There have been great strides in machine tool design and cutting tool materials due to new industrial materials developed higher production demands and the ever smaller tolerances to which components have to be machined. This has led to corresponding advances in cutting fluid technology. Cutting fluids play an important role in speeding up production by enabling increased rates of metal removal to be used, and by reducing or even eliminating problems associated with severe and hazardous machine operations.

We have developed a number of cutting fluids, each grade selectively formulated, to give optimum performance on a wide range of metals. Velloils cutting fluids have the following characteristics:

* They cause no rusting or corrosion of machine, work piece or tool.

* They cause no discolouration or staining.

* They do not smoke or fog in use.

* They do not have objectionable odour.

* They do not decompose chemically in use.

* They retain their physical property in use.

* They do not contain ingredients harmful to the operator.

These products are emulsifiable in water and are a blend of refined mineral oil base stocks, emulsifiers, additives and suitable bactericides.

Preparation of Soluble oil emulsion: In preparing the emulsion of soluble oils with water, the product is always added to the water and not vice/versa to prevent inversion of the emulsion. The requisite quantity of product is added to one or two parts of water to form a concentrated emulsion which is subsequently diluted with the requisite quantity of water. The emulsion is applied copiously to flood the work and the tool at the machining area. This will ensure satisfactory performance.

To Check Oil Concentration: The oil concentration in an emulsion is checked by drawing a sample in a graduated stopper glass cylinder and breaking the emulsion with

hydrochloric acid or saturated salt solution such as Epsom Salt. By noting the oil quantity that has separated the volume of oil or water to be added in emulsion can be determined.

Velcut 40 Oil this is general purpose emulsifiable oil and forms a milky white emulsion. It meets the requirements as specified by IS 1115 - 1986 and is suitable for all metals and for all machining operations where emulsifiable oils are normally used. The most common emulsion strength used for machining ranges from 5 to 10 percent depending on the severity of machining.

Note: Soluble Cutting oils are not recommended to be used for machining magnesium and its alloys.


Velcut 40

Viscosity at 400c (Min) 12

Flash Point cococ 150

Cast Iron

Corrosion Test Pass




A fluid is typically sprayed onto cutting tool surfaces during the machining of metal automotive components. The cutting fluid greatly enhances the machining process and allows the mass production of components that meet engineering quality requirements. Unfortunately, the spraying and the high speed cutting action often atomize the fluid into very small droplets, creating a persistent, and fog - like mist in the plant. The generation of even small amounts of mist can become a serious concern because of the nearly continuous, high production machining activity. Oil mist can remain in the suspended for many hours and will eventually settle over large areas of the plant on floors, machinery and air ventilation work. It may also deposit on pools on plant roofs via general ventilation duckwork exhausts. Negative effect of oil mist includes poor air quality on worker’s breathing zone, housekeeping / safety issues, fire propagation upon introduction of a spark, and environmental concern if oil on the roof is carried down storm water drains. Current health and safety regulations giving the maximum permissible concentration is being scrutinized.

We have developed cutting oil which has animist properties and also mist suppressing character in straight oil grades and proved to be successful in plant study. Our VELCUT ST - 23 grades are superior in all respects and this technology could complement engineering control measures as:

1. Reducing the mist loading to collectors would extend filter life and reduce maintenance costs.

2. Reducing oil mist deposition would improve housekeeping and fire safety in the plant and associated ventilation equipment.

3. Mist suppression would especially benefit older machining operation where mist collection equipment doesn’t exists and or cannot be effectively retrofitted.

Typical Specification


Viscosity, cSt @ 40 0 C 33

Flash Point, COC, 0 C 170

Saponification number 9

Mg KOH / gm -

Contains: -

Inactive sulphur yes

Active sulphur No

Chlorine No.




A fluid is typically sprayed onto cutting tool surfaces during the machining of metal automotive components. The cutting fluid greatly enhances the machining process and allows the mass production of components that meet engineering quality requirements. Unfortunately, the spraying and the high speed cutting action often atomize the fluid into very small droplets, creating a persistent, and fog - like mist in the plant. The generation of even small amounts of mist can become a serious concern because of the nearly continuous, high production machining activity. Oil mist can remain in the suspended for many hours and will eventually settle over large areas of the plant on floors, machinery and air ventilation work. It may also deposit on pools on plant roofs via general ventilation duckwork exhausts. Negative effect of oil mist includes poor air quality on worker’s breathing zone, housekeeping / safety issues, fire propagation upon introduction of a spark, and environmental concern if oil on the roof is carried down stormwater drains. Current health and safety regulations giving the maximum permissible concentration is being scrutinized.

We have developed cutting oil which has antimist properties and also mist suppressing character in straight oil grades and proved to be successful in plant study.

Our VELCUT ST - 53 grades are superior in all respects and this technology could complement engineering control measures as:

1. Reducing the mist loading to collectors would extend filter life and reduce maintenance costs.

2. Reducing oil mist deposition would improve housekeeping and fire safety in the plant and associated ventilation equipment.

3. Mist suppression would especially benefit older machining operation where mist collection equipment doesn’t exists and or cannot be effectively retrofitted.

This is medium viscosity dark brown oil containing active sulphur, chlorine and oiliness additives. It is suitable for all machining operations on high tensile steel and for less severe operations on stainless and heat resistant alloys. It is also recommended for gear hobbing, thread cutting machines etc…


Viscosity, cSt @ 40 0 C 37

Flash Point, COC, 0 C 160

Saponification number 1.5

Mg KOH / gm -

Contains : -

Inactive sulphur No

Active sulphur Yes

Chlorine Yes




A fluid is typically sprayed onto cutting tool surfaces during the machining of metal automotive components. The cutting fluid greatly enhances the machining process and allows the mass production of components that meet engineering quality requirements. Unfortunately, the spraying and the high speed cutting action often atomize the fluid into very small droplets, creating a persistent, and fog - like mist in the plant. The generation of even small amounts of mist can become a serious concern because of the nearly continuous, high production machining activity. Oil mist can remain in the suspended for many hours and will eventually settle over large areas of the plant on floors, machinery and air ventilation work. It may also deposit on pools on plant roofs via general ventilation duck work exhausts. Negative effect of oil mist includes poor air quality on worker’s breathing zone, housekeeping / safety issues, fire propagation upon introduction of a spark, and environmental concern if oil on the roof is carried down storm water drains. Current health and safety regulations giving the maximum permissible concentration is being scrutinized.

We have developed cutting oil which has animist properties and also mist suppressing character in straight oil grades and proved to be successful in plant study. Our VELCUT ST - PY grades are superior in all respects and this technology could complement engineering control measures as:

1. Reducing the mist loading to collectors would extend filter life and reduce maintenance costs.

2. Reducing oil mist deposition would improve housekeeping and fire safety in the plant and associated ventilation equipment.

3. Mist suppression would especially benefit older machining operation where mist collection equipment doesn’t exist and or cannot be effectively retrofitted.

Please TRY OUR VELLCUT ST - PY with varying grades available.