Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee meeting held 16/9/2010

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the C&S Committee

Meeting 19/10


10 AM 16/9/2010

Location: Office Bearer Space, Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies

1.5.  Proxies

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1.  19/8/2010

2.2.  3/9/2010

3.  New Club Applications

3.1.  Chinese Students and Scholars Association

3.2.  Fresh Life First

3.3.  Mahjong Club

3.4.  Pet Lovers

3.5.  Inov Inc.

3.6.  Ampersand Network

3.7.  Multicultural Student Fellowship

3.8.  Youth Charity Society

3.9.  DOTA Society

3.10. Australian Sex Party

4.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

4.1.  Regulation Amendments (Progress through Students’ Council)

4.1.1.  Recommendation for 4.3.2 (IGM Elections)

4.1.2.  Recommendation for 2.2.1.a (Affirmative Action)

4.1.3.  Consumables / Safe Food Handling Qualification Regulation Amendments

4.1.4.  Deletion of 2.2.4 (Conflicts with UMSU Constitution)

4.2.  Orientation

4.2.1.  Invoice

4.2.2.  Sponsorship money from Students Council (JD)

4.2.3.  Wilson Hall Investigation

5.  Office Bearers’ Report

5.1.  Jonathan Donagan

5.2.  Piper O’Dowd

5.3.  Mediation

6.  Correspondence

6.1.  Overseas Christian Fellowship Say Thank-You

6.2.  Indian Club Late Application for Payment

6.3.  Infinite Images Distribution of Financial Report

7.  Grants

7.1.  Standard

7.2.  For Discussion

7.3.  Budget Report

8.  C&S Council

9.  Reaffiliation

9.1.  No AGM Called

9.2.  Extensions

10.  APPLe Winding Up Surplus

11.  Iranian Society Purchase of Union Memberships with Club Funds

12.  Other Business

13.  Next Meeting (12 pm Friday October 8)

14.  Close

Meeting opened at: 10:15 AM, by Piper O’Dowd

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Piper O’Dowd be elected chair

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Steph Field


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged

1.3  Attendance

Committee: Liam Hedge, Steph Field, Cassie Lutzko, Shaun Proxy Khoo, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope, Quinn Oakley

Office Bearers: Piper O’Dowd

C&S Administrator: Fiona Sanders

Guests (New Club Reps): Yang Liu (Pet Lovers), Jiong Jin, Yong Amy Chen, Zhiyi Wang (Chinese Students & Scholars), Kenny Satria (Multicultural Student Fellowship), Yeomin Chris Cho (Inov), Haiyue Lu Jenny, Zhuoran Huang (Fresh Life First), Brittany Hancock (Ampersand), Warren Chan (Mahjong Club), Anna Ko Cai Xin, Isabelle Yip (Youth Charity Society)


Jonathan Donagan

1.4  Apologies

No apologies

1.5  Proxies

Shaun is here so there are no proxies.

1.6  Membership

Gindi arrived in time so there is no change to the membership.

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Steph Field


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1  19/8/2010

Motion 3: That the minutes from the 19/8/2101 be accepted as a true and accurate record

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Shaun Khoo


2.2  3/9/2010

Motion 4: That the minutes from the 3/9/2010 be accepted as a true and accurate record with the modification that ‘acting as Shaun Khoo’s proxy’ be removed from 4.1.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Shaun Khoo


3  New Club Applications

3.7  Multicultural Student Fellowship

The Multicultural Student Fellowship does not have 3 Union members as contacts. The committee also believes that the proposed club is a duplication of Overseas Christian Fellowship and all the Christian clubs.

Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope arrives at 10:20 pm

Quinn Oakley arrives at 10:20 pm

Motion 5: That the application be rejected because one of the three contacts is not an UMSU member.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


3.2  Fresh Life First

Fresh Life First is a skincare club who are also about natural fitness but not sports, and promoting natural health and introducing people to Chinese Medicine.

Motion 6: That Fresh Life First be granted initial approval.

Moved: Chair


3.6  Ampersand Network

Committee had questions regarding a wider ampersand network. They explained that the club is only at Melbourne University. There is difference from other community service clubs.

Motion 7: That the Ampersand Network be granted initial approval.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


3.3  Mahjong Club

We don’t have a Mahjong club.

Motion 8: That the Mahjong Club be granted initial approval.

Moved: Chair


3.8  Youth Charity Society

The Youth Charity Society is a volunteering club. They plan to do community visits to children, schools, the elderly etc.

