Final 5-Cohort 8

Student survey

Dear student,

During this school year you will be involved in activities where you will learn lots about Science (including computing), Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).We are trying to find out if you enjoy and understandSTEM. There are no right or wrong answers.

We hope you will enjoy your STEM lessons this year and thank you for helping us with the survey.

About you

Name of your school:
Year group:
You are: / A boy
/ A girl

For each statement please tick only one box according to whether you agree completely, agree a bit, are not sure, disagree a bit or disagree completely.

I am the sort of person that could have a career in STEM / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I intend to study STEM subjects in future / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I would like a job in a STEM when I am older / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I learn about STEM when I’m not at school (read books, watch videos, visit science museums). / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I think STEM subject lessons are fun. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I would like to learn more about STEM. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

In STEM subjects, I get to find things out for myself rather than being told. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

Our teachers make STEM subjects easy to understand. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

It’s easy for me to do well in STEM subjects. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

At school I learn about different career choices that use STEM. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I would like to learn more about having a job in a STEM industry. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

The things I learn in STEM subjects will help me to do well in my life. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

In my STEM lessons, we often see examples of how what we are learning is used in industry and business. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

In the future, society will need more STEM qualified people working for them. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I have a good knowledge of STEM career opportunities available to me / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I know what qualifications I need to have a career related to STEM. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

I would like to learn more about people who use STEM skills in their jobs. / Disagree completely
/ Disagree a bit
/ Not sure
/ Agree
a bit
/ Agree completely

Please tick which answer you think is true (remember there are no right or wrong answers).
STEM jobs are mostly for: / Girls Boys Both
To have a job in STEM you must be: / Clever Not clever Doesn’t matter

Thank you for filling in the questionnaire!

Draw someone who works in a STEM job. Please label the different parts of your drawing.

List as many jobs as you can that use science, computing, technology, engineeringor maths skills.