Producing, developing and monitoring the Action Plan / Director Performance and Provider Services
Producing the Plan. These initial objectives relate to the first part of a three year action plan. This is because the PCT recognises that it needs to develop this action plan in partnership with disabled service users, and groups representing disabled service users. A start has been made in involving service users in setting some of the first year objectives. The aim is to ensure that objectives for the remainder of the plan are better informed by service user views.
Objectives are grouped by PCT Directorate, and reflect the new PCT Directorate structure, which will be in place shortly. This objectives section contains both general and specific objectives
Developing the three year action plan. Ensure that first year objectives are tested out with service users, and, in partnership with them design a process for developing the action plan in Years 2 and 3. / Aim was to work with emerging South Glos Disability Equality Network to achieve user involvement in developing the Action Plan. PCT co-funded, with Council, externally facilitated day workshop (June 112007) to try and establish effective Disability Equality Network for South Glos. Progress has been slow, but Steering Group has been established with aim of bringing different groups together.
Sue Rickell, PCT Non Executive Director and Chair of Equalities Action Committee has been providing professional support and guidance to the Steering Group with the aim helping them to move to an effective and pro-active body. The current aim is for the Steering Group to be provided with a development worker to provide support in the short term.
Monitoring the Action Plan. Establish a Board Sub Committee, with Non Exec and Lead Director involvement, to performance manage the action plan. Work with disabled users to seek their input to this group. Report progress to PCT Board, and to the public via the PCT website. In addition, working in partnership with disabled service users and their representatives, set up mechanisms to enable service users to be involved in commenting on the impact of the plan from their perspective. For example, we would like to discuss, with disabled service users, the option of setting up a Disabilities Group, or whether alternative methods of involvement would be more productive / Equality Action Committee established with revised Terms of Reference. Group working well – provides strategic oversight of PCT equalities work
See above for update on work with Council to establish a South Glos Disability Equality Network. / July 07
Implementing the Action Plan. The PCT believes that one of the best ways of ensuring successful implementation of this Action Plan is to share existing good practice eg the work of the Disabled Adults Resource Team, throughout the PCT, so that staff can learn from services that are promoting disability equality.
Resources needed to support implementation of the Plan. The PCT recognises that additional investment will be needed over the lifetime of this action plan.
In the financial year starting April 2007 the PCT will:
Maintain current spend on services specifically designed to make it easier for disabled people to access services eg sign language interpretation (shared commissioning with Bristol PCT)
Audit financial allocation for hearing impaired service users of mental health services to ensure that it meets their needs
Create a separate equalities budget, which will be used to support service involvement in the development of the action plan, and provide staff training in priority areas.
Ensure that need for additional investment is considered in the business planning process for the financial year starting April 2008 / PCT Management Team / Separate equalities budget identified
New post - PALS Manager/Equalities Officer successfully filled. This will provide additional support and capacity to PCT equalities work
Committee to focus on LDP process for 2009/10, to ensure that equalities issues addressed in business planning process. / March 07
Partnership – working together to improve services to meet the needs of disabled people – Maintain and develop PCT relationships with statutory and non statutory bodies to improve both commissioning and provision of services for disabled people / Director of Strategic Development
To work with South Gloucestershire Council to explore ways in which the statutory agencies in South Gloucestershire might, together with groups representing disabled people, develop structures to minimise duplication and “consultation fatigue” in working with disabled people and their representatives. This could act as a focus for promoting disability equality, co-ordinating involvement and consultation, and providing a clear mechanism for feedback with disabled service users and groups. / Considerable work undertaken with Council and representatives of disabled groups to work towards developing Disability Equality Network for South Gloucestershire
Reviewing policies and functions for potential adverse impact on disabled users. The PCT’s Policy on Developing Policies will go through an Equality Impact Assessment. The results of this will then be used to ensure that all Directorates will be in a position to screen policies/functions for relevance, and follow established procedures for review of those which have significant impact on disabled service users / All Directors / PCT policy on development and management of procedural documents, including policies, means that all new, and reviews of, existing documents and policies will be screened using an EIA tool which will identify any relevant disability issues / Policy adopted – disseminated for inclusion in all policy folders in March 08.
