

·  Christmas Break (12/21-1/1)

·  Badminton (1/4-1/15) End of Q2 (Stroke Skills Test & Rules Quiz)

·  Floor Hockey (1/18-1/29) (Dribbling Time & Rules Quiz)

·  Indoor Soccer (2/1-2/12) (Shooting Skills Test)

·  Pickle Ball (2/15-2/26) (Volleying Skills & Rules Quiz)

·  Bowling & Table Tennis (3/1-3/12)

·  Kickball & Big Base (3/15-3/19) End of Q3

·  Presidential Testing (4/9-4/23)

·  Golf (4/26-5/7) (Chipping Skills & Rules Quiz)

·  Softball (5/10-5/21) (Batting Skills & Rules Quiz)

·  Tennis (5/24-6/3) (Serving Skills & Rules Quiz)

·  Ultimate Frisbee & Ultimate Football (6/4-6/9) End Q4

Our mission in the Providence Academy Physical Education department is to promote and teach physical lifetime skills and activities that will enhance each student’s personal health and well-being, while also providing students the opportunity to work as individuals and members of a team, to accomplish common goals.

I have read this syllabus, for ______, and understand its content and my responsibilities.

Students Name (Print):

Student signature:

Parent Signature:


------Cut and return top half to teacher------