HPS College and Career Readiness Council

April 28, 2015

4:30 – 6:30

Rockford Public Schools – Administration Building – Lower Level

Purpose: Communicate successes and address needs and barriers of Academy Teams and Academy Support Teams

Present: Hanna Schoenberg, Mary Ellen Commare, Wendy Vaughn, Sam Schmitz, L. C. Wilson, Chad Moe, Paul Cain, Sarah Parker-Scanlon, Keri Nelson, Matthew Knott, Katy Haun, Jennifer Sales, Casey Kilduff, Scott Viel, Judy Gustafson, Jay Larson, Rocheena Wright, David Carson, Sheila Schmitt

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  1. Update from Executive Director of College and Career Readiness

Small group outcomes

  1. Improve clarity of “What is an AST?” How can we enhance recruitment of AST?
  2. How do the RPS introductory courses align with RVC 101 classes? Create a bridge between high school and post-secondary courses.

CCR Academy Awards Event

  1. Invitations have been sent
  2. Nominations are open – please consider and send complete the form. There was a link with the electronic version of the invitation. It is also on the RPS website (rps205.com)
  3. Award Categories are: CCRC member of the year, AST member of the year, RPS staff member of the year, Project of the year, and a new one this year – Organization of the year (Community Organization).
  4. All nominations will be recognized at the event, but only one will receive the award and will be announced that night.
  1. Feedback Review (from CCRC, AST, and Staff) and Discussion
  1. Small Group discussions (See List Below)
  1. Academy Support Team Engagement

This group will receive a copy of the CCRC/AST survey results. This will compare FY15 to FY16. It is color coded and shows a decline in the results for some questions. The group will also receive a copy of the survey results from the RPS staff.

  1. Pathway Alignment and Development

This group will receive a copy of the Illinois Department of Employment Securities projected employment numbers. One copy is for the state of Illinois, and the other is local (Winnebago, Boone, and Ogle counties). The group will also receive a list of Essential Learning Outcomes

Each team will need a Facilitator, Recorder, Reporter, and Time Keeper.

  1. Report-Out From Small Groups
  1. Academy Support Team Engagement


East has had some successes. Progress has been made on helping teachers understand what AST is all about.

Started a mock trial team for 2015-2016

Youth Services Network is helping with this.

Feel that they need more AST representation in child development and music program/professions

There was some issues early on as to what to expect from AST. They didn’t always know what is available.

Alignment Rockford could put together a Google Form to get community members to fill the school needs.

Sophomore site visits are great but need to make connections early and work on hosting multiple days.

AST roles should be more in the classroom

Thought a place to start was to see the workplace, gather those experiences, and that will then lead into classroom sessions

Integrate into lesson plans and applying lessons to real world experiences and work.

There is great value in site visits for staff and students.


Be willing and available

Majority of time spent discussing what exactly we do – so it is difficult to involve in AST process. Feel like we are spinning our wheels

Need more people involved in AST

Habitat for Humanity covers EMITT and HPS

Building Construction is a tangible skill

HPS skills are harder to demonstrate

Often times an AST only deals with coaches. Nee more contact with teachers

Need to be sure we are in all schools

Need to have teacher buy-in

Keep inviting people to AST and CCRC meetings

Bring key teachers to CCRC meetings to better understand the program

Don’t want them to go away, but don’t really know what to ask of an AST


Need regular meetings

Highlight successes to teaching staff

Possibly have a CCRC/AST presentation at New Teachers Orientation

Possibly have a teacher “State of Schools” 2 hour meeting to discuss the plan for the new school year.

Coordinate meeting with principal to have AST/CCRC group met during SIP day or it the August Institute to show community support.

This would detail goals and provide community members a clear outline

  1. Pathways Alignment and Development

Growth Occupations

Private Security

Social Work – cast Managers

Education – Special Education Teachers

Building and Grounds





Culinary – Food Preparation


Land and Resource Management is not aligned

Should we eliminate some course options

What role should we play as we guide students down pathways

There is a big interest in cosmetology and culinary arts

How can we use clubs to motivate unique interests

Does keeping a kid hooked in a course like cosmetology promote graduation rates

Do clubs provide additional opportunities for AST/Community members to get involved

Develop panes for occupations to showcase students – lunch time??

  1. Identify Action Steps
  1. Other

Mock Crash at Auburn on Thursday, April 30.

Presentation in field house at 1:30pm

Crash site at 2:30 in parking lot.

Involves police, fire, coroner, helicopter (if available) ambulance along with Auburn students, staff and other agencies.

  1. Adjourn

Thank you all for attending and the great discussion!