/ Partnersearch
For International RTD-Projects /
6th. EU Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (2002-2006)


FFG/Division for International Research and Technology Cooperation, Donau-City-Str. 1, A-1040 Vienna

Siegfried Loicht, Tel.: +43/1/260 13-138, e-mail:

Ingrid Bauer, Tel.: +43/1/260 13-117, e-mail:

If you want to register for the BIT-Partnersearch Catalogue for Sustainable Energy Systems please fill in PART A

If you have already a project idea and are seeking partners please fill in also PART B and PART C



Organisation / Sonnenplatz Großschönau GmbH / Country / Austria
Contact person / Helmut Bruckner / Website /
Address / Harmannsteinerstr. 120 / Email /
Postcode / 3922 / Tel / 0043 2815 77270
City / Großschönau / Fax / 0043 2815 77270 40
Organisation expertise
(~500 words) / Expertise/Competences/Technologies:
The “Sonnenplatz Großschönau GmbH” is responsible to organize and build up the project “Sonnenplatz Großschönau – The 1. European Village of Passive Houses for Test Living and Lodging”: A centre of competence, creativity and technology for ecological and energy efficient building and retrofitting will be developed as a trend-setting pilot project in order to disseminate passive (= close to zero-energy) housing technology in the sphere of planners, developers, construction entrepreneurs and multipliers.
“Sonnenplatz Großschönau“ – for four years in development and now to be realised with the beginning of 2005 – is a place where for more than ten years a big environmental fair with about 35.000 visitors has been held. For some years there is also BETZ (bioenergetisches Trainingszentrum).
And soon the „Sonnenplatz“ (sun place) will be a place where day to day new people will visit a 1:1 exhibition of modern passive houses. In Großschönau approx. 20 passive houses for test living will be established by Sonnenplatz. Up to 3500 building occupants are estimated per year: 20 buildings with 2 flats in each building, with 3-4 different building occupants each week. Those Visitors and training participants will not only come from the federal country Lower Austria.
The development of innovative sustainable technologies and the implementation of intelligent metering and monitoring systems are guiding principles. Training, qualification and business-start-up incentives should help to achieve the aim of facilitating the passive house standard in all its facets to a large mass.
An impressive initial program will take place with an investing volume of 6 million euros just for demonstrative houses for test living and lodging, built up in the next years through private investors (companies in business with construction or related with construction). Parallel an Energy Competence Centre will be constructed in stages, during all stages at least in passive house quality with ecological materials, for the related services, start-ups, exhibitions, teaching and cooperation in research projects with a size of more than
4.000 m² in its final stage.
Therefore an innovative housing estate development concept has been invented, which meets the needs of a modern and integrative development process with a main emphasis on energy efficiency between living, work and various usage groups. This pilot-project was financed by the Austrian ministry for traffic, innovation and technology.
We provide competencesfor all kind of business organisations and manufacturer to reach a higher diffusion of the technologies of the passive house. We help the various participants to grow stronger in transferring knowledge of energy efficient and ecological construction. We arrange the circulation and distribution of aspects of comfort, quality of living, and technological advanced standards between the multipliers and users.
An integrative planning process and a high-level quality assurance will take place.
Research and Innovation:
In cooperation with research institutes we will enable
  • a correct comparison of different types of passive houses,
  • longitudinal analyses and
  • studies of the behaviour of users.
With partners will improve the visualization of house-plans to allow the people who will build their own house to get a realistic view of their house: not only a picture but a simulation of all rooms with furniture, the impact of the position of the house, the daily and yearly impact of sun and weather, the reduce of energy and costs through the usage of modern materials, and so on.
In cooperation we will develop systems forintelligent metering and monitoring of the established passive houses. Therefore we also cooperate with partners in the field of the technological development of houses.
Five scientific keywords / Ecological and energy efficient buildings / Energy Competence Centre / Test living and loging in passive houses / Studies of the behaviour of users / Training, Quali-fication and Dissemination
Type of organisation / Private Company – large
Private Company - SME*
Research Centre
Other (specify)
Do/Did you participate in successfull projects within the EU-Framework Programme?
yes no (If yes, please specify!)
Acronym and title:
Intelligent Metering;
Energy Savings from Intelligent Metering and Behavioural Change
Type of project and programme:
Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
EIE Programme – Call for Proposals 2003
Type 1 actions related to “Multiplying success in buildings” (SAVE)
The project will start in 2005. A website will be available in 2005, too.

* SME is defined as an enterprise which: 1) has less than 250 employees, 2) has either, an annual turnover not exceeding 40 million Euro or an annual balance-sheet total not exceeding 27 million Euro, 3) is not owned for more than 25% by enterprises that are not SMEs. Please, note that these three conditions are cumulative.