Mega Hunters

Pack Hunters - Part 1Cloze Passage

All pack hunters have four things in common when attacking and killing their prey. They use teamwork to hunt them, co-operative ______and unique ways of ______and ______their prey all for the sake of a kill. The main roles of the lion are for the female to do most of the ______with the male ______and ______. The ______the female lions use to catch their ______is for one to get as ______as possible to drive the animal to another ______in the bush. Lions have great vision that is ______times better than humans, can hear prey from ______away and can ______how recently the prey has past. While lions can ______55km/h they can only maintain it for a few seconds. The typical deathblow of the lion is ______the neck and ______the windpipe. After a kill ______always eat first, then the ______and what is left over goes to the ______. On average a lion needs to eat up to ______of meat daily.

sixlurkingrestingstrategyhunting 7kg

sprintcrushingambushingcloseprotecting their territory communicating cubs biting 1.6kms strategies males females prey smell

Hyenas live in clans that reach as much as ______. The hierarchy of the hyena has a ______always as the chief, below them is the ______and at the bottom of the social order is the adult ______. Hyenas are regarded as ______

often tipped off that fresh meat is about by ______. Packs work together effectively,including a ______where they form a______around the herd of animals in an effortto isolate one that is ______behind and pursue it to their death. Hyenas eat every part of the carcass excluding hair and horns and ______eat rotten meat that would make other animals sick.

semi circle malestragglinghappilyscavengers

vultures 80 femalestrategycubs

The ______before they can attack firstly need to ______themselves. The meerkats protect themselves by having one ______climb a shrub to keep ______and barks and gives ______that all is clear while the rest of the ______come and hunt.

watchmob meerkats defend signals member

The humpback whale is known as the ______gentle ______. They feed in ______, live off their fat in ______and are known to ______up to 16 000kms round trip. The humpbacks when hunting use singing and blowing to create a ______that is ______. To net thousands of fish one whale creates a wall of ______while on the opposite side another sounds a ______. The fish become surrounded by the bubbles and swim to the ______where the whales are ______to swallow the school of fish whole. The humpback can ______their jaws up to 4 metres.

combination spread oceans surface waiting winter

bubbles summer lethal battle crygiantmigrate

______like the hyena begin to eat their ______when they are still alive. The wolves ______is used to summon members of the ______send a ______and to mark ______. In the hierarchy of the wolf pack the alpha ______and ______are always the ______and the only members to produce ______. The ______glands in the toes of the wolves are special because they leave a ______for pack members to ______. They have a highly developed ______to ______scents from 3km away.

follow pack wolves borders male offspring first to eat message prey female

scenthowl detect warning sense of smell

Mega Hunters

Pack Hunters - Part 2 Cloze Passage

We share ______of our DNA with chimpanzees. Chimpanzees consume a great range of prey animals including antelope and ______.Their attacks on their favourite prey the ______is brutal and dramatic. They take position on the treetops ______the monkeys and ______their escape route. The ______monkeys are killed by a bite to the neck while the adult monkeys are killed by the chimpanzees using gravity to hurl the prey against a hard surface including the ______and a ______limb. The ______eat first but they share their meat with ______and ______.

males surroundingwild pigsallies ground tree younger 98% cutting off Red Colobus Monkey family

The Red-bellied ______are most notorious. They hunt as a pack and attack prey ____ times ______. They have sensors along their body which they use to detect other creatures movements. In order to survive a piranha will feed on another injured piranha, they are ______! Piranhas are attracted by noise, splashing and ______. They can detect a drop of blood from ______.

cannibals their size3km awayPiranhas tenblood

The ______is the fastest animal on land. The cheetah can reach its top speed of 110 kph in just ______! They hunt by ______not sound. Cheetahs have “tear marks” that run from the inside corners of their ______. These marks help reflect the ______of the ______when they are hunting during the day. Females hunt ______while males ______. They usually chase down their prey and then ______its throat.

glare bite Cheetah eye sun alone

3 seconds hunt in packs vision

Army Ants have large ______like jaws called ______. They use them to ______prey apart. While they are dicing up their prey, they spread a dissolving ______. Once flesh, ______and tendons melt down to a liquidised matter, they ______it and keep going. The only defence is not ______a muscle. The army ants are nearly ______so they detect prey by movement. Scouts are sent out to ______food then they ______by scent to the colony.

blind musclesscissorfind acideat

mandibles relay messagesslice moving

The Orca is a ______. They feast on marine life mammals such as ______, sea lions and even whales eating up to ______daily. They use ______to communicate and hunt, making ______that travel underwater until they meet objects, then bounce back, revealing their ______, size, and shape.They are known to grab seals right off the ______. When they detect big game they use a ______pronged ______. They force the great whale to swim ______and tire the ______. The calf becomes ______from their mother. The orcas will dunk the calf until it ______and ______. This marathon torment can last up to six ______.

soundsseparatedhours killer whale 140kg weakens ice calf drowns seals echolocation location two faster attack