Motion 9: That the Youth Charity Society be granted initial approval

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Steph Field


3.4  Pet Lovers

Motion 10: That the Pet Lovers be granted initial approval

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Liam Hedge


3.1  Chinese Students and Scholars Association

Chinese Scholars provide welcoming services and plan to help build networks with a focus on postgraduate students. Liam Hedge asked questions about overlap with MUOSS.

Motion 11: That the Chinese Students and Scholars Association be granted initial approval.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Quinn Oakley

CARRIED with 1 abstention

3.10 Australian Sex Party

The committee checked Rory’s Union membership. He showed them his receipt.

Motion 12: That the Australian Sex Party be granted initial approval.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Steph Field


3.5  Inov

Chris says that he paid for Dian’s union membership so that he knows that she is a member. The committee requests that he provide evidence of Dian’s union membership at the time of the meeting. Fiona explained to Shaun that the issue of the Inov being affiliated to a wider organisation was resolved in a meeting between C&S and Inov as it is a future anticipated event, not a current situation.

Motion 13: That Inov be granted initial approval provided that Dian is a member of the union at the time of this meeting.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Quinn Oakley

CARRIED with 4 for and 2 against

3.6  DOTA Society

Duplication with SEE

Motion 14: That the DOTA Society be rejected under grounds 4.1.3.e.

Moved: Chair

CARRIED with 3 for and 3 abstentions

ACTION: to tell DOTA to go play nicely with SEE

All guests have left by 10:55am

Agenda item 4: Matters arising from the Minutes

4.1  Regulation Amendments (Progress through Students’ Council)

4.1.1  Recommendation for 4.3.2 (IGM Elections)

4.1.2  Recommendation for 2.2.1.a (Affirmative Action)

4.1.3  Consumables / Safe Food Handling Qualification Regulation Amendments

4.1.4  Deletion of 2.2.4 (Conflicts with UMSU Constitution)

There has been no students’ council; therefore there has been no progress on these items.

4.2  Orientation

4.2.1  Invoice

Motion 15: To pay for the MYO ($1445) and Orientation ($13389) invoices from the orientation budget line (03 60 605 3163) and transfer the surplus of the Orienation line ($2685) TO THE Grants line (03 60 605 3531).

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


4.2.2  Sponsorship money from Students Council (JD)

No further action required as a surplus was achieved in the Orientation line with the previous transfer from Students’ Council. Agenda item closed.

4.2.3  Wilson Hall Investigation

Is looking good- committee decides to move the item to Piper’s OB reporting and goals.

Agenda item 5: Office Bearers’ Report

5.1  Jonathan Donagan

No office bearer report from Jonathan Donagan has been received. Shaun Khoo presents a case history.

At meeting 16/10 (12 August) the C&S Committee set its meeting schedule, to include meetings on 19 August, 3 September and 16 September.

At meeting 17/10 (19 August), Jono Donagan failed to submit a report prior to the meeting (Item 4.1). The document he attempted to table at the meeting was not accepted.

At meeting 18/10 (3 September), no report was submitted. An attempt to give a verbal report was rejected.

At today's meeting 19/10 (16 September), no report was submitted at all.

The regulatory framework involves Standing Orders rule 8.3, which requires that all relevant documentation shall be circulated at least two days before meetings. Rule 10 also relates to requirements regarding written reporting.

Procedures for Student Representatives, under rule 4, particularly 4.2 states that an Officer who has not submitted reports for three consecutive regular meetings shall not receive remuneration for the period no reports were submitted.

In summary:

- Reports must be submitted on time to each regular meeting of the Committee.

- This failed to occur on three consecutive occasions (19 August, 3 September and 16 September).

Motion 16: To notify Student’s Council, via the secretary Lydia Beverage, and the UMSU general manager that Jonathan Donagan has failed to report for 3 regular meetings of the C&S committee on the 19/8, 3/8 and the 16/9 and qualifies for pay to be with held for an equivalent period of 19/8 until the date of a meeting at which he reports in the format required by regulation.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Cassie Lutzko



Motion 17: The C&S Committee recommends that the amount of pay withheld be transferred to the C&S Committee grant budget.

Moved: Steph Field Seconded: Quinn Oakley


5.2  Piper O’Dowd

Piper reports that she has attened IGM’s, looked after the office while Fiona was away sick and has taken grants training.

Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope leaves at 11:17 am

Shaun Khoo requested a review of OB goals by next meeting to be included in the OB report.

Motion 18: That Piper’s OB report be accepted.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Liam Hedge

CARRIED with 1 abstention

5.3  Mediation

There has been absolutely no progress and there is unlikely to be any with mediation. Committee decides to remove the item from future agendas. Item is now closed.