To develop a commitment to promoting disability throughout the PCT. To identify a development programme for the PCT Board on promoting disability equality as the first step to disability equality training for staff.
Identify extent of disability equality training needed by staff. Identify budget required and produce plan for progressive implementation of training / Director of Performance and Provider Services / Externally facilitated, disability equality workshop held for Board and PEC members on 15 October 2007
Training provider identified for disability equality training for staff. Budget identified, training will commence early in 2008/9
Improving the health of the population and reducing health inequalities. Examine ways in which services might be improved to reduce the health inequalities experienced by disabled people / Director of Public Health / Locality health profiles completed which will help identify needs and target services more effectively
Identify and address areas where disabled people do not have equal access to mainstream health services / Two Health Trainers with learning difficulties being trained to support people with learning difficulties to access services and improve their health
Health Promotion. To deliver a health promotion service that is able to provide training, support and information in a variety of formats to ensure that disabled people are able to benefit fully from health promotion activities. / Information and training resources are provided by Knowledge Resource Information Service (KRIS) in a variety of formats
Prioritise applications for Health Inequalities Grants from groups or projects led by/for the benefit of disabled people. A minimum of 10% of the value of the grants will be allocated to these groups. Ensure that this grants scheme is publicised in an accessible manner to groups representing people with disabilities. / 20% of the available grant scheme funding was allocated to groups which benefit disabled people during 07 08.
Ensure that all health promotion training is delivered from accessible venues, and identify a budget to enable training materials to be provided in a range of formats to enable participation by disabled people / All health promotion activities and smoking cessation training for advisers is provided in accessible venues and material are available in a range of formats
Using the results of the Equality Impact Assessment, identify appropriate action to improve the accessibility of health information material provided by the Knowledge Resource Information Service – a multi-media health promotion library resource / The EIA is now complete and action to implement outcomes will be planned through the KRIS service during 08 09
Communicating with the PCT To ensure that disabled people are not disadvantaged when communicating with the PCT / Director of Performance and Provider Services
Ensure that disabled people can access the PCT using a variety of means. Work with disabled service users to find out which are the most useful methods of access eg minicom, staff trained as signers, and where access needs to be improved eg PCT bases, Monarch Court.
Audit SGPCT use of sign language and non-English interpretation service, currently managed by Bristol PCT. Maintain 2007/8 budget and ensure that PCT staff know how to access these services / Audit of shared shared PCT sign language interpretation service shows that SG PCT makes good use of this professionally delivered service
Ensure staff understand how to organise production of information in a range of accessible formats. (Service currently provided by shared PCT Communications Team). Maintain 2007/8 budget and publicise service to staff. / To be addressed in workplan for new PCT Communications Team
Ensure that all PCT meetings open to the public, or involving service users are held in accessible venues, and that PCT held resources eg mobile induction loop are used as appropriate. Produce and publicise “how to run accessible meetings” information to staff / PCT Board meetings held in accessible venues
Following 2004 full estates inspection of 4 main PCT premises, a programme of works has been being drawn up to ensure that all key access priorities addressed during life of this action plan
All new PCT staff bases to be assessed for compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act / Four main premises – Monarch Court and Cadbury Heath, Kingswood and Thornbury Health Centres have all been DDA audited. Action plans have been produced and implementation is on-going
Collecting data on contacts with disabled service users. Investigate feasibility of adding a data identifier for disability to incidents reported to PCT, and monitoring form sent to complainants
Using existing good practice, review content, style, format and accessibility of PCT public website, and produce plan for improving access to the website / To be addressed in workplan for new PCT Communications Team
Commissioning local health services – To ensure that both commissioned services and commissioning policies are not discriminatory against disabled people but actively promote disability equality / Associate Directors - Localities
Extend existing clause, or equivalent wording, in Service Level Agreement (SLA) with NBT/UBHT, which prevents unlawful discrimination on grounds of disability, to SLAs with all providers.
