Minutes of FSO General Meeting held October 14, 2013 at Kennedy Elementary School

Attendance: Kelly Klug, Jason Koehler, Lisa Rau, Amy Lueck, Tom Engel, Becky Bryhan, Amy Couture, Jennifer Shimon, Jamie Koehler, Aileen Kloss, Kristen Welch, Clar La Duke & Sarah Grimm

Meeting called to order by the president at 6:35 pm.

Minutes from the September meeting were read over. They were approved with a few changes.

Introductions were made all around.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Engel handed out Kennedy’s School Report Card. He noted a few things including there was a slight increase to 79.7 from 79.1 from last year and that Kennedy is in the Exceeds Expectation zone. He discussed about how the report card is calculated and that it is tough to move up due to the changes in testing. If anyone has questions regarding Kennedy’s score, please feel free to talk to Mr. Engle or Mrs. Sieber.

Eagle Games: There was a discussion about the history of April Madness and the district’s desire that all 3 elementary schools do something together. Mr. Engel said there is a need for a parent representative to meet with parents from Woodview and GES to redefine April Madness. Aileen volunteered. There was discussion about whether we could do both Eagle Games and April Madness, and whether it would stretch staff/students/parents too thin. Mr. Engel mentioned that Mr. Mangin was interested in doing something school-wide for the winter Olympics, which could also come at the same time of year. Before any final decisions are made as to Kennedy’s involvement in April Madness, we will wait to hear from Aileen on what the April Madness committee comes up with.

Veteran’s Day – Mr. Jim will be planning something similar to what was done in past years. There will be speakers coming in which will be spread out over multiple days.

The Document Cameras were purchased. Payment will be made at a later date.

Mini-Grant – Mr. Engel presented a mini-grant from Mrs. Gasiorowski requesting $456 to purchase a new rug for her classroom. This is the rug where the students spend a large amount of time sitting on. It was approved by all.

Teacher’s Report: Nothing to report at this time.

Treasurer’s Report: Jason did not print out the current financial spreadsheet due to many last minute things coming in. He reported that Mr. Z’s grossed $16,732 before online sales. With that, Kennedy will earn approximately $7,000. There was also $60 given in cash donations directly to the school. At this time, he did not have any deposits from Scrip. Jason said that even with cutting the meal price we still made $108 on the Back to School picnic. There was some discussion on whether we should lower the prices again but it was noted that much of what was purchased was on sale and that helped. We will look at the price again next year. He uncovered a receipt for $896 from the purchase of the books for 2nd grade from last year so that will be added to the financials.

Back to School Night: There was discussion on how everything went. There was a favorable response to having the food inside. Next year, we will have better communication with all on how long the classrooms are open.

Red Ribbon Week (October 14-18): The students will sign the poster during lunch. There will be a speaker for the 3rd – 5th graders.

McTeacher Night will be on Thursday, October 17th from 4 to 7 pm.

Restaurant Nights – Kari Wall will be getting out the list of Restaurants. Quizno’s will be in November. Many of the restaurant nights will fall on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

BoxTops – Kelly will be sending out collection sheets in the Thursday folders. As a prize for the winning class, she mentioned pizza or an extra recess. She will meet with Mrs. Sieber and Mr. Engel to determine what would be best.

Halloween Family Fun Night will be on Friday, October 18th. Both parents and students are encouraged to come in their costumes. Four middle/high school students are still needed to help. New this year is a maze.

Mr. Z’s/Chip Shoppe pick up will be on Wednesday, October 23rd from 2:45-6 pm. The truck will arrive at 1:30 .

Scrip – Lisa R. said it is going well. At this point, we have made about $250. The Citgo (located at Hwy 43 & 60) is offering a 10% return and 5₵ off per gallon when using your Scrip card. There is an option where parents can give towards teacher’s buying giftcards – this would be a great option for Christmas.

Original Works of Art – Aileen has the packets of artwork to go home in the Thursday folder. They are using the prices recommended by the company. The forms are due back on November 1st so that she will be able to send them in on November 12th. The orders will be in by December 5th.

November Family Fun Night will be BINGO on November 15th. Kelly will check to see if Marti is still able to help.

Meeting Adjourned 7:38 pm.

** NEXT MEETING – November 11th @ 6:30 **