Painted dogs are the wild dogs of ______. They are regarded as the most ______hunters on earth with ______out of ______chases ending in a ______. The pack starts with a charge of the prey to cause a ______, which will reveal the weaklings. Their only weapon is their ______with large premolars for ______and eating ______. Adults ______meat for pups, but painted dogs are so social, they share ______with the sick and the ______members of the pack. They seldom show aggression to each other, which is ______in the natural world. When prey is trapped, the dogs enjoy the advantage of a ______attack, a tactic that sooner or later ______down the defender. They are able to ______themselves from the lethal horns of African game. As one holds prey by the ______, another pins it by the mouth with the rest going for the guts and ______it alive.

protect360 degreefourteeth tail

Africabones fiveelderly wears

crushingsuccessful killeating regurgitate

stampedefood rare behaviour

Mega Hunters

Ultimate Predators - Part 1 Cloze Passage

Great White Sharks count on the element of ______as they hunt. They have terrifyingly sharp, ______teeth, speed, excellent______, hear very well, can detect motion and a single drop of blood from over 1km away and can ______a seal colony from 2kms away. The Great White is the only known fish species to ______and stick their head above the water to see what is on the surface. Sharks don't chew their food; they rip off ______of meat and swallow them whole. Their jaws are not ______to their skull so they can open wide and take huge bites.

smellspy hop serrated fused

eye sightchunkssurprise

The South American Green Anaconda uses ______power; squeezing their prey to death. They weigh up to 90kg and grow to ______in length. To support their large ______they spend all their time in and around the water. They use camouflage and underwater stalking to ______their prey. Their eyes and nasal openings are on top of their ______allowing them to lay in wait for prey while remaining nearly completely submerged.When the Anaconda strikes they use their six rows of teeth to latch on to their prey and ______around it, tightening their grip when the prey exhales. The Anaconda has flexible ______that creates an elastic jaw and it has teeth that bend ______to allow them to engulf their prey in one bite.

heads 6m ligaments constriction

ambushbodybackwards coil

The ______is a legendary Australian predator with not even the ______animal escaping them for long. Dingoes are great caregivers with everything given over to the new ______. The ______play teaches the pups to compete. Generally, Dingoes like most predators go for prey that will put up the ______resistance. Hunting is generally done ______for smaller prey including rabbits, ______, birds and lizards. The Dingo hierarchy is worked out through ______and the occasionally fight; consequently they all know their ______in the hunt. When it comes to hunting big game dingoes learn to work in ______as they work in ______to take the animal down. A pack of dingoes can devour an entire ______in minutes.

intimidationalone relays tandem


least kangaroolitter rodents

While the Grizzly Bear will eat anything, most of their ______is not even meat. Much of their diet consists of ______, berries, fruit, leaves, and roots.They have developed ______teeth to chew tough plants, long ______for digging insectsand plant roots. Grizzly Bears are continually on the ______digging, ______, and scavenging. Where fish are plentiful their cousins grow ______. Young and old gravitate to the salmon filled ______with the biggest bear claiming the best ______. Further inland they need to ______other hunting strategies. When hunting the Bison, which is ______the size of the bear, it is no easy takedown. The key is to ______the ______from the mother. Despite their impressive size, up to 450kg, they attack with ______and power. Grizzlies are quite fast and have been ______at 48 kilometers an hour.

calf grinding twice clocked claws nuts river seperate develop grazing diet prowl larger spots speed

Stop at 22:38

Mega Hunters

Ultimate Predators - Part 2 Cloze Passage

The Siberian Tiger weighs up to 270kg with nasty claws and canines and can sprint 56kmh, however, due to their lack of ______they miss far more often than they kill. They are powerful hunters that use their distinctive coats as ______and hunt by stealth. They lie in wait and ______close enough to attack their victims with a quick spring and a fatal pounce. Cubs depend on their mother for up to 3 years but only half ______that long.

creep survive camouflage stamina

The Galapagos Hawk is armed with a vicious ______and set of ______. They mainly feed on small mammals, birds and reptiles but their favourite meal is the ______. The best opportunity to hunt comes once a year when the female iguanas go inland to lay and ______eggs. The real feast comes 100 days later when the hawks gather around the ______waiting for the ______iguanas to pop out where they ______on the hatchlings. This feast coincides with the birth of the young hawks where they are feed with ______iguana.

young bury burrows marine iguana

talons gorge beak fresh

The heat in the nest determines crocodile ______. If the nest is kept between 31 and 32 the hatchling will be ______, while temperatures above and below produce ______hatchlings. Only 1% of newborns make it to ______. Crocodiles are ______hunters preferring to wait for prey to come to them. The biggest meal of the year is ______time when zebras, antelope and

______go searching for green grass and ______. Crocs can stay under the water for up to ______at a time working their way to the ______waiting for the right moment to pounce. They have 68 teeth to latch onto their prey. ______can notchew, they thrash and spin the animal around ripping them into ______.

