The Word talks a lot about the forehead. Behind the forehead is the brain. The soul, our life force, uses the brain, and operates through the five senses to process the world around the person. The five senses: the eyes for seeing, the ears for hearing, the tongue for tasting, the nose for smelling, and the nerve endings for feeling. The “lusts of the flesh” all appeal to these five senses. It is the instrument by which our sin nature operates—to appease the rebellious “flesh”—self-will. The soul uses the brain to process its input, both intellectual and emotional – in order to reason and make conclusions using the will. The soul is our earth-related mind, emotions and will. Even animals have a soul and a brain that processes the world around them, and they react according to the programmed nature of their DNA. The soul must be fed wisdom and knowledge of Yahuweh, so that it will be submissive to His will. The eternal spirit is reborn when one accepts Messiah Yahushua as Master and Savior, committing to Covenant responsibility as one of His disciples. Thus the eternal spirit contacts the world of Yahuweh—the eternal realm. The soul cannot contact the eternal realm, only the natural and supernatural realm of this world, and the world of Lucifer. Thus, it is the reborn spirit that must be listened to—the Spirit of Yahuweh indwelling the reborn spirit--not the fluxuating soul-realm that goes by feelings and rational intellect from what it takes in from the natural realm. The soul is easily deceived. It is easily taken off course, for it lusts after what looks good. This is how Hawwah, Eve, was deceived.

Man is the only one with a “sin nature”—natural proneness to rebellion against the Creator. Our DNA changed, when, using free will, based on what the eyes saw, the ears heard, and the pride of the flesh-life lusted after, Hawwah and Adam decided with their Elohim-given intellect to choose Lucifer’s deceptions rather than obedience to Yahuweh. For this, their DNA changed, and man became mortal, subject to disease, pain, and death. Thus, the soul became the seat of a sin-prone nature. The brain processes the lusts of the flesh, and causes the mind and the body to act them out. The soul naturally chooses rebellion (transgression) against Yahuweh. Manipulating others to get what “self” wants begins within 3-4 months after birth. This is why, as parents, we spend years training children how to obey, how to “mind”, and be submissive to authority. It was the Luciferic nature that man chose – and so man became a slave of the kingdom of darkness. Yes, Lucifer has given man knowledge of good and evil – but he stole that knowledge from Yahuweh, and by that knowledge (technology) he was able to bring his fallen angels to earth to interbreed with human women, producing his offspring—Nephilim—in his image and likeness.

Today the thrust of the world system’s Lucifer-worshipping leadership is dedicated to destroying the image and likeness of Yahuweh in the earth, and to

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mutate all human beings into something that is not human. Thus even major world colleges have departments dedicated to the “post human generation” to “transgenics” and “transhumanism”—the mixing of human DNA with animal, insect, reptile, and plant DNA. “Selective breeding” is also a major “science”.

As in my article “Morphing Into Two Different Kings of Humans”, today we see people either taking on the nature of Messiah to a higher and higher degree, or the nature of Lucifer to a higher and higher degree.

Most people live behind a mask of respectability, especially in Western culture. They say they believe one thing but their actions prove otherwise. They might have spiritual syrup on their tongue, but their heart is that of a viper. Yet, most people are fooled by nice words and pretend nice actions. Most are too lazy to

do their own research to find out the truth, and therefore are duped by evil ones disguised as nice people.

From Matthew 7:14-20: “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves. By their fruits you shall know them…every good tree yields good fruit, but a rotten tree yields wicked fruit...Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down, and thrown into the fire. So, then, by their fruits you shall know them”.

The “fruit of the re-born spirit, re-born by the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit, (Galatians 5:22-24) is the nature of Messiah Yahushua—the nature of Yahuweh, which has “seed” in it. His life-seed reproduces itself in the lives of others, as they observe our good “fruit”. Many pray a prayer to “dear Jesus” to get them out of hell, but there is no true new birth – they may be religious, but there is no new nature—no evidence of the indwelling of Yahuweh’s Spirit. (Refer to the article: “The True New Birth”)

II Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone be in Messiah, he is a new creation—old things have passed away—behold, ALL THINGS have become new.”