In future, only contract with providers with a commitment to disability equality. / NHS national contract, used by PCTs for acute contracts has following clause relating to access and discrimination
54.1The Provider shall not discriminate between Patients on the grounds of gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation or any other non-medical characteristics.
54.2The Provider shall provide appropriate assistance for Patients who do not speak, read or write English or who have communication difficulties (including without limitation hearing, oral or learning impairments).
54.3The Provider shall provide to the Commissioners such information in addition to that required under clause 29 (Information Requirements) and Schedule 5 (Information Requirements) as they may reasonably require:
54.3.1to monitor the equality of access to the Services; and
54.3.2to fulfil their obligations under the Law.
Compliance is monitored through the annual contract monitoring process
As part of wider learning from the patient experience, ensure that experiences of disabled service users are sought and used to improve services. For example, using feedback from patients surveys and established links eg with Physical and Sensory Impairment Partnership Board / Specific consultation event organised with disabled people and their representatives to comment on draft PCT Strategic Framework – 16 November 07
Review specific commissioning policies and processes, for example Interventions Not Normally Funded and Exceptional Funding from a disability equality perspective to ensure that they do not have differential impact on disabled service users / Equality issues considered each time a service is commissioned, reviewed or developed, through the Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Commissioning Advisory Forum
Procurement. To identify how the PCTs procurement activities could actively promote disability equality / Director of Performance and Provider Services
Ensure that all suppliers, contractors and service providers are aware of anti-discrimination clause in NHS terms and conditions / Local purchasing consortium has developed process to ensure that all local NHS purchasing covered by standard clause ensuring that suppliers do not unlawfully discriminate in the provision of services to NHS. In addition, as part of the pre-qualification assessment they require copies of supplier policies on equality and diversity compliance / Completed
Mental Health Services. To ensure that mental health service users are not disadvantaged when accessing services commissioned by the PCT / Associate Director – Kingswood Locality
In partnership with mental health service users develop “action learning” sessions with relevant PCT, contractor and providers staff. The aim would be to enable staff to better understand accessibility issues from a user perspective and promote service improvements based upon current experiences. / This has not yet been taken forward, but remains relevant.
Build upon GPs ability to treat the “whole person”, by encouraging pro-active GP’s to spread good practice amongst colleagues / A small number of South Gloucestershire GP practices have participated in a mental health “Collaborative” project which has encouraged them to share good practice in providing services to people with mental health needs.
Ensure implementation of Care Programme approach to users with enduring mental health problems to improve user experience / This has been completed, but is now once again under review as there has been a national review of the Care Programme Approach. Awaiting AWP action plan and policy review.
Investigate introduction of expert patient groups for mental health service users with the emphasis upon self care and the positive things service users can do to promote their own well being / This has not yet been taken forward, but remains relevant.
Work to improve communication between primary and secondary care to avoid problems for users eg medication prescribed by hospital doctors, but it is local GP that picks up side effects, and will know about the relationship to other medication / Needs to be incorporated in AWP’s CPA review
Ensure that people with serious mental health problems have their physical health needs met by primary and secondary care / People who are included in mental illness registers in GP surgeries should be offered routine physical health checks.
People with serious mental illness, both in the community and in hospital, receive physical health checks to monitor the side-effects of anti-psychotic medication.
A protocol has recently been introduced into HMP/YOI Eastwood Park to ensure that prisoners prescribed anti-psychotic medication have an appropriate range of physical health checks on a regular basis.
