Briefing Note No. 16: "Travel Grants" for NGOs for WCAR in Durban
The Office of the High Commissioner has received some funding through the auspices of the European Commission to provide financial assistance to NGOs wishing to participate in the World Conference Against Racism (31 August - 7 September) and the NGO Forum (28 August - 1 September) in Durban, South Africa. At this time, there is funding to provide travel grants to
approximately 350 NGOs. Should further funding become available, the number of travel grants will be increased accordingly.
While the criteria on the basis of which these "travel grants" will be distributed still need to be established by the NGO International Steering Committee, in consultation with the NGO Liaison WCAR, we are asking NGOs interested in receiving funding to apply using the following application form.
Please note that the Office of the High Commissioner WILL NOT be selecting the organizations that will receive the travel grants. For the present, the NGO Liaison Unit WCAR is only serving as a mailbox to collect applications which will then be sent to the appropriate NGO coordination committee. Therefore, please use the following e-mail to submit your application form:
When you submit your application form, please indicate in the subject field which region you are applying to:
Asia - for Asia and the Pacific including the Middle East but excluding the former Soviet Republics of Central Asia
Europe - for East and West Europe and for the former Soviet Republics of Central Asia
Africa - for all countries in Africa
Americas - for North, Central and South America and the Caribbean
If you are applying on behalf of an indigenous people or organization, please write "indigenous" along with the region in the subject field.
If you are applying as an NGO youth representative or a youth delegate on a governmental delegation, then write "youth" along with the region in the subject field.
Deadline for Applications 15 June 2001
(a) Only non-governmental organizations, or indigenous organizations or peoples, which are accredited to participate in the World Conference will be eligible for funding.
(b) As a general rule, no more than one travel grant will be awarded to one organization. However, if the NGO is a network, or has branches in different countries/regions, separate applications can be submitted for different network members or branches.
(c) While the application is made on behalf of an NGO, not an individual, some of the questions below pertain to the characteristics of the individual who will be the recipient of the award (e.g., their sex, age, whether they are a victim of racism, etc.)
(d) Please answer as completely as you can, but respect all specified space limitations.
(e) Return this application to: not to any other e-mail address. IF IT GOES TO ANY OTHER ADDRESS, IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Please mark the subject field as noted above (indicating to which region it should be directed).
(f) To be considered, completed applications must reach this office NOT LATER THAN 15 June 2001.
Part I: General Information
(1) Full name and acronym of the NGO requesting funding:
(2) Country where the NGO is based:
(3) Postal address of the NGO:
(4) Telephone of the NGO:
(5) Fax of the NGO:
(6) E-mail of the NGO:
(7) Website of the NGO (if applicable):
(8) Please check the appropriate category: this NGO has
______Consultative Status with ECOSOC
______Is an indigenous organization or people under ECOSOC Res.
______Has been specifically accredited to the WCAR
______None of the above
(9) Name, title and contact details (if different from above) of the
individual filling in this application form:
(10) Date this application form is being submitted:
Part II: Contribution/Focus of the NGO
(11) In no more than 5 lines, state the objective of the NGO as it relates
to the WCAR.
(12) Please indicate which is the most relevant. The NGO works primarily at
_____International level
_____Regional level. If so, which region? ______
_____National level. If so, which country? ______
_____Local or community level
(13) Please check as appropriate. During the past year, the NGO
participated in:
_____ First session of the PrepCom
_____ Informal or Intersessional meeting of the PrepCom
_____ Second session of the PrepCom
_____ A regional preparatory meeting. If so, which one? ______
_____ An NGO regional networking meeting. Is so, which one? ______
_____ Another meeting(s) relevant to the WCAR. If so, please state
which one:
(14) In no more than 10 lines, please describe any other work/activities
relevant to the WCAR that the NGO has been engaged in during the lead-up to
the World Conference.
(15) Please indicate which of the following issues the NGO has been most
specifically engaged in:
_____ African-descendants
_____ Indigenous Peoples
_____ Minorities / Ethnic conflict
_____ Religious Intolerance
_____ Roma
_____ Caste and Race
_____ Migrants
_____ Trafficking
_____ Refugees / Internally Displaced
_____ Gender and Race
_____ Persons with Disabilities including HIV/AIDS
_____ Environmental Racism
_____ Race and criminal justice
_____ Youth and racism
_____ Children and racism
_____ Sexual orientation
_____ Reparations/Compensatory Measures
_____ Media including the Internet and Racism
_____ Other: Please specify ______
(16) If the NGO is a member of any relevant network or caucus, please state
which one:
(17) Has the NGO/individual registered with SANGOCO for the NGO Forum?
(18) Has the NGO signed up to organize an activity/event (e.g., workshop, round-table, panel discussion, exhibition, etc.) in Durban, either as part of the NGO Forum or as a parallel event to the WCAR. If so, in no more than 5 lines, please describe the activity/event.
(19) Does the NGO/individual intend to participate in the Youth Summit?
(20) In no more than 10 lines, please describe the plans the NGO/individual has for follow-up after the Durban conference.
Part III. Individual who will represent the organization in Durban
(individual recipient):
(21) Name of individual (if the person has been selected):
(22) Check as appropriate: ______Male _____ Female
(23) Check as appropriate:
______Youth (under 30 years of age)
______Elderly (over 65 years of age)
______Person with a Disability
______A victim of racism. If so, a victim from which community?