The word for “new” should be rendered “renewed”, as with the Covenant of Yahuweh (Jeremiah 31:31). The true new birth is a restoration back to the fellowship with Elohim that was lost when sin entered in. Once a person is truly born of the Spirit--and the Spirit does the forty things that He does at the new birth--we have the privilege of asking Him to fill us with Himself—to come live in our re-born spirit. He comes with gifts to be used for the service of the Master—I Corinthians 12:1-11. (Refer to the study: “The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit” regarding life in Yahuweh’s Spirit)

They that are led by the Spirit--they are the sons of Elohim”. (Romans 8:14) “And they that are Messiah’s have nailed the flesh with its affections and lusts, on the stake.” (Galatians 5:24)

Lucifer counterfeits whatever Elohim does in order to direct worship to himself.

Therefore, most people who think of themselves as “saved” are still in the kingdom of darkness, still under the influence of Lucifer, still slaves of their flesh, slaves of their lusts – and therefore have no concept of being a bond slave of

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Master Yahushua. There is no concept of the demands for Discipleship. There is no concept of Covenant relationship with Yahuweh. Yet, they are duped into thinking they have an eternal home in heaven. The concept of living in “heaven” comes from the Roman’s concept of the afterlife—the Elysian Fields. Most stay so ignorant of the Word that they never find out that there is not one verse in the whole Bible that says we spend eternity in heaven—not one. The Word clearly states that we spend eternity on the earth--in the land of Israel, with a Jewish/Levite King for 1,000 years, and then with Yahuweh forever.

Those who love truth are feared as enemies by those who hide behind masks! Messiah was always unmasking the religious leaders, and when He did, behind the mask was hate, viciousness, cruelty, and murder. There is no more wicked spirit than that which rides on religion! Religion is coupled with the Jezebel spirit. Yahuweh and Yahushua have nothing to do with religion, or with groups or organizations controlled by man. Man usurps His authority, and thus He stands against all man-created institutions that are used to control His people. He wants to teach His servants what they need to know.

So, He is now dealing with a small remnant that is humble, contrite, who “trembles at His Word”, who serves Him with fear and love, with faithful obedience without compromise. (Isaiah 66:1-2; Isaiah 57:15)

The greatest and most dangerous deceptions come from people who outwardly say all the right things, and do all the right religious things to impress others, but who has have had no new birth from above by the Spirit of Yahuweh. They are not a new creation, do not have the mind of Messiah, nor have the nature of Messiah—but carry the mind of Lucifer. Yet, they fool most people, because most have no spiritual discernment. The Word warns about these pretenders, hypocrites, and deceivers – read the little book of Jude. These are most dangerous to the pure set-apart ones.

II Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false apostles, deceptive workers, masquerading as apostles of Messiah. And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light! It is not surprising then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works”.

Yet, lazy fools who do not study the Word, with the Spirit to teach them, fall for the fakes and counterfeits, running after them as if they were gods. The “Christian Right” supported George W. Bush – calling him a good Christian. Yet, they never looked under the table to see who his friends were – the Skull and Bones, the Masons, the Illuminati, homosexuals, murders, Nazis, etc. Don’t you know “birds of a feather flock together?”

The genuine are dangerous to the masked – for those genuine ones, filled with the Spirit of Yahuweh, discern what is behind the masks and expose them, as did their Master on earth. The genuine have His authority-backing. The genuine are

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His Amos 7:7-8 plumb lines in the earth. When the hidden ones get around a plumb line, the demons in them react. Those who walk the plumb line of Yahuweh’s truth, become living plumb lines themselves. Many hide behind outward Torah observance “mask-querading” as righteous – but there is no nature like Messiah’s--no evidence of a new creation that is humble, gentle, kind, full of love, faith, peace and joy. They are not servants of Yahuweh. Remember, just because a person serves in a church, organization or group, doesn’t mean they are serving Yahuweh. Each person has to hear from His heart what their job is—their assignment from the Master.