Learning Difficulty Service. Progressive implementation of “From Care to Citizenship A Strategy for Joint PCT/Council Learning Difficulties Service 2006 – 2011” / Associate Director – Kingswood Locality / Specialist mental health services for people with learning difficulties now being delivered by mainstream provider – Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust
Major Service/Capital Developments – Equalities Impact Assessments to be completed for all projects / Associate Directors -Localities
Disabled service users and their representatives to be invited to be involved in planning and implementation of schemes to ensure that, both buildings and services are flexible enough to meet the different needs of disabled users. For example, for 2007/8, proposed community health developments in Kingswood and District / For Kingswood and District, mental health service users and representatives of the South Gloucestershire Disability Action Group have been involved in initial planning discussions.
For Yate, Accessibility is represented on the Public Involvement Group and members of Accessibility have attended public displays/information sessions about the design of the new Health and Children’s Community Centre
For Thornbury, Accessibility are represented on the Project Steering Group
Primary Care – To ensure that primary care services do not discriminate against disabled service users, and actively promote disability equality / Associate Directors - Localities
Access to GP and Dental Premises. Review outcomes and actions re compliance with DDA audit recommendations. Ensure priority continues to be given for capital bids to improve access
Pharmacy Premises. Undertake a baseline assessment of all pharmacy premises to assess levels of accessibility, both physical and to service. To develop action plans with pharmacy providers to improve services over lifetime of action plan. To monitor during contact reviews / Actions yet to be undertaken
Provider Services – To ensure that services for disabled users are accessible, that the care provided is individualised according to need and that service user experiences of the service is positive / Director of Performance and Provider Services
Take action eg surveys, focus groups, to gain disabled service users feedback to inform the benchmarking of clinical standards of care eg Essence of Care
Children’s Services Ratify and enact Joint Action Plan for supporting disabled parents in their parenting role. (Produced with South Gloucestershire Community Care Department, and Young People’s Department, and groups of disabled parents) / Associate Directors - Localities / Procurement process for new CAMHS/CCHS service for Bristol and South Gloucestershire has involved disabled young people, organisations, staff and carers who support them in the tendering process
Human Resources – To work towards creating a culture that is free from discrimination, where people feel safe to declare their disability and where employees are fully aware of their responsibilities in recruiting disabled candidates and supporting staff who become disabled whilst in employment. / Director of Performance and Provider Services
To raise awareness amongst managers and staff of the issues facing disabled employees in the workplace. / Monies obtained through DoH following 07/08 pay award is being used to fund disability awareness sessions for non-clinical staff (clinical staff already accessing diversity and difference training). Provider identified and it is hoped that training will start in Summer 08.
To work with disability organisations/staff to consider how best to encourage and attract more disabled applicants. / PCT acquired the two tick symbol in 2005 and is about to be re-assessed.
To report relevant findings from staff attitude survey to Equalities Action Committee on an annual basis. / Report due July 2008
To build on achievements of retaining staff who become disabled during the course of their employment. / Staff with long term conditions continue to be supported in the workplace on an individual basis.
The 2007 staff survey asked staff who considered themselves disabled whether any adjustments had been made to accommodate their disability in the workplace and 45% said yes.
To ensure all employment policies are Equality Impact Assessed and that the outcomes are published. / Any policies that are new or have been reviewed are impact assessed. Members of the HR team and Policy and Ratification Guideline Group attended training in February 08 which provided sound guidance for conducting meaningful assessments.
To update the HR/Payroll system with information relating to disability. / Information relating to disability is input at recruitment (taken from application form) and all personal details taken from data validation exercise (conducted 2 years ago) have been input.
To analyse and publish data relating to numbers of disabled staff and the following:
  • Staff in post
  • Applications for employment and promotion
  • Applications for training and training received
  • Outcomes of grievances, bullying and harassment, disciplinaries
  • Reasons for leaving
/ Numbers of disabled staff in post is published in the Trust Board workforce report (every 6 months).
Reports re applications for employment for on-line applications can be produced (but not for paper applications). These have not been published however.
Currently looking at using ESR to record outcomes of grievances, bullying and harassment.
Getting data around reasons for leaving is difficult.

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