female pieces water male

ambush crocodilegender migration

adulthood wildebeest 2hrs edge

The Leopard Seal is one of the ______deadliest hunters. The 3m, 450kg adult seal can barely rollover on the beach, however, when they ______into water they become ______. Their ______body with powerful flippers can reach speeds of up to 22kmh. Their tactics are simple; they swim along the edge of the penguin ______staying underwater and out of sight, then ______the birds just as they enter the water after jumping off the ice. The seals grab the penguin by their ______and repeatedly belt it against the surface ______it to pieces. It eats the ______and ______parts leaving the rest to float away.

snare transformed feet colony Antarctic’s

smashing flesh drop fatty streamlined

The Amazon River’s electric eel has the ______hunting technique of them all killing their prey with a ______of electricity. They first produce a small ______field to ______and find other animals. The ______and muscle activity of other fish ______the killer electric eel closer then it delivers a death ______of 500 volts.

draw shock navigate blow strangest electric heartbeat

The Polar Bear has a ______sense of smell. They can detect seals from 1.5kms away and under 1metre of ______. The polar bear follows the scent of the seal’s ______as they use air holes in the ice in order to breathe. The bears will wait until the seal surfaces and pounce on them. Seals also build ______under the snow and when the polar bear locates it they will ______the roof and pull out the meal. They will eat the ______and leave the ______behind where the arctic fox will feast.

denskeen blubber breath

meat snow smash

Mega Hunters

Predator Weapons - Part 1 Cloze Passage

The primary hunting tool for birds of prey are knife like ______. Sometimes they kill with their ______strike or the talons are used to restrain their victim and squeeze the life out of them or they can be used to ______organs causing loss of ______. In the rocky area known as the Falkland Islands, a taloned hunter thrives. The Striated caracara terrorise each other before wreaking ______on the rest of the island.Caracaras mainly______.When elephant seals molt, they ______on dead skin. However, the fur seal colony provides the main course with the newborn pups. When the seal mums go ______, hunting season opens and that's when the young ______learn how to use their talons. The caracaras also use their talons as ______trying to open the eggs of the rock hopper penguin.

pierceblood hammers fishing

talonshavoc snack scavenge initial caracara

The Harris Hawk from North America can’t just rely on their talons they have ______to the desert by learning to hunt together. Cooperative hunting groups of Harris Hawks are more ______at capturing prey than individuals hunting alone. They work together making it ______, even for the speedy cottontail rabbit. They attack in relay form to chase the prey out into the open and when the rabbit ______away from one hawk it will zag right into the talons of another hawk. Unlike other birds of prey they will share their catch.

deadly zigs adapted successful

Amongst the American tropics lives an armoured creature that is no ordinary ______because it can kill its prey with one swift venomous jab. The ______cm plus centipede has ______legs at most. It uses its sharp ______filled with toxins to attack their prey’s nervous system. It breathes partly through ______in its body making it prone to dehydration. Preferring to hunt by night its ______prey are spiders, birds, lizards, rodents and frogs. The centipede is nearly ______however, their antenna can ______the tiniest of movements. They can kill with one heart stopping ______of venom.

pincers holes 46 30 favourite

injection centipede blind detect

The most ______and venomous predator is the King Cobra which ______in forest plains of Southern Asia. One bite has enough ______to kill the largest creature in the jungle. Their ______food is other snakes. They climb a tree to gain an ______point to spot prey. The King Cobra can spot prey from nearly 100m away, they can also ______the movements of other snakes through ground vibrations and use their ______as a direction finder. The Cobra can strike from a metre away injecting venom through the ______. The venom affects the nervous system causing dizziness, sleepiness and finally ______. They ______the whole dinner by expanding its jaws to accommodate a super-sized meal and its ______also face backward, to move the meal along.

detect paralyses thrives teeth tongue fangs notorious gulp

venom favourite advantage

Mega Hunters

Predator Weapons - Part 2 Cloze Passage

The Great White Shark is the world’s ______flesh-eating fish.Its weapon of choice the 300 ______steak knives, which grow right from its gums.Each jaw carries several rows of deadly blades that are ______all throughout its life.Every eight months, ______teeth advance from the back of the mouth like bullets in an ammo belt.One of the most wide-ranging predators, it hunts in all ______seas in waters no higher than your waist to 900m deep. It eats dolphins, dead whales and even other great whites. For maximum ______and power, the shark floors the pedal. While not all strikes are successful the shark rarely misses ______.When large prey fights back, the shark avoids injury by leaving it to ______to death and once it’s safe, it moves in for the feast.A great white’s teeth are designed for stabbing not chewing. It has no ______so it grips prey and thrashes its body twisting off flesh and swallowing it whole. The great white is often referred to as “______” because they have a bite that may pack nearly two tons of force that is twenty times the ______of the human jaw.

molarsreplaced seven bleed serrated twice Jaws power biggest new surprise