At Deddington Primary School, Earls Lane, Deddington, Oxfordshire, OX15 0TJ,

Tel: 01869 337484

Newsletter – June 2012

Welcome back after the break. It is hard to believe that this is our last term with the children and in three months time they will be at school!
Sarah would like to pass on the attached message:
Dear parents and children,
It is with great regret that Iam resigning from my post as Nursery / P.F.S.U. manageron August 17th 2012.
After very much consideration I am moving to anursery closer to my home, allowing me to workterm time only. This will enable me to spend more time travelling with my husband. During mythree and a half years here,I have worked with around 240 children, each and every onewith a unique and individualpersonality that I will remember for years to come. Through the childrenI haveformed goodrelationships with families in Deddington and the surrounding villages. I would like to thank everyone for allowing me to share some very special and memorable moments withthe children.
More importantly Many Many Thanks to thestaff team at both settings.Deddington should feel very privileged to have such a dedicated and loyal team of staff.
I will missyou alland wish you all the very best for the future.
Thank you for everything
Sarah Inkpen
We extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Katherine, who is currently laid up in the Horton hospital with a broken leg. Staff and some families have been in to see her and she is doing well. We have and will be keeping her in touch through messages, cards and photographs and taking in some of our activities for her to do.
The Nursery have arranged a visit from Kids Klub. This company will take your child on a ‘safari adventure’ and film the results for you to buy and keep. This event will take place on Tuesday 26th June from 9am to 1pm. Please phone Suzanne at the Nursery ( 337383 ) for more details and to let her know you will be coming.
The Primary School Fete takes place on the school field on Saturday 16th June from 12.30 – 3.30pm. We will be running our usual ‘Hook a Duck’ stall in aid of the Nursery and PFSU. Come along and see us!

This term we will be having an outing to the Deddington allotments to support our current topic. We will be looking at the different fruit and vegetables growing there and maybe tasting some of them. This visit will take place on Friday 13th July from 9.30am and is open to everyone. Children not in session that day will need to be accompanied by a parent or other adult for the duration of the visit.
Orders for Ian Taylor’s photographs need to be returned to us by Thursday 21st June, for delivery by the end of term. If you miss this date Ian Taylor would be happy to receive orders direct ( see order form ).
Several of our very brave Mums will shortly be having their long locks cut off to help The Little Princess Trust.Julianne ( Charlie’s Mum ) and Sarah ( Francis’ Mum ), will be joined by Catarina (Mum to Tommy at Nursery) and Juliet ( Mum to Will at Nursery ), for a hair cut in aid of this charity. The Little Princess Trust helps children (boys and girls from 2 – 18 years) suffering from hair loss, due to conditions such as alopecia or following treatment for cancer, by providing them with real hair wigs, totally free of charge. If youfall short of the 7 inches (minimum) required to join in you can still sponsor them at find out more at .We will be supporting the day by holding a Princess and Super Hero Day on Friday 29th June. Come dressed as your favourite princess or superhero and make a donation to the charity on the day. / IMPORTANT NOTICES
This term our topic is ‘Keeping fit and healthy’. We will be talking about the Olympics and finding out about some of the athletes and the places where they come from. Amongst many other activities we will be doing some healthy cooking, taking part in Sports Day, visiting the allotments, and of course preparing for the move to school. It promises to be a busy term!

There will be a chance for those children who are moving on to Deddington School to visit Mrs Haselgrove’s class on Tuesday 17th July at 1.30pm. The Nursery children who are moving to the PFSU will also visit us on this afternoon. We will take any children who are at the PFSU that afternoon through to the F1 class so that you do not need to collect them in the middle of the day. We would ask however that you pick your children up from the school hall as notified by the school, as the Nursery children will be being collected from us at the end of the afternoon. Children who are not moving up to Deddington School are of course welcome to stay with us as usual, and to help to show the younger children the ropes.
Our joint Nursery and PFSU Sports Day is this Friday, 15th June, weather permitting! The event will start at 11am on the school field. For those of you who have not been involved before, this is a very informal event with each child taking part in several races, in small groups. Children attending the PFSU that morning will be taken by the staff to the event
( although of course all parents are welcome to come along and watch ). Children not at the PFSU that morning are welcome to join in the fun, although we ask that they remain in the care of a parent / carer at all times. Please bring a picnic / packed lunch for yourself and your child, which they can enjoy eating on the field after the races. This event will not take place in the event of wet weather on the day. Please phone us at the PFSU if in doubt!
Holiday club will be held at the PFSU ( for Nursery and PFSU children ) from 8.30am – 3.30pm on the following dates:
·  30th July – 3rd August
·  6th August – 10th August
·  13th August – 17th August
·  20th August – 24th August
For only £28 per day your child will get the chance to take part in lots of exciting activities and you will get a well-earned break! Please return booking forms to the PFSU by June 29th. If space permits there may also be spaces for F1 children to join in the fun.
Thankyou to everyone who supported us at the Jubilee parade. In particular thanks to Amelie Craig who sewed our lovely banner and flags.

