The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS) launches the recruitment process for its interdisciplinary project Sound in the Silence. As is now annual tradition, teachers and young people from four countries will meet in a European location marked by twentieth-century events. Delivered in cooperation with the Hamburg-based MOTTE association, this year’s fifth edition of the project is going to be held at the The Ravensbrück Memorial.

Sound in the Silence is an international interdisciplinary educational project whose principal objective is to make youth attending upper secondary schools familiar with some difficult aspects of Europe’s past in a way suited to their emotions and sensitivity. Supervised by artists and educators, the participants visit memorial sites where they learn about selected issues related to the history of totalitarian systems in Central and Eastern Europe. The performance prepared as a closing event combines various genres of art. Feelings and experiences related to visits at memorial sites are played out as an artistic message.

The teachers selected in the recruitment process are going to put together teams of seven students. They will be given an opportunity to spend eight days at the Memorial Site Ravensbrück, learn about its history and create a performance to be recorded in a documentary film. This year, the project’s focus will be art created by camp inmates, its manifestations and the role it played.

The ENRS covers all the costs related to project participation. One of the conditions is knowledge of English at least at the reference level of B2.

Application deadline is 10 May 2017.

Recruitment Rules:

Application Form:

The first edition of Sound in the Silence took place at the former concentration camp Neuengamme, the second one in Borne Sulinowo, while the third one in Gdańsk and its environs. The 2016 fourth edition focused on various manifestations of resistance and protest. It involved participants from Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, starting in Oświęcim and ending in the Slovak mountains, in Terchova near Žilina. Detailed information on the idea behind the project, its previous editions and organisers is available at

The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity is an international initiative which focuses on researching, documenting and disseminating knowledge about Europe's 20th-century history and ways it is commemorated with a special focus on periods of dictatorships, wars,
and social opposition towards captivity. The Network's members are Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, while its advisory assemblies additionally involve representatives of Austria, the Czech Republic and Latvia.,

Project Coordinator:

Weronika Kann

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

e-mail: ,

tel: +48 22 395 76 11

Contact for the media:

Agnieszka Mazur-Olczak

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

e-mail: ,

tel: +48 22 39 57604