The Bridge 2014

Newsletter of the United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational


Dear Friends, thank you, thank you, thank you! What a wonderful surprise on my 10th anniversary of being with you as Pastor. I was so appreciative of Tracy’s remarks, your presence, your gifts, the lunch, and your personal notes and remarks to me. Please see my Thank You Note elsewhere in The Bridge.

Since this is my 10th year with you all, I decided to see what I said in my very first “Pastor’s Word”. I wrote of my excitement to be with you all (still feel that!) and of my gratefulness for your hospitality (that, too!). I wrote, “God’s hand was at work in the process that led me here, and I feel certain that this belief will be confirmed as we go forward.” (It has been!)

When I decided to accept your Call to be your pastor, I noted your strong history of ministry to this community and to the world. I am so honored to be part of that work that has been in place for almost 275 years. I noted 10 years ago that we would together discern where God is calling us as we move forward into the future.

This discernment is always a vital part of our ministry together, whether at the start, middle, or end of a pastorate. However, with the changes in church and society that we have been discussing for some time now, our discernment of God’s call to us is more important than ever.

I look forward to sharing in this enterprise with all of you over these next years. As partners in ministry, we continue to hear our Still Speaking God and to follow where God leads. There will be times when we don’t know the way or when we cannot predict where we are going, but God’s faithfulness is great and we can trust God to place us where our passion for grace, justice and peace meets the world’s need for those very things.



Election Day Lunch!

Soup and Bread Luncheon

Tuesday, November 4

11:00 – 2:00

UCC Parish House

Donations go to the Cornwall Food and Fuel Bank


Soups: Bean Stew, Broccoli Cheese, Chili, Corn Chowder, Ginger Squash, Mulligatawny , variety of breads, desserts and beverages.

Community Thanksgiving Service

Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 4:00

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church

7 Bolton Hill Road

Please plan to join us as we give thanks to God for our abundant blessings. Rev. Micki Nunn-Miller will be preaching. All of the churches from Cornwall and their pastors will be participating.

Please join us as we give thanks for many blessings. A lay reader from each church is also requested. If you would like to represent the UCC, let Micki know.


Congratulations to the following young people who celebrate a birthday in November:

November 12 Sam Lauf

November 13 Zackery Larson

November 24 Aubrey Johnson

We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Fred Thibault who passed away on October 22, 2014.


§  Many people attended a wonderful surprise celebration for our Pastor’s 10th anniversary as our minister and a great time was had by all. Thanks be to God!

§  Our sanctuary hosted transgender singer/songwriter, Namoli Brennet, for a concert of her pop/folk music. We heard incredible music and we welcomed regulars and new folks and let them know that ALL are welcome here. Thanks be to God!

§  Three youth from Cornwall participated in the Giv2 Youth Mission Project held at the UCC in Goshen. The Community Garden was “put to bed” with the help of 40 youth and their advisors. Thanks be to God!

§  Fifteen people attended our first Service of Taize held at the Library Commons Room. Thanks be to God!

Holiday Bread Sale!!!

Sunday, November 9

Mini loaves of Cranberry, Lemon and Pumpkin bread will be sold by the Church School children during Fellowship for $2.50 apiece. Proceeds go towards providing the fixin’s for a Thanksgiving dinner for a family right here in Cornwall!

Hats, Scarves, and Mittens Drive

Sunday, November 9 and 16

On Sunday, November 9, we will be collecting hats, scarves and mittens, (new or clean and in-good-shape, used ones) during the Children’s Message in worship.

If you are not going to be in church that Sunday, you may drop your donations off at the church office any time before that.

All items collected will be donated to both a local agency and to Pine Ridge Reservation to be distributed to those who are in need. Every church member is encouraged to join the children in this endeavor. Thank you!

It’s Time to Consider Pine Ridge

Though it seems early, it is time to consider whether you should be part of our 4th Work Trip to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The trip this year will be June 27-July 3. We have 15 spaces we can fill to work with the RE-MEMBER Organization. The cost for room, board, and transportation from the airport is about $500 per person. The airfare is extra, or you could plan to drive to South Dakota. In the past, fund-raisers have covered much of our room and board costs.

Please sign up by Dec. 1. Space is limited at Re-Member and we have to secure our places early or relinquish them to others from around the country. Your deposit of $175 is due by Jan. 15 and will represent your final commitment. Please speak to Micki or any of the people who have already gone on the trip or go to for more information.


Join us in the sanctuary on Nov. 10, 7pm, to hear Pierce Pettis, nationally known singer/songwriter whose style of pop-folk pleases many around the country. His lyrics are thoughtful and real and have a deep spiritual side. Suggested donation is $20 per person/$30 per family.

Giv2 A Success!

About 40 youth and their advisors, including 3 from Cornwall, gathered for lunch, fellowship, and reflection before they headed to the Goshen Community Garden to “put it to bed” for the winter. They weeded, mulched, dug trenches, and generally cleared the area that is used by the church (for the Food Pantry) and by many people in town to grow fresh produce. The next Giv2 project will be on Dec. 7, at the UCC in Norfolk. The group will do a project for Susan B. Anthony House. All youth grades 6-12 are invited to attend. Let Micki know if you want to go.

