Those in authority: 3-9 May

The general election is here: an important time for the future of our nation. Let's come together in prayer for our leaders and our country, asking for God's will to be done.

Sunday 3 May

'I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness'1 Timothy 2:1-2

Ask God to be with us as we pray and vote this coming week and pray for wisdom and insight to know how to intercede for people in authority.

Monday 4 May

It can be easy to forget that poverty and social injustice are not just international issues, and to remember that there are struggling and marginalised people in every community–even in the relatively affluent UK. Pray that the voices of the marginalised will be heard in this election and that their interests will be upheld by whoever is elected.

Tuesday 5 May

Fewer than half the world 's countries are democracies. Give thanks for the freedoms and rights we enjoy in the UK, including our right to vote. Lift up those living in countries where political, religious and other liberties are limited or withheld, and pray for a breakthrough of God's freedom in those places.

Wednesday 6 May

Pray for MPs and candidates up and down the country as they prepare for election day tomorrow. Pray they'll know peace, and that there will be good will between candidates and supporters from different parties.

Thursday 7 May

Pray that today's voting will go smoothly and peacefully. Pray that the turnout will be good, with people seizing this opportunity to elect our government, and that votes will be prayerfully considered.

Friday 8 May

Pray for the new government as it forms. Pray for strong and honest working relationships, and for people to be given roles in which their skills and gifts can be best used. Pray that the new government will grow into an amazing force for hope, well-being and transformation in this country and around the world.

Saturday 9 May

Lord of all, thank you for the freedom we have to vote for our leaders. We pray that the members of our new government will uphold biblical principles of peace and justice. Give them the strength and conviction to 'loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free ...' (Isaiah 58:6). We pray these things in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea

Buy a newspaper: whichever one you buy, it will probably contain a feature on the new government. Take a highlighter pen and mark the names of some of the politicians mentioned, and then spend some time in prayer for them.

God so loved the world: 10-16 May

At Tearfund, we are reflecting on how we can live so that everyone can flourish and Cod's creation is protected, amid problems such as over-consumption and inequality. Please join us this week as we grapple with these issues in prayer.

Sunday 10 May

'The earth is the Lord's and everything in it' Psalm 24:1

Give thanks for God's amazing creation. Take time to cherish the beauty of God's wonderful earth and be reminded how awesome he is. Visit a local beauty spot if you can, and pray as you look out on creation.

Monday 11 May

People around the world have been praying and fasting each month for the climate as an act of solidarity. (Visit prayandfastfortheclimate.org.uk for details.) Pray that people will take on a deeper responsibility for stewarding creation, and ask God to speak to you a bout what you can do.

Tuesday 12 May

In December there will be a significant climate summit in Paris. Pray for the delegates and decision-makers, that they will remember the fact that we need urgent action on the changing climate, for the sake of the most vulnerable people living in extreme poverty.

Wednesday 13 May

What is it that you love? The For the love of campaign highlights the fact that many of the things we love are under threat from the impact of the changing climate. (Visit fortheloveof.org.uk for details.) Pray that this initiative has real and lasting impact on the world that God loves.

Thursday 14 May

Last week, the UK went to the polls in the general election. Pray that the new government will work to remember the poor (Galatians 2:10) and remain focused on issues of global as well as domestic poverty. Pray that the environment will be high on the political agenda.

Friday 15 May

With power also comes responsibility. Pray for the newly elected MP in the constituency where you live as they represent you and your community in parliament. Pray that they will stand up for justice and will listen to and act on their constituents' concerns.

Saturday 16 May

Father God, we thank you for your world. We are sorry that so often we do not treat it as you would wish us to. In your grace and mercy, please forgive us and help us to take steps to play a part in renewing your world by how we live. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea

God cares passionately for the oppressed, widows and orphans and he wants good things for them. Reflect on God's compassion in Psalm 146. Two years on, pray for the survivors of Rana Plaza, the building that collapsed in Bangladesh in 2013, who are still finding life a challenge.

Cheerful givers: 17-23 May

Every day at Tearfund, we hear amazing stories of how you, our supporters, give time, energy and finances to help release the most vulnerable people on earth from poverty. Here's a small sample of the creative and brilliant ways you're making a difference for those in need ...

Sunday 17 May

Aintree Mission Community Church held a summer fair and bake sale to raise funds for Tearfund's No Child Taken anti-child trafficking campaign. Five ladies worked hard to make the event happen and it was a great success, raising £840. A wonderful time was had by all, praise God!