The love of Messiah is manifested in our serving those in need—dying to our self-life—laying down our self life in order to submit to His will—which is to bring others to a saving knowledge of Messiah and a knowledge of the Torah (Teachings and instructions) of Yahuweh, for the Kingdom to come. Those who serve the Master do not get esteem and honor for what they do most of the time – for they only give honor to their Master. These big names, to whom people flock to hear “the Word”, are usurping the honor and esteem of Yahuweh. Is He not able to teach us? (I John 2:27; John 16:13)

So, in these days, those who “see” in the spirit by the Spirit behind the masks of the deceivers (false prophets) are a target for the enemy.

Many people try to wow me with their spirituality, their eye-to-eye sincere looks and their passionate words of love for “God”, “Lord”, “Father”, “Yeshua”, or even “Yahweh”. But, by His Spirit, I discern the deception immediately. When I see their eyes, I can often see the deception--demonic spirits, and the falsehood peer out at me--besides hearing their empty words. He has allowed me to know the nature of man, and so I can expose its deceptiveness. Then their works confirm what I already know. The Spirit alerts us to deceivers. Often He will impress our spirit that something is just not quite right. When He impresses us that something is not right—we need to heed right away, and take action to go the other direction. He is trying to warn us all the time, if we will listen!

But, most people are “Too Busy to Hear” – refer to that article.

The tragedy is that very, very few really know Yahushua, because they do not know Yahuweh (John 6:44-45). To know Elohim as the Elohim of Israel, is paramount to knowing Him—His nature, His ways, His thinking—because He thinks incredibly different than the western mindset. (Refer to the article: “East vs. West). No one can know Him outside an eastern/Hebrew mindset—basically an ancient Hebrew mindset—natural to the Middle East. To put a western mindset, which is pagan and heathen, on Them, is to see Them as the Greeks, Romans, and Persians saw Zeus, Apollo, Osiris, and Mithra.

The man-followers are the “itching ear” bunch of II Timothy 4:3-4. These will easily fall for the wiles of the Beast system and the Beast and be damned forever.

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A friend from Aqaba said that Abba had spoken to him: “What you see the majority flocking to do, turn away from”. Luke 16:15: “And Yahushua said unto them: `You are they who justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts—for that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of Elohim’ ”. Judge everything that you do and say by this admonition.

Let the Spirit show you what forehead you have. Use this article to honestly evaluate your life. Your forehead category determines your eternal destiny!


1)  The whore’s forehead (Jeremiah 3:3, 7-8, 20; Revelation 17:1-6)

2)  The leprous forehead (Leviticus 13:55; II Chronicles 26:20)

3)  Goliath’s exposed forehead (I Samuel 17:49)

4)  The Beast-marked forehead (Revelation 13:16; 14:9-11)

5)  The disciplined forehead (Exodus 13:8, 16, Deuteronomy 6:8; 11:18)

6)  The flint forehead vs. the hard head (Ezekiel 3:8-9)

7)  The Set-apart forehead (Exodus 28:38-39; Psalm 140:7)

8)  The Yahuweh-marked and sealed forehead (Ezekiel 9:4 vs. Revelation 9:4; Revelation 3:12; 7:1-8; 14:1; 20:4; 22:4)

#1) The whore’s forehead

Jeremiah 3:3: “…you have a whore’s forehead—you refuse to be ashamed”. Revelation 17:5: “…and upon her forehead a name written: Mystery Babylon, the Great, the Mother of the whores and the abominations and filthiness of her whoring”.

If you have read my articles on end-time Babylon, you will know that historically and literally, the culmination of all that was begun with Nimrod in Babylon—even depicted on the Great Seal—ended up in America from its inception. If you read the classic The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, and the recently written books by Tom Horn--Nephilim Stargates and Apollyon Rising 2012, you will see that for the 6,000 years of present human history, Lucifer has been working through the spirit of Nimrod to bring the world into unity. Nimrod’s wife Semeramis was the original Mother Earth, and Queen of Heaven, and Nimrod the original sun god who supposedly reincarnated after his death as Tammuz, the little sun god/savior. Thus the statues and pictures of the Queen of Heaven holding her little boy in her arms goes back to just after the Flood, and the doctrines of Nimrod and Semeramis have permeated the world’s religions and cultures ever since. Today the whole world is gathering around their original doctrines of ancient Babylon, and the Luciferic hierarchy is working on resurrecting Nimrod once again to rule the world.