THE event of the year is fast approaching! 'Show your true colours - Red,White & Blue'takes place on 7th July in the Windmill Centre at 7.30pm. So grab your gladrags, invite your friends and family to a great night outand get on board with our fantastic summer extravaganza - there will be food, drink and this year we will be having a fab DJ from London to help get the party started. If it can be half as good as last year then we are onto a winner!!! Tickets are priced at £20 per person which includes a welcome drink, food and entertainmentand will be available at the Nursery and PFSU shortly.Bev would love to hear from you if you can offer a raffle or auction prize, or help out over the weekend ( 7th and 8th July ). Please contact her on if you’d like to get involved.

·  Friday 15th June from 11am – PFSU and DVN Sports Day
·  Saturday 16th June – 12.30pm – 3.30pm – Deddington Primary School Fete
·  Thursday 21st June – final day to return orders for Ian Taylor’s photographs
·  Tuesday 26th June-9am – 1pm.Kids Klub filming at the Nursery.
·  Sunday 1st July – PFSU leading First Sunday service in Deddington Church
·  Wednesday 4th July – DVN open afternoon – 3.30 – 4.40pm
·  Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th July - 3.30 to 4.30pm – PFSU open afternoons for new and prospective parents
·  Saturday 7th July 2012 – 7.30 – Windmill Centre - Summer fund-raising event – ‘Show your true colours – Red, White and Blue’
·  Tuesday 17th July 2012– 1.30pm – Move up day for children moving to Deddington Primary School / TERM DATES
Term 6: Tuesday 12th June – Friday 20th July 2012
Please note that we finish at 2pm on 20th July.
Term 1: Wednesday 5th September – Friday 26th October 2012
Term 2: Monday 5th November – Friday 21st December 2012
Term 3: Tuesday 8th January – Friday 8th February 2013
Term 4: Monday 18th February – Thursday 28th March 2013
Term 5: Monday 15th April – Friday 24th May 2013
( plus bank holiday Monday 6th May 2013 )
Term 6: Tuesday 4th June – Monday 22nd July 2013


PFSU Staff:
Sarah Inkpen ( Early Years Manager )
Rachel O’Connell ( Deputy Manager, PFSU )
Lucy Squires ( Senior Practitioner )
Emma Ponton ( Early Years Practitioner )
Cathy Milner ( Early Years Assistant )
Valerie Cavallaro ( Volunteer / Apprentice )
Administrator: Gina Halliburton /
PFSU and Nursery Committee:
Vaughan Jones ( Chair )
Alex Elvin ( Treasurer )
Kate Oldroyd ( Secretary )
Bev Hamblet-Bowes ( Fund-raising coordinator )
Julie Avery, Sam Brown, Angelique Klaver, Debbie Clarke, Jenny Dahlman, Jack Dent, Caterina Feria Walsh, Anne O’Brien, Sarah Roche,


Any matters concerning payments or your child’s hours please speak to Gina. Invoice payments not made by the due date will incur a £20 late payment fee. Please remember there is a late pick-up charge.
We are open from 8.30am – 3.30pm, Monday to Friday. / PFSU phone number: ( 01869 ) 337484
Don’t forget to check out our website:
Our e-mail address is:

Find Deddington Village Nursery and PFSU on Facebook!
Deddington Partnership Foundation Stage Unit:
Earls Lane, Deddington OX15 0TJ Tel: 01869 337484 Email:
Company No: 4874588 Ofsted No: EY330043 Charity No: 1100275
Early Years Manager: Sarah Inkpen