– Bulletin Shorts for Year B in 2018 / ¨ 3 ¨

Bulletin Shorts for Year B – 2018

Sunday Prayer Shaping Life and Belief

Eliot Kapitan

Springfield, Illinois

Ordinary Time in Winter

Two years ago, this series of bulletin shorts set out to help the faithful and catechumens delve into the Sunday Scriptures and wrestle with mercy works. That Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy 2016 set us on a journey to see-think-act in more merciful ways. This work continues. Use these shorts with your parish, community, and ministry. Put in the mail, post on the website, print in bulletin or newsletter, share in other ways that are helpful. They are a gift. Link: http://www.dio.org/worship/liturgical-year.html

Corporal Works of Mercy ● Feed the hungry ● Give drink to the thirsty ● Shelter the homeless ● Clothe the naked ● Visit the sick ● Visit the prisoners ● Bury the dead ● Give alms to the poor ● Care of our Common Home ● Spiritual Works of Mercy ● Counseling the doubtful ● Instructing the ignorant ● Admonishing the sinner ● Comforting the sorrowful ● Forgiving injuries ● Bearing wrongs patiently ● Praying for the living and the dead ● Caring for our Common Home

Bulletin Shorts for Ordinary Time, Winter in Year B

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – 14 January 2018

Q and A with Jesus. The gospel of Saint John records the very first words of Jesus as this question: “What are you looking for?” The gospel response was, and still is, “Being with you, Jesus!” To be with Jesus, we must Come! See! Stay! After seeing and staying, we believe. After believing, we act. We must.

·  What am I really looking for?

·  How can I find it in Jesus and in the Christian community?

·  Am I willing to come, see, and follow? This week it means ______.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – 21 January 2018

Different first words today. The first words of Jesus in the gospel of Saint Mark are: “Time of fulfillment…kingdom of God…at hand…repent…believe in the gospel.” We will hear them again with the giving of ashes at the first start of Lent. We need to be reminded, don’t we?

·  What is this gospel, this Good News I choose to believe today?

·  How can I live both in this world and in the kingdom of God that is already begun?

·  How will my belief spill into action, into mercy work?

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 28 January 2018

We should be amazed! Every Sunday, we hear Jesus Christ speak to us in the Bible readings. Every Sunday. Every Liturgy. Today, we are amazed at his clarity, at his authority. Even the unclean spirit knows him to be Holy and God.

·  How do I see Jesus’ holiness active in the world?

·  What do I need to hear from him?

·  What will that lead me to do?

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 04 February 2018

Busy, busy. All it took was Jesus to cure Simon’s mother-in-law for her to cook a meal for a household of guests, and later, for the house to fill with everyone from town for even more healing. When Jesus sneaks off to pray, his disciples track him down and get him back to mercy work.

·  What do I see that needs doing?

·  How do I make time to pray in this busy world, in my busy life?

·  What is the mercy work I am called to do today?

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 11 February 2018

For the glory of God. Saint Paul lays out a profoundly simple rule of thumb. Eat for the glory of God. Drink for the glory of God. Do everything for the glory of God. Some suggestions:

·  Grocery shopping – with an extra mercy bag for the food pantry.

·  Shovel the walk – and perhaps my elderly neighbor’s, too.

·  Kiss my spouse and caress my children – and comfort someone in need.

Everything for the glory of God.

Ash Wednesday – 14 February 2018

Believe in the Gospel. In the blessing and giving of ashes on this first beginning of Lent, we are urged to believe Good News. And urged to believe the One who gives it. And strive in Lent to look more like him, be more like him.