Agenda item 6: Correspondence

6.1  Overseas Christian Fellowship Say Thank-You


6.2  Indian Club Late Application for Payment

Motion 19: That the Indian club’s late application for payment be rejected.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Shaun Khoo


6.3  Infinite Images Distribution of Financial Report

Infinite Images has circulated their treasurers report to members as per the C&S request.

Agenda item 7: Grants

7.1  Standard

Motion 20: That all standard grants be approved en bloc.

Moved: Chair


7.2  For Discussion

Environmental Engineering Students Society- No certificate of currency, late application (was waiting for certificate)

Motion 21: That the grant be approved on the condition that that the certificate of currency is submitted to C&S by Thursday the 23/9.

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Liam Hedge


German Club- No SFH plan yet

Motion 22: That the grant be approve on the condition that a SFH certificate and Plan is supplied by the 7/10.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Australia-China Youth Association- No SFH form, no grounds booking (event is past)

Motion 23: That the grant be rejected.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


COSDU and Club of Kites- Off campus exemptions applied for

Motion 24: That the off campus exemption and grant for both clubs be approved.

Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Shaun Khoo

CARRIED with Steph Field abstaining due to conflict of interest

Indian Club- No certificate of currency

Motion 25: That the grant be approved conditional on a certificate of currency being provided before the event,

Moved: Steph Field Seconded: Shaun Khoo


International Engineering Student Society- Off campus exemption applied for

Motion 26: That the off campus exemption and grant be approved

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Hindu Society- IGM grant

Motion 27: That the IGM grant be approved conditional on affiliation.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Indonesian Campus Ministries- Late application, no food details (IGM)

Motion 28: That the IGM grant be rejected.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Shaun Khoo


7.3  Budget Report

There is $18633 currently in the Grants budget, approximately $13,160 in outstanding applications for payment, plus the transferred surplus from Orientation $2685, which means that there is approximately $8,158 left in grants.

ACTION: Caution clubs that applications for payments will be processed in the order they are received because we are beginning to run low on money. So be organised!

Agenda item 8: C&S Council

The C&S Council is tentatively scheduled for 1pm Wednesday the 13/10.

The agenda items so far are

-  Election of C&S Committee

-  OB Report

-  Feedback on Farrago clubs guide

-  Introducing the new OB’s

Agenda item 9: Reaffiliation

9.1  No AGM Called

Petition 1: To disaffiliate the clubs that failed to call an AGM by the 2010 deadline (September 17) and have not applied for an extension. This is a failure to fulfil their obligations under C&S Regulation 5.3.5 which is grounds for discipline (Regulation 6.1.a). Clubs to which this petition applies are:

·  4P’s Club

·  4WD Club

·  African Club

·  Crazy 8AM Stretching Club

·  Filmmakers’ Guild

·  Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club

·  Friends of the Asian University for Women

·  Macedonian Awareness Society

·  Men’s Union

·  People Interested Really At The Ear Sounds (PIRATES)

Petitioners: Liam Hedge, Stephanie Field, Quinn Oakley

9.2  Extensions

Motion 29: That AGM extensions will be given to APPLe, 85 Broads, Physiotherapy Students Society and Land and Food Resources Students Association to hold the meeting and submit papers by 4:30pm on Friday 1s October.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda item 10: APPLe Winding Up Surplus

Committee consensus that APPLe transfer any surplus on winding up directly to Envi, rather than to pass it through the C&S Committee, but must provide evidence to C&S of the payment.

Agenda item 11: Iranian Society Purchase of Union Memberships with Club Funds

Club has reported purchase of 2 Union memberships with club funds for clubs executive members. Executive do not see why this is wrong.

Shaun & Cassie have been preparing a FAQ about this issue, to be tabled and discussed at the next C&S meeting.

Petition 2: To suspend the grants of the Iranian Society for 12 months for breach of responsibilities regarding UMSU membership (C&S Regulation 6.1.n), specifically for using club funds to purchase UMSU membership for executive members (prohibited by C&S Regulation 5.6.h).

Petitioners: Quinn Oakley and Shaun Khoo

Petition 3: To disaffiliate the Iranian Society for breach of responsibilities regarding UMSU membership (C&S Regulation 6.1.n), specifically for using club funds to purchase UMSU membership for executive members (prohibited by C&S Regulation 5.6.h).

Petitioners: Cassie Lutzko and Steph Field

Agenda item 12: Other Business

No other business

Agenda Item 13: Next Meeting

12 pm Friday October 8

Agenda Item 14: Close

Meeting closed at: 11:50 AM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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