OUTLOOK Series: Continuing Education at the UCC


November 9

Speaker: Brian Kenny

On Sunday, Nov. 9, 11:30am, Brian Kenny, of Kenny Funeral Home in Sharon, will speak to us about the decisions that will be need to be made upon the death of a loved one or by our own loved ones when we die. What are choices and what is required by the state? What can be planned ahead? What are the burial differences between cremation and casket in terms of the cemetery? Brian will answer all of our questions in this final session of a series begun several years ago called “Thinking Outside the Box”: Funerals These Days.


November marks for us a “Season of Generosity”. It is the month in which we celebrate the harvest that happens around us here in beautiful Litchfield County. It is the month in which we bring extra food goods to the Pantry for holiday meals. It is the month in which we count our blessings as we gather for Thanksgiving. It is the month in which we consider our financial giving to the church for the 2014 operating expenses of the church.

Generosity begins with gratefulness for the many gifts we have received and for the blessings that abound. So each Sunday in November we will have the opportunity to reflect on something in our lives for which we are grateful. Also, the Narrative Budget, which explains how your gifts to the church are used in and beyond the community of faith, will be shared in a Stewardship Moment during worship. (The Proposed Budget will be available by Nov. 16.)

You will receive a letter and pledge card about the middle of the month, and we will ask you to return your pledge cards on Harvest Sunday, Nov. 23. Thank you for all of the ways you share of your abundance with the church and with the world!


Join us on Nov. 23, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, for a very special morning. We will have the opportunity to bring our Pledge Card and the intended gifts will be dedicated during worship.

Please also bring a small harvest item or fall item – gourd, leaves, potato, carrot, etc. – for our communion table. Together we will build a table that reminds us of God’s abundance and we will give thanks.

Lastly, please bring items for the Food Pantry. Baskets will be made for delivery for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanks for your many generous gifts!


…how much to give to the Church? You could consider how much it takes to run the church each week (about $4,000), and you could decide to make a significant contribution toward that figure. OR you could think about the Biblical standard of giving 10% to others. What proportion are you giving now? Consider moving up by 1% each year until you reach the goal that makes sense to you. OR you could imagine what God has done for you, or how your life has been changed by the church. In gratefulness and thanksgiving, you could examine the proportion of wealth you keep for yourself and the proportion you give away. Are you putting your financial emphasis on that which you value most? Please give generously as we look to the future!


The Board of Trustees has noted for some years that the expenses of operating the church are outpacing the income needed. Each year since the 2008 start of the Great Recession, the bottom line of the budget has been $10-30,000 in the red. The difference has been made up by using the Savings Reserve Fund, a fund created in better times and added to from gifts given over the years by generous parishioners, often as part of their Last Will and Testament. This Fund is dwindling quickly and cannot be counted on in future years to cover a budget deficit.

During this same period, pledged and unpledged gifts to the church by members and friends have also gone down. So the Board has taken seriously the need to cut expenses where possible. They have begun this process for budget year 2015. Expenses are mostly fixed in line items like insurance, heating oil, and salaries. But they have asked all Boards and Committees to do with less in doing their work for the church. They have asked the Minister and Secretary to move from the best health insurance plan (Plan A) to one with fewer benefits (Plan B). They are working on ways to save electric bills and oil bills. One plan involves not using the sanctuary in the coldest months of the winter, but worshipping instead in the Parish House. Giving to the CT Conference will go down to 2004 levels. And more.

The Church Council approved of these plans and a final proposed budget will be approved at their Nov. 13 meeting and brought before a Congregational Meeting on Dec. 14 after worship. However, the budget cannot be totally balanced with cuts; greater giving will be required. Please give careful thought to your pledged or unpledged gifts for 2015. Thank you for returning a card or speaking with our Treasurer to make your intentions known.

Chris Gyorsok, Chair, Bd. Of Trustees

Christmas Fair Information!

This year’s Christmas Fair will be held Saturday, December 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Craft Bazaar will take place downstairs in the Parish House; Children’s Shopping Room, organized by the Christian Education Committee, will take place upstairs. A soup and sandwich lunch and holiday foods will be available in the Day Room. Raffle gift baskets will be up for grabs once again! Evergreen wreaths and decorations will also be available; to reserve wreaths, contact Bobbi Tyson (860-672-6762). The last day for wreath orders is Thursday, December 4th.

We need volunteers for everything!!

- We need greens, holly and berries. Juniper, cedar, spruce and white pine are best as they last longer.

NO HEMLOCK. Please leave greens behind the Parish House.

- To volunteer to make wreaths. Please contact Bobbi Tyson (860-672-6762).

Wreaths are made Set-up is Friday, November 28. Wreaths are made Monday, Dec. 1 - Thursday, Dec. 4 in the Parish House basement. Hours are 9:00 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 3:00 Volunteers are needed for all hours!!

- To offer to make soup or sandwiches, please call Patrick Elias, (860-672-2753)

-The drawing for raffle prizes will take place right before the end of the fair at 1:45 p.m.


Do you make a fantastic pie? Why not try your luck at the Christmas Fair and maybe win a ribbon? It costs $5 to enter a pie. YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE TO ENTER. Register early at 672-6840 or or on the sign-up sheet in the Day Room. Please deliver pies to the Church Library next to the Day Room (name on bottom of plate) by 10:00. The Apple Pie Baking Contest judging takes place starting at 10:00 am and slices go on sale thereafter.