Monday 18 May

Lynda Pembleton, a Tearfund supporter since the 1970s, asked for donations to Tearfund and A Rocha UK for her birthday. 'I don't need more stuff at 80 years old,' she says. Praise God that, as a result, we received a gift of £245, which will help bring hope to many people.

Tuesday 19 May

Two sisters and their cousin from Mold, North Wales, chose to raise money for No Child Taken by collecting, decorating and then selling pebbles. Pray that God will release creativity in more young people to volunteer and raise support for Tearfund.

Wednesday 20 May

Over the summer, Kevin McCann walked from John O'Groats to Land's End to raise money for Tearfund water projects. Praise God that he raised £1,690. Pray for strength and perseverance for all our supporters who undertake physical challenges.

Thursday 21 May

Norman Beech and his son, James, undertook a unique challenge to raise funds for No Child Taken. They were the first ever to enter a tandem in the five-day Ride Around Ireland. Thank God for supporters who push themselves to the limit for people in poverty.

Saturday 23 May

Father God, we thank you for all those attending the Big Church Day Out Christian music festival today. We pray that many of them will hear about Tearfund's No Child Taken anti-child trafficking campaign and respond in prayer, action and offering support. Amen.

Friday 22 May

Back in June 2014, we heard of a young girl who wanted to celebrate her seventh birthday by raising money to help Syrian refugees. She decorated a tissue box and invited friends and family to put donations inside. Pray that the £175 she raised will be effective in helping families devastated by the conflict.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do

There are many ways you can help us follow Jesus where the need is greatest. If you've been inspired by the stories this week, contact our enquiries team at or call us on 0208 977 9144 o find out how you can get more involved.

Aroma of peace: 24-30 May

For 50 years, Colombia was gripped by violent conflict between the government, paramilitaries and guerrilla groups, which left and estimated 220,000 people dead. However, a peace process which began in 2012 has ignited the hope of a more stable future ...

Sunday 24 May

Over the years, conflict has forced 5.7 million people to flee their homes. Tearfund's Country Representative for Colombia, Rosa Camargo de Bravo, was herself displaced. 'Pray for the process of peace and reconciliation after so many years of war,' she says.

Monday 25 May

Tearfund supported Peniel Church in north-west Colombia to care for 300 displaced families. Now the community as a whole provide shelter for newly displaced people, continuing that work. 'When we arrived here, the church helped us, so now it's our turn,' they said. Let's praise God for the generosity of churches and host communities.

Tuesday 26 May

Four members of Constanza Turbay's family were killed by guerrillas from the Fuerzas Armadas evolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). In a poignant moment during last year's peace talks, Constanza met FARC's chief negotiator, who asked her forgiveness. She says, 'If we who have been directly affected by violence can take this step, why can't the rest of the country?' Pray for forgiveness and healing to flow.

Wednesday 27 May

During the civil war, violence against women escalated. Shirley was abused at the age of eight and grew up angry and embittered, taking out her pain on her son. Let's thank God that, after attending a church supported by Tearfund's partner, she now says, 'Step by step, the Holy Spirit removed the anger from my heart, and I am free to love and care for my son.'

Thursday 28 May

Growing up surrounded by violence made 12-year-old Mario yearn to join an armed gang. Tearfund's partner, Red Viva Colombia, runs a football project helping young people like Mario to stay out of gangs and find love, acceptance and faith in Jesus. Praise God for this life-changing venture.

Friday 29 May

A different kind of struggle faces people of indigenous and African descent in Colombia. 'The indigenous population is at the bottom of the social scale, without real opportunities for education, healthcare and career development,' says Country Representative Rosa. Pray for a more equal, just and inclusive society.

Saturday 30 May

Colombia also faces insecurity in the natural world, and was hit by a catastrophic drought in 2013. Thank God that Tearfund was able to provide eight badly affected indigenous villages with emergency food, water and medical care. Ask God to grant resilience to the people of Colombia when they face future natural disasters.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do

More than 60 per cent of the world's coffee comes from just four countries, one of which is Colombia. Sadly, many coffee growers aren't paid a fair wage and struggle to make ends meet. When you visit the supermarket, why not buy some fairly traded Colombian coffee, which guarantees the farmers a fair and stable price?

Tearfund Prayer Diary May2015 – tearfund.org/praying