Planning 10Name: ______
Part I: Sexually Transmitted Infections/Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Use the internet to answer the following questions.
1)What is the difference between a Sexually Transmitted Infection/Sexually Transmitted Disease (STI/STD)?
2)List two ways you can get help if you suspect you might have an STI.
Part II: Condoms
Use to answer the following questions.
3)How does a condom protect against unwanted pregnancies and STIs?
4)What is the difference between a male condom and a female condom?
5)When a condom is used properly, what is the leakage rate?
6)When a condom is used properly, what is the breakage rate?
7)If you are using a condom properly, is it possible for the woman to become pregnant?
8)Condoms are now labeled with a size so that to give a better fit. What might happen if the condom is too large? What might happen if the condom is too small?
9)Natural membrane or sheepskin condoms (as opposed to latex condoms) are not recommended for protection against what?
10)If someone is allergic to latex, what is a good alternative to latex condoms that is just as effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies and STIs?
11)How often might pregnancy result after sexual intercourse, even with the use of a condom? Why?
12)Do condoms expire?
13)Does the birth control pill offer any protection against STIs?
14)Where should condoms be stored? Why?
Part III: Birth Control
Use and the internet to find the answers to the following questions.
15)What is dual protection?
16)The website lists 8 forms of birth control. What are they?
17)What is EC?
18)How soon after unprotected sex should EC be used?
19)List 3 reasons why a woman might need to use EC.
Use the internet to answer the following questions.
20)What is the 100% effective method of preventing an unplanned pregnancy?
21)What percentage of young women who have intercourse without using a method of birth control will become pregnant in one month?
22)Should only females be concerned with birth control?
23)When using a condom correctly, the tip should be squeezed while it is put on. Why?
24)If you choose to have sex, do you always need to use a birth control method?
25)If you choose to have sex, what is your best bet in preventing STIs and pregnancy?
26)Can women get pregnant during their period?
27)Can a woman become pregnant the first time she has sex?
28)Can a woman still get pregnant if there is no penetration?
29)Are the rhythm method or withdrawal method as effective as other birth control methods?
30)Does EC replace consistent birth control use?
31)Does the birth control pill protect against STIs?
32)Should a condom be used during oral sexual activities to reduce the risk of catching a STI?
33)Remind me again of the only 100% effective way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy or STI?